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Created October 13, 2011 12:27
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Save mads-hartmann/1284115 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Strongly Connected Components algorithm implemented in Scala using ScalaZ
This is implemented following the instructions in "The Design and Analysis of
Computer Algorithms, AHO Hopcroft Ullman, 1974".
The implementation uses a DFS to find the strongly connected components (SCCs)
of a graph. During the DFS the vertices are placed on a stack in the order
they are visited. Whenever a root is found, all vertices of the corresponding
SSC are on the top of the stack and are popped.
A root of a SCC is found by keeping track of the DFN (depth first number) and
LLN (lowlink number) of each vertex. When a vertex (v) is first encountered
it is marked as visited and LLN(v) is set to DFN(v). Each adjacent vertex (w)
is then considered.
- If w is unvisited recurse with w. set LLN(w) to the smallest of LLN(w)
& LLN(v).
- If w is visited AND w was visited before v AND w is on the stack then set
LLN(v) to the smallest of DFN(w) and LLN(v).
If, after all the adjacent vertexes have been considered, the LLN(v) is the
same as DFN(v) then v the root of the current SSC.
When there are no vertexes un-visited the algorithm is done.
@author Mads Hartmann Jensen.
package dk.itu.sdg.javaparser
import scala.collection.immutable.{ HashMap }
object Graph {
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
type Component = List[Vertex]
// Simple data structure for now.
case class Vertex(label: String)
case class Edge(from: Vertex, to: Vertex)
case class G(start: Vertex, vertices: List[Vertex], edges: List[Edge])
case class State(graph: G,
count: Int,
visited: Map[Vertex, Boolean],
dfNumber: Map[Vertex, Int],
lowlinks: Map[Vertex,Int],
stack: List[Vertex],
components: List[Component])
def initial(g: G) = State (
graph = g,
count = 1,
visited = { (_,false) } toMap,
dfNumber = Map(),
lowlinks = Map(),
stack = Nil,
components = Nil
def components(g: G): List[Component] = {
def run: scalaz.State[State, State] = for {
next <- next
cont <- search(next)
st <- gets( (s: State) => s )
} yield if (cont) run ! st else st
(run ! (search(g.start) ~> initial(g))).components
def search(v: Vertex): scalaz.State[State, Boolean] = for {
_ <- visited(v)
_ <- push(v)
_ <- setDFNumber(v)
_ <- setLowlink(v)
_ <- incrementCounter
_ <- processAdjacents(v)
_ <- getComponents(v)
s <- gets ( (st: State) => st )
} yield s.visited.exists( _._2 == false)
def processAdjacents(v: Vertex) = for {
adjacents <- adjacent(v)
_ <- modify ( (st: State) => adjacents.foldLeft(st)( (s: State, w: Vertex) => processVertex(v,w,s) ) )
} yield Unit
def getComponents(v: Vertex) = for {
_ <- modify( (s: State) => {
if (s.lowlinks(v) == s.dfNumber(v)) {
val index = s.stack.indexOf(v)
val (comp,rest) = s.stack.splitAt( index + 1 )
s.copy ( stack = rest, components = s.components :+ comp)
} else s
} yield Unit
def processVertex(current: Vertex, adjacent: Vertex, st: State): State = (for {
visited <- isVisited(adjacent)
_ <- if (visited) wasVisited(current, adjacent) else wasntVisited(current, adjacent)
s <- gets ((sta: State) => sta)
} yield s) ~> st
def next = for { s <- gets ( (st: State) => st ) }
yield s.visited.find( _._2 == false ).map( _._1 ).get
def adjacent(v: Vertex) = for {
s <- gets ( (st: State) => st )
vertices = for { edge <- s.graph.edges if edge.from == v } yield
} yield vertices
def wasntVisited(current: Vertex, adjacent: Vertex) = for {
_ <- search(adjacent)
_ <- modify( (s: State) => {
val min = smallest( s.lowlinks(adjacent), s.lowlinks(current) )
s.copy( lowlinks = s.lowlinks.updated(current, min))
} yield Unit
def wasVisited(current: Vertex, adjacent: Vertex) = modify( (s: State) => {
if (s.dfNumber(adjacent) < s.dfNumber(current) && s.stack.contains(adjacent)) {
val min = smallest( s.dfNumber(adjacent), s.lowlinks(current) )
s.copy( lowlinks = s.lowlinks.updated(current, min))
} else s
def isVisited(w: Vertex) = for { s <- gets ( (st: State) => st ) } yield s.visited(w)
def visited(v: Vertex) = modify( (s: State) => s.copy( visited = s.visited.updated(v,true)))
def push(v: Vertex) = modify( (s: State) => s.copy( stack = v :: s.stack))
def setDFNumber(v: Vertex) = modify( (s: State) => s.copy( dfNumber = s.dfNumber.updated(v, s.count)) )
def setLowlink(v: Vertex) = modify( (s: State) => s.copy( lowlinks = s.lowlinks.updated(v, s.count)) )
def incrementCounter = modify( (s: State) => s.copy( count = s.count + 1 ))
def smallest(x: Int, y: Int): Int = if (x < y) x else y
/* Playground. */
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// Example taken from page 187, figure 5.13
val v1 = Vertex("V1")
val v2 = Vertex("V2")
val v3 = Vertex("V3")
val v4 = Vertex("V4")
val v5 = Vertex("V5")
val v6 = Vertex("V6")
val v7 = Vertex("V7")
val v8 = Vertex("V8")
val vertices = List(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8)
val edges = List(
Edge(v1, v2),
Edge(v1, v5),
Edge(v1, v4),
Edge(v2, v3),
Edge(v2, v4),
Edge(v3, v1),
Edge(v4, v3),
Edge(v5, v4),
Edge(v6, v8),
Edge(v6, v7),
Edge(v7, v5),
Edge(v8, v4),
Edge(v8, v6),
Edge(v8, v7))
val g = G(v1, vertices, edges)
println("found components: " + components(g).mkString("\n","\n",""))
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