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RPGtkool MZ v1.2.1 API functions

RPGtkool MZ API functions v1.2.1


Classes & functions

  • Array

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • clone()
      • contains(element)
      • equals(array)
      • remove(element)
    • Private instance functions
  • AudioManager

    • Static functions
      • audioFileExt()
      • checkErrors()
      • cleanupSe()
      • createBuffer(folder, name)
      • fadeInBgm(duration)
      • fadeInBgs(duration)
      • fadeOutBgm(duration)
      • fadeOutBgs(duration)
      • fadeOutMe(duration)
      • isCurrentBgm(bgm)
      • isCurrentBgs(bgs)
      • isStaticSe(se)
      • loadStaticSe(se)
      • makeEmptyAudioObject()
      • playBgm(bgm, pos)
      • playBgs(bgs, pos)
      • playMe(me)
      • playSe(se)
      • playStaticSe(se)
      • replayBgm(bgm)
      • replayBgs(bgs)
      • saveBgm()
      • saveBgs()
      • stopAll()
      • stopBgm()
      • stopBgs()
      • stopMe()
      • stopSe()
      • throwLoadError(webAudio)
      • updateBgmParameters(bgm)
      • updateBgsParameters(bgs)
      • updateBufferParameters(buffer, configVolume, audio)
      • updateCurrentBgm(bgm, pos)
      • updateCurrentBgs(bgs, pos)
      • updateMeParameters(me)
      • updateSeParameters(buffer, se)
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
    • Private instance functions
  • BattleManager

    • Static functions
      • abort()
      • actor()
      • allBattleMembers()
      • applySubstitute(target)
      • canEscape()
      • canLose()
      • cancelActorInput()
      • changeCurrentActor(forward)
      • checkAbort()
      • checkBattleEnd()
      • checkSubstitute(target)
      • checkTpbInputClose()
      • checkTpbInputOpen()
      • checkTpbTurnEnd()
      • displayBattlerStatus(battler, current)
      • displayDefeatMessage()
      • displayDropItems()
      • displayEscapeFailureMessage()
      • displayEscapeSuccessMessage()
      • displayExp()
      • displayGold()
      • displayRewards()
      • displayStartMessages()
      • displayVictoryMessage()
      • endAction()
      • endAllBattlersTurn()
      • endBattle(result)
      • endBattlerActions(battler)
      • endTurn()
      • finishActorInput()
      • forceAction(battler)
      • gainDropItems()
      • gainExp()
      • gainGold()
      • gainRewards()
      • getNextSubject()
      • initMembers()
      • inputtingAction()
      • invokeAction(subject, target)
      • invokeCounterAttack(subject, target)
      • invokeMagicReflection(subject, target)
      • invokeNormalAction(subject, target)
      • isAborting()
      • isActionForced()
      • isActiveTpb()
      • isBattleEnd()
      • isBattleTest()
      • isBusy()
      • isEscaped()
      • isInTurn()
      • isInputting()
      • isPartyTpbInputtable()
      • isTpb()
      • isTpbMainPhase()
      • isTurnEnd()
      • makeActionOrders()
      • makeEscapeRatio()
      • makeRewards()
      • needsActorInputCancel()
      • onEncounter()
      • onEscapeFailure()
      • onEscapeSuccess()
      • playBattleBgm()
      • playDefeatMe()
      • playVictoryMe()
      • processAbort()
      • processDefeat()
      • processEscape()
      • processForcedAction()
      • processTurn()
      • processVictory()
      • ratePreemptive()
      • rateSurprise()
      • replayBgmAndBgs()
      • saveBgmAndBgs()
      • selectNextActor()
      • selectNextCommand()
      • selectPreviousActor()
      • selectPreviousCommand()
      • setBattleTest(battleTest)
      • setEventCallback(callback)
      • setLogWindow(logWindow)
      • setSpriteset(spriteset)
      • setup(troopId, canEscape, canLose)
      • startAction()
      • startActorInput()
      • startBattle()
      • startInput()
      • startTurn()
      • update(timeActive)
      • updateAction()
      • updateAllTpbBattlers()
      • updateBattleEnd()
      • updateEvent()
      • updateEventMain()
      • updatePhase(timeActive)
      • updateStart()
      • updateTpb()
      • updateTpbBattler(battler)
      • updateTpbInput()
      • updateTurn(timeActive)
      • updateTurnEnd()
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
    • Private instance functions
  • Bitmap

    • Static functions
      • load(url)
      • snap(stage)
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • addLoadListener(listner)
      • blt(source, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh)
      • clear()
      • clearRect(x, y, width, height)
      • destroy()
      • drawCircle(x, y, radius, color)
      • drawText(text, x, y, maxWidth, lineHeight, align)
      • fillAll(color)
      • fillRect(x, y, width, height, color)
      • getAlphaPixel(x, y)
      • getPixel(x, y)
      • initialize(width, height)
      • isError()
      • isReady()
      • measureTextWidth(text)
      • resize(width, height)
      • retry()
      • strokeRect(x, y, width, height, color)
    • Private instance functions
      • _callLoadListeners()
      • _createBaseTexture(source)
      • _createCanvas(width, height)
      • _destroyCanvas()
      • _drawTextBody(text, tx, ty, maxWidth)
      • _drawTextOutline(text, tx, ty, maxWidth)
      • _ensureCanvas()
      • _makeFontNameText()
      • _onError()
      • _onLoad()
      • _onXhrLoad(xhr)
      • _startDecrypting()
      • _startLoading()
      • _updateScaleMode()
  • ColorFilter

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • initialize()
      • setBlendColor(color)
      • setBrightness(brightness)
      • setColorTone(tone)
      • setHue(hue)
    • Private instance functions
      • _fragmentSrc()
  • ColorManager

    • Static functions
      • crisisColor()
      • ctGaugeColor1()
      • ctGaugeColor2()
      • damageColor(colorType)
      • deathColor()
      • dimColor1()
      • dimColor2()
      • gaugeBackColor()
      • hpColor(actor)
      • hpGaugeColor1()
      • hpGaugeColor2()
      • itemBackColor1()
      • itemBackColor2()
      • loadWindowskin()
      • mpColor()
      • mpCostColor()
      • mpGaugeColor1()
      • mpGaugeColor2()
      • normalColor()
      • outlineColor()
      • paramchangeTextColor(change)
      • pendingColor()
      • powerDownColor()
      • powerUpColor()
      • systemColor()
      • textColor(n)
      • tpColor()
      • tpCostColor()
      • tpGaugeColor1()
      • tpGaugeColor2()
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
    • Private instance functions
  • ConfigManager

    • Static functions
      • applyData(config)
      • isLoaded()
      • load()
      • makeData()
      • readFlag(config, name, defaultValue)
      • readVolume(config, name)
      • save()
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
    • Private instance functions
  • DataManager

