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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Requirejs Cheat Sheet


Project structure:

  • www/
    • index.html
    • js/
      • app/
        • sub.js
      • lib/
        • jquery.js
        • canvas.js
      • app.js

in index.html: <script data-main="js/app.js" src="js/require.js"></script>

and in app.js:

  //By default load any module IDs from js/lib
  baseUrl: 'js/lib', 
  //except, if the module ID starts with "app",
  paths: {
    app: '../app'  // relative to baseUrl
  // only use shim config for non-AMD scripts
  shim: {
    'backbone': {
      deps: ['underscore', 'jquery'],
      //Once loaded, use the global 'Backbone' as the module value.
      exports: 'Backbone'

// Start the main app logic.
requirejs(['jquery', 'canvas', 'app/sub'],
function   ($,        canvas,   sub) {
    //jQuery, canvas and the app/sub module are all
    //loaded and can be used here now.

Define a module


If module is just a collection of name/value pairs:

    color: "black",
    size: "unisize"

If need to do a setup work:

define(function () {
    //Do setup work here

    return {
        color: "black",
        size: "unisize"

With dependencies:

//module in the same directory as shirt.js
define(["./cart", "./inventory"], function(cart, inventory) {
    //return an object to define the "my/shirt" module.
    return {
        color: "blue",
        size: "large",
        addToCart: function() {

// require
define(function (require) {
    var EntryPoint = require("./EntryPoint");
    var Model1 = require("./Model1");
    var Model2 = require("./Model2");
    var Helper = require("./Helper");

    var entryPoint = new EntryPoint(new Model1(), new Model2(new Helper()));
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