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Last active May 1, 2017 11:16
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Xunit.Sdk testing
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Sdk;
namespace Linsft.UnitTesting
public class AssemblyTest
/// <summary>
/// The tested assembly.
/// </summary>
public readonly Assembly TestedAssembly;
public override string Name {
get { return this.TestedAssembly.GetName ().Name; }
private bool IsReportDone;
public AssemblyTest (Assembly assembly): base(replay:true)
if (assembly == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException ("assembly");
this.TestedAssembly = assembly;
this.IsReportDone = false;
public void BuildReport()
foreach (Type type in this.TestedAssembly.GetExportedTypes ()) {
var classTest = ClassTest.FromType (type);
if (classTest == null) {
classTest.Subscribe (this);
public class ClassTest
public ITestClassCommand TestClassCommand { get; private set; }
public Type TestedType {
get { return this.TestClassCommand.TypeUnderTest.Type; }
public static ClassTest FromType (Type type)
ITestClassCommand testClassCommand = TestClassCommandFactory.Make (type);
if (testClassCommand == null) {
return null;
return new ClassTest (testClassCommand);
private bool IsReportDone;
public ClassTest (ITestClassCommand testClassCommand)
if (testClassCommand == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("testClassCommand");
this.TestClassCommand = testClassCommand;
this.IsReportDone = false;
public void BuildReport ()
Exception fixtureException = this.TestClassCommand.ClassStart ();
if (fixtureException != null) {
Exception ex = this.TestClassCommand.ClassFinish () ?? fixtureException;
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Error while creating method test.", ex);
List<IMethodInfo> methods = new List<IMethodInfo> (this.TestClassCommand.EnumerateTestMethods ());
while (methods.Count > 0) {
int idx = this.TestClassCommand.ChooseNextTest (methods.AsReadOnly ());
IMethodInfo testedMethod = methods [idx];
foreach (MethodTest methodTest in MethodTest.FromMethod (this, testedMethod)) {
methodTest.Subscribe (this);
methods.Remove (testedMethod);
Exception exFinish = this.TestClassCommand.ClassFinish ();
if (exFinish != null) {
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Error while finishing method test.", exFinish);
public class MethodTest
public ITestCommand TestCommand { get; private set; }
public object ObjectUnderTest { get; private set; }
public string Name {
get { return this.TestCommand.DisplayName; }
private bool IsReportDone;
public MethodTest (ITestCommand testCommand, object underTest): base(replay:true)
this.TestCommand = testCommand;
this.ObjectUnderTest = underTest;
this.IsReportDone = false;
public static IEnumerable<MethodTest> FromMethod (ClassTest classTest, IMethodInfo testedMethod)
foreach (ITestCommand command in TestCommandFactory.Make(classTest.TestClassCommand, testedMethod)) {
yield return new MethodTest (command, classTest.TestClassCommand.ObjectUnderTest);
public string BuildReport ()
MethodResult methodResult = this.TestCommand.Execute (this.ObjectUnderTest);
if (methodResult is PassedResult) {
return new Report (this.Name, LogLevel.Informative, "Success");
var failedResult = methodResult as FailedResult;
if (failedResult != null) {
return new ExceptionReport (this.Name, LogLevel.Error, new FailedResultException (failedResult));
var skipResult = methodResult as SkipResult;
if (skipResult != null) {
return new Report(this.Name, LogLevel.Warning, "Skiped: " + skipResult.Reason);
return new Report(this.Name, LogLevel.Warning, "Unknown test state");
public class EnvironmentTest
[Fact ()]
public void PhysicalMemory ()
ulong mem = 2048;
Assert.True (mem >= 1240, "TotalPhysicalMemory: " + mem);
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