    • Static functions
      • checkError()
      • correctDataErrors()
      • createGameObjects()
      • earliestSavefileId()
      • emptySavefileId()
      • extractArrayMetadata(array)
      • extractMetadata(data)
      • extractSaveContents(contents)
      • isAnySavefileExists()
      • isArmor(item)
      • isBattleTest()
      • isDatabaseLoaded()
      • isEventTest()
      • isGlobalInfoLoaded()
      • isItem(item)
      • isMapLoaded()
      • isMapObject(object)
      • isSkill(item)
      • isWeapon(item)
      • latestSavefileId()
      • loadAllSavefileImages()
      • loadDataFile(name, src)
      • loadDatabase()
      • loadGame(savefileId)
      • loadGlobalInfo()
      • loadMapData(mapId)
      • loadSavefileImages(info)
      • makeEmptyMap()
      • makeSaveContents()
      • makeSavefileInfo()
      • makeSavename(savefileId)
      • maxSavefiles()
      • onLoad(object)
      • onXhrError(name, src, url)
      • onXhrLoad(xhr, name, src, url)
      • removeInvalidGlobalInfo()
      • saveGame(savefileId)
      • saveGlobalInfo()
      • savefileExists(savefileId)
      • savefileInfo(savefileId)
      • selectSavefileForNewGame()
      • setupBattleTest()
      • setupEventTest()
      • setupNewGame()
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
    • Private instance functions
  • EffectManager

    • Static functions
      • checkErrors()
      • clear()
      • isReady()
      • load(filename)
      • makeUrl(filename)
      • onError(url)
      • onLoad()
      • startLoading(url)
      • throwLoadError(url)
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
    • Private instance functions
  • FontManager

    • Static functions
      • isReady()
      • load(family, filename)
      • makeUrl(filename)
      • startLoading(family, url)
      • throwLoadError(family)
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Action

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • apply(target)
      • applyCritical(damage)
      • applyGlobal()
      • applyGuard(damage, target)
      • applyItemEffect(target, effect)
      • applyItemUserEffect()
      • applyVariance(damage, variance)
      • calcElementRate(target)
      • checkDamageType(list)
      • checkItemScope(list)
      • clear()
      • confusionTarget()
      • decideRandomTarget()
      • elementsMaxRate(target, elements)
      • evalDamageFormula(target)
      • evaluate()
      • evaluateWithTarget(target)
      • executeDamage(target, value)
      • executeHpDamage(target, value)
      • executeMpDamage(target, value)
      • friendsUnit()
      • gainDrainedHp(value)
      • gainDrainedMp(value)
      • hasItemAnyValidEffects(target)
      • initialize(subject, forcing)
      • isAttack()
      • isCertainHit()
      • isDamage()
      • isDrain()
      • isForAliveFriend()
      • isForAll()
      • isForDeadFriend()
      • isForEveryone()
      • isForFriend()
      • isForOne()
      • isForOpponent()
      • isForRandom()
      • isForUser()
      • isGuard()
      • isHpEffect()
      • isHpRecover()
      • isItem()
      • isMagicSkill()
      • isMagical()
      • isMpEffect()
      • isMpRecover()
      • isPhysical()
      • isRecover()
      • isSkill()
      • isValid()
      • item()
      • itemCnt(target)
      • itemCri(target)
      • itemEffectAddAttackState(target, effect)
      • itemEffectAddBuff(target, effect)
      • itemEffectAddDebuff(target, effect)
      • itemEffectAddNormalState(target, effect)
      • itemEffectAddState(target, effect)
      • itemEffectCommonEvent(effect*/)
      • itemEffectGainTp(target, effect)
      • itemEffectGrow(target, effect)
      • itemEffectLearnSkill(target, effect)
      • itemEffectRecoverHp(target, effect)
      • itemEffectRecoverMp(target, effect)
      • itemEffectRemoveBuff(target, effect)
      • itemEffectRemoveDebuff(target, effect)
      • itemEffectRemoveState(target, effect)
      • itemEffectSpecial(target, effect)
      • itemEva(target)
      • itemHit()
      • itemMrf(target)
      • itemTargetCandidates()
      • lukEffectRate(target)
      • makeDamageValue(target, critical)
      • makeSuccess(target)
      • makeTargets()
      • needsSelection()
      • numRepeats()
      • numTargets()
      • opponentsUnit()
      • prepare()
      • randomTargets(unit)
      • repeatTargets(targets)
      • setAttack()
      • setConfusion()
      • setEnemyAction(action)
      • setGuard()
      • setItem(itemId)
      • setItemObject(object)
      • setSkill(skillId)
      • setSubject(subject)
      • setTarget(targetIndex)
      • speed()
      • subject()
      • targetsForAlive(unit)
      • targetsForDead(unit)
      • targetsForDeadAndAlive(unit)
      • targetsForEveryone()
      • targetsForFriends()
      • targetsForOpponents()
      • testApply(target)
      • testItemEffect(target, effect)
      • testLifeAndDeath(target)
      • updateLastSubject()
      • updateLastTarget(target)
      • updateLastUsed()
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_ActionResult

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • addedStateObjects()
      • clear()
      • initialize()
      • isBuffAdded(paramId)
      • isBuffRemoved(paramId)
      • isDebuffAdded(paramId)
      • isHit()
      • isStateAdded(stateId)
      • isStateRemoved(stateId)
      • isStatusAffected()
      • pushAddedBuff(paramId)
      • pushAddedDebuff(paramId)
      • pushAddedState(stateId)
      • pushRemovedBuff(paramId)
      • pushRemovedState(stateId)
      • removedStateObjects()
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Actor

