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madroidmaq / projectDependencyGraph.gradle
Created March 12, 2023 08:09
Create a dependency diagram for the current project using the syntax of plantUML, with a result that looks like the following.
task projectDependencyGraph {
doLast {
def plantuml = new File(rootProject.buildDir, 'reports/dependency-graph/project.puml')
plantuml << '@startuml\n'
plantuml << "!define blue #00E489\n"
plantuml << "!define origin #FF8A65\n"
plantuml << "!define green #1A73E8\n"
madroidmaq / Config.kt
Created April 1, 2019 08:41 — forked from jmfayard/Config.kt
Gists Gradle-Kotlin-DSL
// buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/Config.kt
object Config {
const val ACTIVITY = "com.mautinoa.cardapp.MainActivity"
const val PACKAGE = "com.mautinoa.cardapp"
const val kotlinVersion = "1.2.71"
object SdkVersions {
val versionCode = 1
val compile = 28
val target = 26