This is a set of ‘statuses’ that pull request comments must be marked with to help explain intent.
- Praise: Highlighting positive practice/action
- Nitpick: Trivial non-blocking preference-based requests
- Suggested Change: Propose improvements to the current subject
- Issue: Highlights specific problems with the subject under review
- Todo: Are small, trivial, but necessary changes
- Question: Questions are appropriate if you have a potential concern but are not quite sure if it's relevant or not
- Required: This must be fixed before merge
- Thought: Represent an idea that popped up from reviewing
- Chore: Simple tasks that must be done before the subject can be “officially” accepted
// Not from conventional comments
- Nice to have: this should be fixed eventually, non-blocking
- Personal Preference: I would do this, but you don’t have to
Modified from Conventional Comments