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • actor()
      • actorId()
      • armors()
      • attackAnimationId1()
      • attackAnimationId2()
      • attackElements()
      • bareHandsAnimationId()
      • bareHandsElementId()
      • basicFloorDamage()
      • battlerName()
      • benchMembersExpRate()
      • bestEquipItem(slotId)
      • calcEquipItemPerformance(item)
      • changeClass(classId, keepExp)
      • changeEquip(slotId, item)
      • changeEquipById(etypeId, itemId)
      • changeExp(exp, show)
      • changeLevel(level, show)
      • characterIndex()
      • characterName()
      • checkFloorEffect()
      • clearActions()
      • clearEquipments()
      • clearStates()
      • currentClass()
      • currentExp()
      • currentLevelExp()
      • discardEquip(item)
      • displayLevelUp(newSkills)
      • equipSlots()
      • equips()
      • eraseState(stateId)
      • executeFloorDamage()
      • expForLevel(level)
      • faceIndex()
      • faceName()
      • finalExpRate()
      • findNewSkills(lastSkills)
      • forceChangeEquip(slotId, item)
      • forgetSkill(skillId)
      • friendsUnit()
      • gainExp(exp)
      • hasArmor(armor)
      • hasNoWeapons()
      • hasSkill(skillId)
      • hasWeapon(weapon)
      • hide()
      • index()
      • initEquips(equips)
      • initExp()
      • initImages()
      • initMembers()
      • initSkills()
      • initialize(actorId)
      • inputtingAction()
      • isActor()
      • isBattleMember()
      • isClass(gameClass)
      • isEquipChangeOk(slotId)
      • isEquipped(item)
      • isFormationChangeOk()
      • isLearnedSkill(skillId)
      • isMaxLevel()
      • isSkillWtypeOk(skill)
      • isSpriteVisible()
      • isWtypeEquipped(wtypeId)
      • lastBattleSkill()
      • lastCommandSymbol()
      • lastMenuSkill()
      • lastSkill()
      • learnSkill(skillId)
      • levelDown()
      • levelUp()
      • makeActionList()
      • makeActions()
      • makeAutoBattleActions()
      • makeConfusionActions()
      • maxFloorDamage()
      • maxLevel()
      • meetsUsableItemConditions(item)
      • name()
      • nextLevelExp()
      • nextRequiredExp()
      • nickname()
      • onEscapeFailure()
      • onPlayerWalk()
      • opponentsUnit()
      • optimizeEquipments()
      • paramBase(paramId)
      • paramPlus(paramId)
      • performAction(action)
      • performActionEnd()
      • performActionStart(action)
      • performAttack()
      • performCollapse()
      • performCounter()
      • performDamage()
      • performEscape()
      • performEvasion()
      • performMagicEvasion()
      • performMapDamage()
      • performVictory()
      • profile()
      • refresh()
      • releaseUnequippableItems(forcing)
      • resetStateCounts(stateId)
      • selectNextCommand()
      • selectPreviousCommand()
      • setBattlerImage(battlerName)
      • setFaceImage(faceName, faceIndex)
      • setLastBattleSkill(skill)
      • setLastCommandSymbol(symbol)
      • setLastMenuSkill(skill)
      • setName(name)
      • setNickname(nickname)
      • setProfile(profile)
      • setup(actorId)
      • shouldDisplayLevelUp()
      • showAddedStates()
      • showRemovedStates()
      • skillTypes()
      • skills()
      • stepsForTurn()
      • testEscape(item)
      • tradeItemWithParty(newItem, oldItem)
      • traitObjects()
      • turnEndOnMap()
      • updateStateSteps(state)
      • usableSkills()
      • weapons()
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Actors

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • actor(actorId)
      • initialize()
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Battler

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • action(index)
      • addBuff(paramId, turns)
      • addDebuff(paramId, turns)
      • addState(stateId)
      • applyTpbPenalty()
      • canInput()
      • cancelMotionRefresh()
      • chargeTpByDamage(damageRate)
      • clearActions()
      • clearDamagePopup()
      • clearEffect()
      • clearMotion()
      • clearResult()
      • clearTp()
      • clearTpbChargeTime()
      • clearWeaponAnimation()
      • consumeItem(item)
      • currentAction()
      • deselect()
      • effectType()
      • escape()
      • finishTpbCharge()
      • forceAction(skillId, targetIndex)
      • gainHp(value)
      • gainMp(value)
      • gainSilentTp(value)
      • gainTp(value)
      • initMembers()
      • initTp()
      • initTpbChargeTime(advantageous)
      • initTpbTurn()
      • initialize()
      • isActing()
      • isChanting()
      • isDamagePopupRequested()
      • isEffectRequested()
      • isGuardWaiting()
      • isInputting()
      • isMotionRefreshRequested()
      • isMotionRequested()
      • isSelected()
      • isStateAddable(stateId)
      • isStateRestrict(stateId)
      • isTpbCharged()
      • isTpbReady()
      • isTpbTimeout()
      • isTpbTurnEnd()
      • isUndecided()
      • isWaiting()
      • isWeaponAnimationRequested()
      • makeActionTimes()
      • makeActions()
      • makeSpeed()
      • makeTpbActions()
      • maxSlipDamage()
      • motionType()
      • numActions()
      • onAllActionsEnd()
      • onBattleEnd()
      • onBattleStart(advantageous)
      • onDamage(value)
      • onRestrict()
      • onTpbCharged()
      • onTpbTimeout()
      • onTurnEnd()
      • performAction()
      • performActionEnd()
      • performActionStart(action)
      • performCollapse()
      • performCounter()
      • performDamage()
      • performEvasion()
      • performMagicEvasion()
      • performMiss()
      • performRecovery()
      • performReflection()
      • performSubstitute()
      • refresh()
      • regenerateAll()
      • regenerateHp()
      • regenerateMp()
      • regenerateTp()
      • removeAllBuffs()
      • removeBattleStates()
      • removeBuff(paramId)
      • removeBuffsAuto()
      • removeCurrentAction()
      • removeState(stateId)
      • removeStatesAuto(timing)
      • removeStatesByDamage()
      • requestEffect(effectType)
      • requestMotion(motionType)
      • requestMotionRefresh()
      • result()
      • select()
      • setAction(index, action)
      • setActionState(actionState)
      • setLastTarget(target)
      • shouldDelayTpbCharge()
      • shouldPopupDamage()
      • speed()
      • startDamagePopup()
      • startTpbAction()
      • startTpbCasting()
      • startTpbTurn()
      • startWeaponAnimation(weaponImageId)
      • tpbAcceleration()
      • tpbBaseSpeed()
      • tpbChargeTime()
      • tpbRelativeSpeed()
      • tpbRequiredCastTime()
      • tpbSpeed()
      • turnCount()
      • updateTpb()
      • updateTpbAutoBattle()
      • updateTpbCastTime()
      • updateTpbChargeTime()
      • updateTpbIdleTime()
      • useItem(item)
      • weaponImageId()
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_BattlerBase

