Several getElementsByClassName() prototype methods in about 140 bytes (more or less). Useful for Internet Explorer <9.0 and (few) other old web browsers that do not support HTML5. Done for
All "full" versions perfectly match the W3C specification, as far as I know. They support multiple class names in every order and class names that start with or contain dashes or nonascii characters.
The short version (138 bytes) does not support searching for multiple class names and fails when the query string contains any whitespace character.
The "annotated" version is a compromise with a few restrictions (see the comment below). It supports searching for multiple class names and should work in most web browsers.
Ah, bummer about the regex. I just used the test.html for the gist and it works for that (in FF at least). Have not actually looked up what the spec says.
filter missing would be OK within the 140bytes rules I think (there is after all a 140byte solutions to add Array.prototype.filter)
Fully agree on the "learning new tricks" part :)