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Created May 13, 2020 11:28
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Various sorting algorithms including Merge Sort, Counting Sort, and Radix Sort
# Sorting Algorithms
# Various sorting algorithms including
# • Merge Sort O(nlogn)
# • Counting Sort O(n+k) with k being value of largest element
# • Radix Sort O(d*[n+k]) with d being number of digits
def merge(seq1, seq2):
temp = []
size = min(len(seq1), len(seq2))
#Append smallest element of each list in order to output
while len(seq1) != 0 and len(seq2) != 0:
x1, x2 = min(seq1), min(seq2)
if x1 <= x2:
#Append remaining list to output
if seq1 != []:
for i in seq1:
if seq2 != []:
for i in seq2:
return temp
def MergeSort(seq):
size = len(seq)
#Base cases w/ single or no element
if size == 0:
return 0
if size == 1:
return seq
#Recursively split sequence
temp1 = MergeSort(seq[0:int(size/2)])
temp2 = MergeSort(seq[int(size/2):])
return merge(temp1, temp2) #Join subsequences
def CountingSort(seq):
largest = max(seq)
count = [0]*(largest+1)
out = [0]*len(seq)
for i in seq: #Count how many of each number
count[i] += 1
for i in range(1,largest+1): #Running sum of how many smaller numbers
count[i] += count[i-1]
for i in seq: #Place numbers in appropriate order
out[count[i]-1] = i
count[i] -= 1
return out
def RadixCount(seq, digits):
size = len(seq)
count = [0]*10
out = [0]*size
#Same as counting sort but instead of looking at entire number it only looks at the
#least significant digit to sort hence the additional input of digits.
#For digits 0-9, count how many numbers end in each one
for i in range(size):
j = seq[i]//digits
count[j%10] += 1
#Running sum of how many smaller numbers
for i in range(1,size+1):
count[i] += count[i-1]
#Place numbers in appropriate order, needs to be traversed in reverse to maintain order
for i in range(size-1, -1, -1):
j = seq[i]//digits
out[count[j%10]-1] = seq[i]
count[j%10] -= 1
return out
def RadixSort(seq):
largest = max(seq)
digits = 1
temp = []
for i in seq: temp.append(i)
#Use counting sort for each digit from least significant to most
while largest // digits:
temp = RadixCount(temp, digits)
digits *= 10
return temp
a = [1, 3, 2, 5, 7, 4, 9, 7, 10]
x = [22, 21, 57, 45, 61, 32, 11]
b = MergeSort(a)
c = CountingSort(a)
d = RadixSort(a)
e = RadixSort(x)
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