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • actionPlusSet()
      • addNewState(stateId)
      • addParam(paramId, value)
      • addedSkillTypes()
      • addedSkills()
      • allIcons()
      • allTraits()
      • appear()
      • attackElements()
      • attackSkillId()
      • attackSpeed()
      • attackStates()
      • attackStatesRate(stateId)
      • attackTimesAdd()
      • buff(paramId)
      • buffIconIndex(buffLevel, paramId)
      • buffIcons()
      • buffLength()
      • canAttack()
      • canEquip(item)
      • canEquipArmor(item)
      • canEquipWeapon(item)
      • canGuard()
      • canInput()
      • canMove()
      • canPaySkillCost(skill)
      • canUse(item)
      • clearBuffs()
      • clearParamPlus()
      • clearStates()
      • collapseType()
      • confusionLevel()
      • deathStateId()
      • debuffRate(paramId)
      • decreaseBuff(paramId)
      • die()
      • elementRate(elementId)
      • eraseBuff(paramId)
      • eraseState(stateId)
      • guardSkillId()
      • hide()
      • hpRate()
      • increaseBuff(paramId)
      • initMembers()
      • initialize()
      • isActor()
      • isAlive()
      • isAppeared()
      • isAutoBattle()
      • isBuffAffected(paramId)
      • isBuffExpired(paramId)
      • isBuffOrDebuffAffected(paramId)
      • isConfused()
      • isDead()
      • isDeathStateAffected()
      • isDebuffAffected(paramId)
      • isDualWield()
      • isDying()
      • isEnemy()
      • isEquipAtypeOk(atypeId)
      • isEquipTypeLocked(etypeId)
      • isEquipTypeSealed(etypeId)
      • isEquipWtypeOk(wtypeId)
      • isGuard()
      • isHidden()
      • isMaxBuffAffected(paramId)
      • isMaxDebuffAffected(paramId)
      • isOccasionOk(item)
      • isPreserveTp()
      • isRestricted()
      • isSkillSealed(skillId)
      • isSkillTypeSealed(stypeId)
      • isSkillWtypeOk()
      • isStateAffected(stateId)
      • isStateExpired(stateId)
      • isStateResist(stateId)
      • isSubstitute()
      • maxTp()
      • meetsItemConditions(item)
      • meetsSkillConditions(skill)
      • meetsUsableItemConditions(item)
      • mostImportantStateText()
      • mpRate()
      • onRestrict()
      • overwriteBuffTurns(paramId, turns)
      • param(paramId)
      • paramBase()
      • paramBasePlus(paramId)
      • paramBuffRate(paramId)
      • paramMax()
      • paramMin(paramId)
      • paramPlus(paramId)
      • paramRate(paramId)
      • partyAbility(abilityId)
      • paySkillCost(skill)
      • recoverAll()
      • refresh()
      • resetStateCounts(stateId)
      • restriction()
      • revive()
      • setHp(hp)
      • setMp(mp)
      • setTp(tp)
      • skillMpCost(skill)
      • skillTpCost(skill)
      • slotType()
      • sortStates()
      • sparam(sparamId)
      • specialFlag(flagId)
      • stateIcons()
      • stateMotionIndex()
      • stateOverlayIndex()
      • stateRate(stateId)
      • stateResistSet()
      • states()
      • tpRate()
      • traitObjects()
      • traits(code)
      • traitsPi(code, id)
      • traitsSet(code)
      • traitsSum(code, id)
      • traitsSumAll(code)
      • traitsWithId(code, id)
      • updateBuffTurns()
      • updateStateTurns()
      • xparam(xparamId)
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Character

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • advanceMoveRouteIndex()
      • deltaXFrom(x)
      • deltaYFrom(y)
      • findDirectionTo(goalX, goalY)
      • forceMoveRoute(moveRoute)
      • initMembers()
      • initialize()
      • isMoveRouteForcing()
      • memorizeMoveRoute()
      • moveAwayFromCharacter(character)
      • moveAwayFromPlayer()
      • moveBackward()
      • moveForward()
      • moveRandom()
      • moveTowardCharacter(character)
      • moveTowardPlayer()
      • processMoveCommand(command)
      • processRouteEnd()
      • restoreMoveRoute()
      • searchLimit()
      • setMoveRoute(moveRoute)
      • swap(character)
      • turn180()
      • turnAwayFromCharacter(character)
      • turnAwayFromPlayer()
      • turnLeft90()
      • turnRandom()
      • turnRight90()
      • turnRightOrLeft90()
      • turnTowardCharacter(character)
      • turnTowardPlayer()
      • updateRoutineMove()
      • updateStop()
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_CharacterBase

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • animationWait()
      • blendMode()
      • bushDepth()
      • canPass(x, y, d)
      • canPassDiagonally(x, y, horz, vert)
      • characterIndex()
      • characterName()
      • checkEventTriggerTouch(y*/)
      • checkEventTriggerTouchFront(d)
      • checkStop(threshold)
      • copyPosition(character)
      • direction()
      • distancePerFrame()
      • endAnimation()
      • endBalloon()
      • hasStepAnime()
      • hasWalkAnime()
      • increaseSteps()
      • initMembers()
      • initialize()
      • isAnimationPlaying()
      • isBalloonPlaying()
      • isCollidedWithCharacters(x, y)
      • isCollidedWithEvents(x, y)
      • isCollidedWithVehicles(x, y)
      • isDashing()
      • isDebugThrough()
      • isDirectionFixed()
      • isJumping()
      • isMapPassable(x, y, d)
      • isMovementSucceeded(y*/)
      • isMoving()
      • isNearTheScreen()
      • isNormalPriority()
      • isObjectCharacter()
      • isOnBush()
      • isOnLadder()
      • isOriginalPattern()
      • isStopping()
      • isThrough()
      • isTile()
      • isTransparent()
      • jump(xPlus, yPlus)
      • jumpHeight()
      • locate(x, y)
      • maxPattern()
      • moveDiagonally(horz, vert)
      • moveFrequency()
      • moveSpeed()
      • moveStraight(d)
      • opacity()
      • pattern()
      • pos(x, y)
      • posNt(x, y)
      • realMoveSpeed()
      • refreshBushDepth()
      • regionId()
      • resetPattern()
      • resetStopCount()
      • reverseDir(d)
      • screenX()
      • screenY()
      • screenZ()
      • scrolledX()
      • scrolledY()
      • setBlendMode(blendMode)
      • setDirection(d)
      • setDirectionFix(directionFix)
      • setMoveFrequency(moveFrequency)
      • setMoveSpeed(moveSpeed)
      • setMovementSuccess(success)
      • setOpacity(opacity)
      • setPattern(pattern)
      • setPosition(x, y)
      • setPriorityType(priorityType)
      • setStepAnime(stepAnime)
      • setThrough(through)
      • setTileImage(tileId)
      • setTransparent(transparent)
      • setWalkAnime(walkAnime)
      • shiftY()
      • startAnimation()
      • startBalloon()
      • straighten()
      • terrainTag()
      • tileId()
      • update()
      • updateAnimation()
      • updateAnimationCount()
      • updateJump()
      • updateMove()
      • updatePattern()
      • updateStop()
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_CommonEvent

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • event()
      • initialize(commonEventId)
      • isActive()
      • list()
      • refresh()
      • update()
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Enemy

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • battlerHue()
      • battlerName()
      • dropItemRate()
      • enemy()
      • enemyId()
      • exp()
      • friendsUnit()
      • gold()
      • index()
      • initMembers()
      • initialize(enemyId, x, y)
      • isActionValid(action)
      • isBattleMember()
      • isEnemy()
      • isLetterEmpty()
      • isSpriteVisible()
      • itemObject(kind, dataId)
      • makeActions()
      • makeDropItems()
      • meetsCondition(action)
      • meetsHpCondition(param1, param2)
      • meetsMpCondition(param1, param2)
      • meetsPartyLevelCondition(param)
      • meetsStateCondition(param)
      • meetsSwitchCondition(param)
      • meetsTurnCondition(param1, param2)
      • name()
      • opponentsUnit()
      • originalName()
      • paramBase(paramId)
      • performAction(action)
      • performActionEnd()
      • performActionStart(action)
      • performCollapse()
      • performDamage()
      • screenX()
      • screenY()
      • selectAction(actionList, ratingZero)
      • selectAllActions(actionList)
      • setLetter(letter)
      • setPlural(plural)
      • setup(enemyId, x, y)
      • traitObjects()
      • transform(enemyId)
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Event

