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Created February 17, 2011 17:03
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Takes X pictures of you via your iSight, animates them, uploads them to CloudApp, and puts
# the url in your clipboard
# This uses a bunch of projects to make the magic happen, mostly thanks
# to Zach Holman:
# required software:
# ImageMagick
# CloudApp -
# cloudapp script:
# gifme script:
# Make sure each of those are set up correctly
# isightcapture -
# download isightcapture and put it in your path
# Now you can take X shots from your iSight and push them to the clowd
# Ex: $ showme <num>
shots = 1
shots = ARGV[0].to_i if ARGV[0]
puts "Taking #{shots} shots.."
output = []
1.upto(shots) do |shot|
puts "\nPREPARE FOR SHOT #{shot}"
filenm = "/tmp/isightcap-#{shot}.jpg"
`isightcapture #{filenm} > /dev/null`
output << filenm
puts 7.chr
files = output.join(' ')
puts `gifme #{files}`
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