❯ usethis::use_pkgdown_travis()
✔ Setting active project to '/Users/gaborcsardi/works/ps'
✔ Adding 'docs/' to '.gitignore'
● Set up deploy keys by running `travis::use_travis_deploy()`
● Insert the following code in '.travis.yml'
before_cache: Rscript -e 'remotes::install_cran("pkgdown")'
com <- git2r::commits() |> purrr::map_chr("message") |> tolower() | |
n_feat <- com |> | |
grepl("^feat", .) |> | |
sum() | |
n_fix <- com |> | |
grepl("^fix", .) |> | |
sum() |
# Grab the list of spatial packages from the R Task View (Bivand) | |
# and get the count of monthly downloads | |
library(rvest) | |
library(dplyr) | |
spatial_task_view <- read_html("https://cran.r-project.org/web/views/Spatial.html") | |
res <- spatial_task_view %>% | |
html_nodes(xpath = "/html/body/ul[1]") %>% | |
html_children() %>% |
The R package XML
for parsing and manipulation of XML documents in R is not actively maintained anymore, but used by many:
The R package xml2
is an actively maintained, more recent alternative.
This file documents useful resources and steps for moving from XML
to xml2
First of all, thanks for considering contributing to our_package! 👍 It's people like you that make it rewarding for us - the project maintainers - to work on our_package. 😊
our_package is an open source project, maintained by people who care. We are not directly funded to do so.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> | |
<!-- | |
xml2md.xsl | |
========== | |
This XSLT stylesheet transforms the cmark XML format back to Commonmark. | |
Since the XML output is lossy, a lossless MD->XML->MD roundtrip isn't | |
possible. The XML->MD->XML roundtrip should produce the original XML, |
I am looking forward to meeting you at the Tuesday AM (10th of July) tutorial session at useR2018!. We will be discussing a subject that I am very passionate about: Web Scraping!
The slides can be found here:
To ensure that we can be immediately productive on Tuesday morning, I would like you to get the following set up on your machines beforehand:
ids <- c("ASN00095063", "ASN00024025", "ASN00040112", "ASN00041023",
"ASN00009998", "ASN00066078", "ASN00003069", "ASN00090162",
"ASN00040126", "ASN00058161")
meteo_pull_monitors(monitors, var = c('prcp', 'tmax', 'tmin'))
# On macOS Anki media files are stored in ~/Library/Application Support/Anki2/Username/collection.media/ | |
# https://apps.ankiweb.net/docs/manual.html#file-locations | |
# get images from Unconf repo, resize them and write them to the new path | |
# Code assumes it is being run on macOS from the checkout of the conference repo, e.g. `git clone https://github.com/ropensci/unconf18 && cd unconf18` | |
library(fs) | |
library(magick) | |
imgs <- dir_ls("images/participants") | |
for (f in imgs) { | |
f %>% | |
image_read() %>% |