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • checkEventTriggerAuto()
      • checkEventTriggerTouch(x, y)
      • clearPageSettings()
      • clearStartingFlag()
      • erase()
      • event()
      • eventId()
      • findProperPageIndex()
      • forceMoveRoute(moveRoute)
      • initMembers()
      • initialize(mapId, eventId)
      • isCollidedWithCharacters(x, y)
      • isCollidedWithEvents(x, y)
      • isCollidedWithPlayerCharacters(x, y)
      • isNearThePlayer()
      • isOriginalPattern()
      • isStarting()
      • isTriggerIn(triggers)
      • list()
      • locate(x, y)
      • lock()
      • meetsConditions(page)
      • moveTypeCustom()
      • moveTypeRandom()
      • moveTypeTowardPlayer()
      • page()
      • refresh()
      • resetPattern()
      • setupPage()
      • setupPageSettings()
      • start()
      • stopCountThreshold()
      • unlock()
      • update()
      • updateParallel()
      • updateSelfMovement()
      • updateStop()
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Follower

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • actor()
      • chaseCharacter(character)
      • initialize(memberIndex)
      • isGathered()
      • isVisible()
      • refresh()
      • update()
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Followers

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • areGathered()
      • areGathering()
      • areMoving()
      • data()
      • follower(index)
      • gather()
      • hide()
      • initialize()
      • isSomeoneCollided(x, y)
      • isVisible()
      • jumpAll()
      • refresh()
      • reverseData()
      • setup()
      • show()
      • synchronize(x, y, d)
      • update()
      • updateMove()
      • visibleFollowers()
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Interpreter

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • changeHp(target, value, allowDeath)
      • character(param)
      • checkFreeze()
      • checkOverflow()
      • clear()
      • command101(params)
      • command102(params)
      • command103(params)
      • command104(params)
      • command105(params)
      • command108(params)
      • command111(params)
      • command112()
      • command113()
      • command115()
      • command117(params)
      • command118()
      • command119(params)
      • command121(params)
      • command122(params)
      • command123(params)
      • command124(params)
      • command125(params)
      • command126(params)
      • command127(params)
      • command128(params)
      • command129(params)
      • command132(params)
      • command133(params)
      • command134(params)
      • command135(params)
      • command136(params)
      • command137(params)
      • command138(params)
      • command139(params)
      • command140(params)
      • command201(params)
      • command202(params)
      • command203(params)
      • command204(params)
      • command205(params)
      • command206()
      • command211(params)
      • command212(params)
      • command213(params)
      • command214()
      • command216(params)
      • command217()
      • command221()
      • command222()
      • command223(params)
      • command224(params)
      • command225(params)
      • command230(params)
      • command231(params)
      • command232(params)
      • command233(params)
      • command234(params)
      • command235(params)
      • command236(params)
      • command241(params)
      • command242(params)
      • command243()
      • command244()
      • command245(params)
      • command246(params)
      • command249(params)
      • command250(params)
      • command251()
      • command261(params)
      • command281(params)
      • command282(params)
      • command283(params)
      • command284(params)
      • command285(params)
      • command301(params)
      • command302(params)
      • command303(params)
      • command311(params)
      • command312(params)
      • command313(params)
      • command314(params)
      • command315(params)
      • command316(params)
      • command317(params)
      • command318(params)
      • command319(params)
      • command320(params)
      • command321(params)
      • command322(params)
      • command323(params)
      • command324(params)
      • command325(params)
      • command326(params)
      • command331(params)
      • command332(params)
      • command333(params)
      • command334(params)
      • command335(params)
      • command336(params)
      • command337(params)
      • command339(params)
      • command340()
      • command342(params)
      • command351()
      • command352()
      • command353()
      • command354()
      • command355()
      • command356(params)
      • command357(params)
      • command402(params)
      • command403()
      • command411()
      • command413()
      • command601()
      • command602()
      • command603()
      • currentCommand()
      • eventId()
      • executeCommand()
      • fadeSpeed()
      • gameDataOperand(type, param1, param2)
      • initialize(depth)
      • isOnCurrentMap()
      • isRunning()
      • iterateActorEx(param1, param2, callback)
      • iterateActorId(param, callback)
      • iterateActorIndex(param, callback)
      • iterateBattler(param1, param2, callback)
      • iterateEnemyIndex(param, callback)
      • jumpTo(index)
      • loadImages()
      • nextEventCode()
      • picturePoint(params)
      • pluginCommand()
      • setWaitMode(waitMode)
      • setup(list, eventId)
      • setupChild(list, eventId)
      • setupChoices(params)
      • setupItemChoice(params)
      • setupNumInput(params)
      • setupReservedCommonEvent()
      • skipBranch()
      • terminate()
      • update()
      • updateChild()
      • updateWait()
      • updateWaitCount()
      • updateWaitMode()
      • videoFileExt()
      • wait(duration)
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Item

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • initialize(item)
      • isArmor()
      • isEquipItem()
      • isItem()
      • isNull()
      • isSkill()
      • isUsableItem()
      • isWeapon()
      • itemId()
      • object()
      • setEquip(isWeapon, itemId)
      • setObject(item)
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Map

