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Last active July 29, 2019 02:05
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VSCode Shortcuts


Useful plugins

Expand selection to scope

Disable fn keys

System Preferences > Keyboard > Tick Use f1, f2, etc. as standard function keys...

Master keyboard icon list (OSX)

Key Name
Alt/Option (alt)
Caps Lock
fn Function

Useful Commands

Command Name
alt+cmd+[ Fold
alt+cmd+] Unfold
alt+cmd+down Insert cursor below
alt+cmd+left Open previous editor
alt+cmd+right Open next editor
alt+cmd+up Insert cursor above
alt+down Move lines down
alt+f8 Go to next problem
alt+up Move lines up
cmd+b Toggle sidebar visibility
cmd+d Add selection to next find match
cmd+enter Insert line after
cmd+f12 Go to implementation
ctrl+cmd+left Move editor to previous group
ctrl+cmd+right Move editor to next group
ctrl+j Join lines
ctrl+shift+cmd+left Shrink selection from scope
ctrl+shift+cmd+right Expand selection to scope
f12 Go to definition
f2 Join lines
f5 Start debugging
f8 Go to next problem in file
f9 Toggle breakpoint
shift+alt+down Copy line down
shift+alt+i Add cursors to line ends
shift+alt+up Copy line up
shift+cmd+\ Jump to bracket
shift+cmd+enter Insert line before
shift+cmd+l Select all occurences of highlighted word
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