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Last active December 27, 2021 14:44
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The stackoverflow answer to "how to pretty print xml in java" in clojure
(ns pretty-xml
(:import ( ByteArrayInputStream StringWriter)
(javax.xml.parsers DocumentBuilderFactory)
(javax.xml.transform TransformerFactory OutputKeys)
(javax.xml.transform.dom DOMSource)
( StreamResult)
(javax.xml.xpath XPathFactory XPathConstants)
(org.w3c.dom Document NodeList Node)
(org.xml.sax InputSource))
(defn nodes-seq [^NodeList nodes]
(map #(.item nodes %) (range (.getLength nodes))))
(defn pretty [^String s]
(let [input (-> s .getBytes ByteArrayInputStream. InputSource.)
doc (-> (DocumentBuilderFactory/newInstance)
(.parse input)
(doto .normalize))
nodes (-> (XPathFactory/newInstance)
(.evaluate "//text()[normalize-space()='']"
(doto (-> (TransformerFactory/newInstance) .newTransformer)
(.setOutputProperty OutputKeys/ENCODING "UTF-8")
(.setOutputProperty OutputKeys/INDENT "yes"))
stringwriter (StringWriter.)]
(run! #(doto (.getParentNode ^Node %) (.removeChild ^Node %)) nodes)
(.transform transformer (DOMSource. doc) (StreamResult. stringwriter))
(str stringwriter)))
(defn pprint [s]
(println (pretty s)))
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