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • adjustX(x)
      • adjustY(y)
      • airship()
      • allTiles(x, y)
      • autoplay()
      • autorunCommonEvents()
      • autotileType(x, y, z)
      • battleback1Name()
      • battleback2Name()
      • boat()
      • canvasToMapX(x)
      • canvasToMapY(y)
      • changeParallax(name, loopX, loopY, sx, sy)
      • changeTileset(tilesetId)
      • checkLayeredTilesFlags(x, y, bit)
      • checkPassage(x, y, bit)
      • createVehicles()
      • data()
      • deltaX(x1, x2)
      • deltaY(y1, y2)
      • disableNameDisplay()
      • displayName()
      • displayX()
      • displayY()
      • distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)
      • doScroll(direction, distance)
      • enableNameDisplay()
      • encounterList()
      • encounterStep()
      • eraseEvent(eventId)
      • event(eventId)
      • eventIdXy(x, y)
      • events()
      • eventsXy(x, y)
      • eventsXyNt(x, y)
      • height()
      • initialize()
      • isAirshipLandOk(x, y)
      • isAnyEventStarting()
      • isBoatPassable(x, y)
      • isBush(x, y)
      • isCounter(x, y)
      • isDamageFloor(x, y)
      • isDashDisabled()
      • isEventRunning()
      • isLadder(x, y)
      • isLoopHorizontal()
      • isLoopVertical()
      • isNameDisplayEnabled()
      • isOverworld()
      • isPassable(x, y, d)
      • isScrolling()
      • isShipPassable(x, y)
      • isValid(x, y)
      • layeredTiles(x, y)
      • mapId()
      • parallaxName()
      • parallaxOx()
      • parallaxOy()
      • parallelCommonEvents()
      • refereshVehicles()
      • refresh()
      • refreshIfNeeded()
      • refreshTileEvents()
      • regionId(x, y)
      • requestRefresh()
      • roundX(x)
      • roundXWithDirection(x, d)
      • roundY(y)
      • roundYWithDirection(y, d)
      • screenTileX()
      • screenTileY()
      • scrollDistance()
      • scrollDown(distance)
      • scrollLeft(distance)
      • scrollRight(distance)
      • scrollUp(distance)
      • setDisplayPos(x, y)
      • setup(mapId)
      • setupAutorunCommonEvent()
      • setupBattleback()
      • setupEvents()
      • setupParallax()
      • setupScroll()
      • setupStartingEvent()
      • setupStartingMapEvent()
      • setupTestEvent()
      • ship()
      • startScroll(direction, distance, speed)
      • terrainTag(x, y)
      • tileEventsXy(x, y)
      • tileHeight()
      • tileId(x, y, z)
      • tileWidth()
      • tileset()
      • tilesetFlags()
      • tilesetId()
      • unlockEvent(eventId)
      • update(sceneActive)
      • updateEvents()
      • updateInterpreter()
      • updateParallax()
      • updateScroll()
      • updateVehicles()
      • vehicle(type)
      • vehicles()
      • width()
      • xWithDirection(x, d)
      • yWithDirection(y, d)
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Message

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • add(text)
      • allText()
      • background()
      • choiceBackground()
      • choiceCancelType()
      • choiceDefaultType()
      • choicePositionType()
      • choices()
      • clear()
      • faceIndex()
      • faceName()
      • hasText()
      • initialize()
      • isBusy()
      • isChoice()
      • isItemChoice()
      • isNumberInput()
      • isRTL()
      • itemChoiceItypeId()
      • itemChoiceVariableId()
      • newPage()
      • numInputMaxDigits()
      • numInputVariableId()
      • onChoice(n)
      • positionType()
      • scrollMode()
      • scrollNoFast()
      • scrollSpeed()
      • setBackground(background)
      • setChoiceBackground(background)
      • setChoiceCallback(callback)
      • setChoicePositionType(positionType)
      • setChoices(choices, defaultType, cancelType)
      • setFaceImage(faceName, faceIndex)
      • setItemChoice(variableId, itemType)
      • setNumberInput(variableId, maxDigits)
      • setPositionType(positionType)
      • setScroll(speed, noFast)
      • setSpeakerName(speakerName)
      • speakerName()
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Party

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • addActor(actorId)
      • allItems()
      • allMembers()
      • armors()
      • battleMembers()
      • canInput()
      • canUse(item)
      • charactersForSavefile()
      • consumeItem(item)
      • discardMembersEquip(item, amount)
      • equipItems()
      • exists()
      • facesForSavefile()
      • gainGold(amount)
      • gainItem(item, amount, includeEquip)
      • gold()
      • hasCancelSurprise()
      • hasDropItemDouble()
      • hasEncounterHalf()
      • hasEncounterNone()
      • hasGoldDouble()
      • hasItem(item, includeEquip)
      • hasMaxItems(item)
      • hasRaisePreemptive()
      • highestLevel()
      • increaseSteps()
      • initAllItems()
      • initialize()
      • isAllDead()
      • isAnyMemberEquipped(item)
      • isEmpty()
      • itemContainer(item)
      • items()
      • lastItem()
      • leader()
      • loseGold(amount)
      • loseItem(item, amount, includeEquip)
      • makeMenuActorNext()
      • makeMenuActorPrevious()
      • maxBattleMembers()
      • maxGold()
      • maxItems()
      • members()
      • menuActor()
      • name()
      • numItems(item)
      • onEscapeFailure()
      • onPlayerWalk()
      • partyAbility(abilityId)
      • performEscape()
      • performVictory()
      • ratePreemptive(troopAgi)
      • rateSurprise(troopAgi)
      • removeActor(actorId)
      • removeBattleStates()
      • removeInvalidMembers()
      • requestMotionRefresh()
      • reviveBattleMembers()
      • setLastItem(item)
      • setMenuActor(actor)
      • setTargetActor(actor)
      • setupBattleTest()
      • setupBattleTestItems()
      • setupBattleTestMembers()
      • setupStartingMembers()
      • size()
      • steps()
      • swapOrder(index1, index2)
      • targetActor()
      • weapons()
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Picture

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • angle()
      • applyEasing(current, target)
      • blendMode()
      • calcEasing(t)
      • easeIn(t, exponent)
      • easeInOut(t, exponent)
      • easeOut(t, exponent)
      • initBasic()
      • initRotation()
      • initTarget()
      • initTone()
      • initialize()
      • name()
      • opacity()
      • origin()
      • rotate(speed)
      • scaleX()
      • scaleY()
      • tint(tone, duration)
      • tone()
      • update()
      • updateMove()
      • updateRotation()
      • updateTone()
      • x()
      • y()
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Player

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • areFollowersGathered()
      • areFollowersGathering()
      • canEncounter()
      • canMove()
      • canStartLocalEvents()
      • center(x, y)
      • centerX()
      • centerY()
      • checkEventTriggerHere(triggers)
      • checkEventTriggerThere(triggers)
      • checkEventTriggerTouch(x, y)
      • clearTransferInfo()
      • encounterProgressValue()
      • executeEncounter()
      • executeMove(direction)
      • fadeType()
      • followers()
      • forceMoveForward()
      • gatherFollowers()
      • getInputDirection()
      • getOffVehicle()
      • getOnOffVehicle()
      • getOnVehicle()
      • hideFollowers()
      • increaseSteps()
      • initMembers()
      • initialize()
      • isCollided(x, y)
      • isDashButtonPressed()
      • isDashing()
      • isDebugThrough()
      • isInAirship()
      • isInBoat()
      • isInShip()
      • isInVehicle()
      • isMapPassable(x, y, d)
      • isNormal()
      • isOnDamageFloor()
      • isStopping()
      • isTransferring()
      • jump(xPlus, yPlus)
      • locate(x, y)
      • makeEncounterCount()
      • makeEncounterTroopId()
      • meetsEncounterConditions(encounter)
      • moveByInput()
      • moveDiagonally(horz, vert)
      • moveStraight(d)
      • newMapId()
      • performTransfer()
      • refresh()
      • requestMapReload()
      • reserveTransfer(mapId, x, y, d, fadeType)
      • setupForNewGame()
      • showFollowers()
      • startMapEvent(x, y, triggers, normal)
      • triggerAction()
      • triggerButtonAction()
      • triggerTouchAction()
      • triggerTouchActionD1(x1, y1)
      • triggerTouchActionD2(x2, y2)
      • triggerTouchActionD3(x2, y2)
      • update(sceneActive)
      • updateDashing()
      • updateEncounterCount()
      • updateNonmoving(wasMoving, sceneActive)
      • updateScroll(lastScrolledX, lastScrolledY)
      • updateVehicle()
      • updateVehicleGetOff()
      • updateVehicleGetOn()
      • vehicle()
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Screen

