<!DOCTYPE html> |
<ul> |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
// 82 bytes |
var isValidEan13 = function(a) |
{ |
for (var b = /\d/g, //initialize regular expression to match single digits |
c = 0, //initialize checksum |
d, |
e = 25; //should be 25 - 13 * 2 = -1 in the end, so `~e` is 0 |
d = b.exec(a); //fetch a single digit from the input |
e -= 2) |
c += e % 4 * d; //multiply current digit with 3, 1, 3, 1 and so on |
return !(~e | c % 10) //e must be -1 and sum must be 0 |
} |
// 126 bytes |
var formatEan13 = function(a, b, c) |
{ |
for (a = ('' + a) //force `a` to be a string |
.split(/\D*/) //split into digits, remove all non-digits |
.slice(0, b = 12), //use the first 12 digits only |
c = 9; //this makes the final calculation easier, -1 also works |
b--; |
a[12] = 9 - c % 10) //append or replace checksum |
c += (b * 2 & 2 | 1) * //multiply current digit with 3, 1, 3, 1 and so on |
(a[b] += b % 6 ? '' : ' '); //format with spaces |
return a.join('') //array to string |
} |
var tests = ['5 449000 096241', '5 901234 123457', 9783161484100, |
'5 449000 096242', 9783161484105, 413456789018, 41345678901800, 413456789018000]; |
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) |
{ |
var v = isValidEan13(tests[i]); |
var e = formatEan13(tests[i]); |
document.write('<li>EAN/ISBN ' + |
(v ? '<var>' + tests[i] + '</var>' : '<b>' + tests[i] + '</b>') + |
' (a ' + typeof tests[i] + ') is ' + |
(v ? '' : 'in') + 'valid. Should be <var>' + e + '</var>.'); |
} |
</script> |
</ul> |
Should the function return false if there are more than 13 digits?