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • brightness()
      • changeWeather(type, power, duration)
      • clear()
      • clearFade()
      • clearFlash()
      • clearPictures()
      • clearShake()
      • clearTone()
      • clearWeather()
      • clearZoom()
      • eraseBattlePictures()
      • erasePicture(pictureId)
      • flashColor()
      • initialize()
      • maxPictures()
      • onBattleStart()
      • picture(pictureId)
      • realPictureId(pictureId)
      • rotatePicture(pictureId, speed)
      • setZoom(x, y, scale)
      • shake()
      • startFadeIn(duration)
      • startFadeOut(duration)
      • startFlash(color, duration)
      • startFlashForDamage()
      • startShake(power, speed, duration)
      • startTint(tone, duration)
      • startZoom(x, y, scale, duration)
      • tintPicture(pictureId, tone, duration)
      • tone()
      • update()
      • updateFadeIn()
      • updateFadeOut()
      • updateFlash()
      • updatePictures()
      • updateShake()
      • updateTone()
      • updateWeather()
      • updateZoom()
      • weatherPower()
      • weatherType()
      • zoomScale()
      • zoomX()
      • zoomY()
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_SelfSwitches

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • clear()
      • initialize()
      • onChange()
      • setValue(key, value)
      • value(key)
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Switches

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • clear()
      • initialize()
      • onChange()
      • setValue(switchId, value)
      • value(switchId)
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_System

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • battleBgm()
      • battleCount()
      • defeatMe()
      • disableEncounter()
      • disableFormation()
      • disableMenu()
      • disableSave()
      • enableEncounter()
      • enableFormation()
      • enableMenu()
      • enableSave()
      • escapeCount()
      • initialize()
      • isAutosaveEnabled()
      • isCJK()
      • isChinese()
      • isEncounterEnabled()
      • isFormationEnabled()
      • isJapanese()
      • isKorean()
      • isMenuEnabled()
      • isRussian()
      • isSaveEnabled()
      • isSideView()
      • mainFontFace()
      • mainFontSize()
      • numberFontFace()
      • onAfterLoad()
      • onBattleEscape()
      • onBattleStart()
      • onBattleWin()
      • onBeforeSave()
      • playtime()
      • playtimeText()
      • replayBgm()
      • replayWalkingBgm()
      • saveBgm()
      • saveCount()
      • saveWalkingBgm()
      • saveWalkingBgm2()
      • savefileId()
      • setBattleBgm(value)
      • setDefeatMe(value)
      • setSavefileId(savefileId)
      • setVictoryMe(value)
      • setWindowTone(value)
      • versionId()
      • victoryMe()
      • winCount()
      • windowPadding()
      • windowTone()
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Temp

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • clearBattleRefreshRequest()
      • clearDestination()
      • clearTouchState()
      • destinationX()
      • destinationY()
      • initialize()
      • isBattleRefreshRequested()
      • isCommonEventReserved()
      • isDestinationValid()
      • isPlaytest()
      • lastActionData(type)
      • requestBalloon(target, balloonId)
      • requestBattleRefresh()
      • reserveCommonEvent(commonEventId)
      • retrieveAnimation()
      • retrieveBalloon()
      • retrieveCommonEvent()
      • setDestination(x, y)
      • setLastActionData(type, value)
      • setLastSubjectActorId(actorID)
      • setLastSubjectEnemyIndex(enemyIndex)
      • setLastTargetActorId(actorID)
      • setLastTargetEnemyIndex(enemyIndex)
      • setLastUsedItemId(itemID)
      • setLastUsedSkillId(skillID)
      • setTouchState(target, state)
      • touchState()
      • touchTarget()
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Timer

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • initialize()
      • isWorking()
      • onExpire()
      • seconds()
      • start(count)
      • stop()
      • update(sceneActive)
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Troop

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • clear()
      • enemyNames()
      • expTotal()
      • goldRate()
      • goldTotal()
      • increaseTurn()
      • initialize()
      • isEventRunning()
      • isTpbTurnEnd()
      • letterTable()
      • makeDropItems()
      • makeUniqueNames()
      • meetsConditions(page)
      • members()
      • setup(troopId)
      • setupBattleEvent()
      • troop()
      • turnCount()
      • updateInterpreter()
      • updatePluralFlags()
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Unit

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • agility()
      • aliveMembers()
      • clearActions()
      • clearResults()
      • deadMembers()
      • inBattle()
      • initialize()
      • isAllDead()
      • makeActions()
      • members()
      • movableMembers()
      • onBattleEnd()
      • onBattleStart(advantageous)
      • randomDeadTarget()
      • randomTarget()
      • select(activeMember)
      • smoothDeadTarget(index)
      • smoothTarget(index)
      • substituteBattler()
      • tgrSum()
      • tpbBaseSpeed()
      • tpbReferenceTime()
      • updateTpb()
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Variables

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • clear()
      • initialize()
      • onChange()
      • setValue(variableId, value)
      • value(variableId)
    • Private instance functions
  • Game_Vehicle

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • canMove()
      • getOff()
      • getOn()
      • initMembers()
      • initMoveSpeed()
      • initialize(type)
      • isAirship()
      • isBoat()
      • isHighest()
      • isLandOk(x, y, d)
      • isLowest()
      • isMapPassable(x, y, d)
      • isShip()
      • isTakeoffOk()
      • loadSystemSettings()
      • maxAltitude()
      • playBgm()
      • pos(x, y)
      • refresh()
      • resetDirection()
      • screenY()
      • setBgm(bgm)
      • setLocation(mapId, x, y)
      • shadowOpacity()
      • shadowX()
      • shadowY()
      • syncWithPlayer()
      • update()
      • updateAirship()
      • updateAirshipAltitude()
      • vehicle()
    • Private instance functions
  • Graphics

    • Static functions
      • FPSCounter()
      • endLoading()
      • eraseError()
      • hideScreen()
      • initialize()
      • isInsideCanvas(x, y)
      • pageToCanvasX(x)
      • pageToCanvasY(y)
      • printError(name, message, error, =, null)
      • resize(width, height)
      • setStage(stage)
      • setTickHandler(handler)
      • showRetryButton(retry)
      • showScreen()
      • startGameLoop()
      • startLoading()
      • stopGameLoop()
    • Private static functions
      • _applyCanvasFilter()
      • _canRender()
      • _cancelFullScreen()
      • _centerElement(element)
      • _clearCanvasFilter()
      • _createAllElements()
      • _createCanvas()
      • _createEffekseerContext()
      • _createErrorPrinter()
      • _createFPSCounter()
      • _createLoadingSpinner()
      • _createPixiApp()
      • _defaultStretchMode()
      • _disableContextMenu()
      • _isFullScreen()
      • _makeErrorHtml(name, message, error*/)
      • _onKeyDown(event)
      • _onTick(deltaTime)
      • _onWindowResize()
      • _requestFullScreen()
      • _setupEventHandlers()
      • _setupPixi()
      • _stretchHeight()
      • _stretchWidth()
      • _switchFPSCounter()
      • _switchFullScreen()
      • _switchStretchMode()
      • _updateAllElements()
      • _updateCanvas()
      • _updateErrorPrinter()
      • _updateRealScale()
      • _updateVideo()
    • Instance functions
    • Private instance functions
  • ImageManager

    • Static functions
      • clear()
      • isBigCharacter(filename)
      • isObjectCharacter(filename)
      • isReady()
      • isZeroParallax(filename)
      • loadAnimation(filename)
      • loadBattleback1(filename)
      • loadBattleback2(filename)
      • loadBitmap(folder, filename)
      • loadBitmapFromUrl(url)
      • loadCharacter(filename)
      • loadEnemy(filename)
      • loadFace(filename)
      • loadParallax(filename)
      • loadPicture(filename)
      • loadSvActor(filename)
      • loadSvEnemy(filename)
      • loadSystem(filename)
      • loadTileset(filename)
      • loadTitle1(filename)
      • loadTitle2(filename)
      • throwLoadError(bitmap)
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
    • Private instance functions
  • Input

    • Static functions
      • clear()
      • initialize()
      • isLongPressed(keyName)
      • isPressed(keyName)
      • isRepeated(keyName)
      • isTriggered(keyName)
      • update()
      • virtualClick(buttonName)
    • Private static functions
      • _isEscapeCompatible(keyName)
      • _makeNumpadDirection(x, y)
      • _onKeyDown(event)
      • _onKeyUp(event)
      • _onLostFocus()
      • _pollGamepads()
      • _setupEventHandlers()
      • _shouldPreventDefault(keyCode)
      • _signX()
      • _signY()
      • _updateDirection()
      • _updateGamepadState(gamepad)
    • Instance functions
    • Private instance functions
  • JsonEx

    • Static functions
      • makeDeepCopy(object)
      • parse(json)
      • stringify(object)
    • Private static functions
      • _decode(value)
      • _encode(value, depth)
    • Instance functions
    • Private instance functions
  • Math

    • Static functions
      • randomInt(max)
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
    • Private instance functions
  • Number

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • clamp(min, max)
      • mod(n)
      • padZero(length)
    • Private instance functions
  • PluginManager

    • Static functions
      • callCommand(self, pluginName, commandName, args)
      • checkErrors()
      • loadScript(filename)
      • makeUrl(filename)
      • onError(e)
      • parameters(name)
      • registerCommand(pluginName, commandName, func)
      • setParameters(name, parameters)
      • setup(plugins)
      • throwLoadError(url)
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
    • Private instance functions
  • Point

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • initialize(x, y)
    • Private instance functions
  • Rectangle

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • initialize(x, y, width, height)
    • Private instance functions
  • SceneManager

    • Static functions
      • backgroundBitmap()
      • catchException(e)
      • catchLoadError(e)
      • catchNormalError(e)
      • catchUnknownError(e)
      • changeScene()
      • checkBrowser()
      • checkPluginErrors()
      • clearStack()
      • determineRepeatNumber(deltaTime)
      • exit()
      • goto(sceneClass)
      • initAudio()
      • initGraphics()
      • initInput()
      • initVideo()
      • initialize()
      • isCurrentSceneBusy()
      • isGameActive()
      • isNextScene(sceneClass)
      • isPreviousScene(sceneClass)
      • isSceneChanging()
      • onBeforeSceneStart()
      • onError(event)
      • onKeyDown(event)
      • onReject(event)
      • onSceneCreate()
      • onSceneStart()
      • onSceneTerminate()
      • onUnload()
      • pop()
      • prepareNextScene()
      • push(sceneClass)
      • reloadGame()
      • resume()
      • run(sceneClass)
      • setupEventHandlers()
      • showDevTools()
      • snap()
      • snapForBackground()
      • stop()
      • terminate()
      • update(deltaTime)
      • updateEffekseer()
      • updateFrameCount()
      • updateInputData()
      • updateMain()
      • updateScene()
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
    • Private instance functions
  • Scene_Base

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • addWindow(window)
      • buttonAreaBottom()
      • buttonAreaHeight()
      • buttonAreaTop()
      • buttonY()
      • calcWindowHeight(numLines, selectable)
      • centerSprite(sprite)
      • checkGameover()
      • create()
      • createColorFilter()
      • createWindowLayer()
      • executeAutosave()
      • fadeOutAll()
      • fadeSpeed()
      • initialize()
      • isActive()
      • isAutosaveEnabled()
      • isBottomButtonMode()
      • isBottomHelpMode()
      • isBusy()
      • isFading()
      • isReady()
      • isRightInputMode()
      • isStarted()
      • mainCommandWidth()
      • onAutosaveFailure()
      • onAutosaveSuccess()
      • popScene()
      • requestAutosave()
      • scaleSprite(sprite)
      • slowFadeSpeed()
      • start()
      • startFadeIn(duration, white)
      • startFadeOut(duration, white)
      • stop()
      • terminate()
      • update()
      • updateChildren()
      • updateColorFilter()
      • updateFade()
    • Private instance functions
  • Scene_Battle

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • actorCommandWindowRect()
      • actorWindowRect()
      • buttonAreaTop()
      • changeInputWindow()
      • closeCommandWindows()
      • commandAttack()
      • commandCancel()
      • commandEscape()
      • commandFight()
      • commandGuard()
      • commandItem()
      • commandSkill()
      • create()
      • createActorCommandWindow()
      • createActorWindow()
      • createAllWindows()
      • createButtons()
      • createCancelButton()
      • createDisplayObjects()
      • createEnemyWindow()
      • createHelpWindow()
      • createItemWindow()
      • createLogWindow()
      • createPartyCommandWindow()
      • createSkillWindow()
      • createSpriteset()
      • createStatusWindow()
      • endCommandSelection()
      • enemyWindowRect()
      • helpAreaBottom()
      • helpAreaHeight()
      • helpAreaTop()
      • helpWindowRect()
      • hideSubInputWindows()
      • initialize()
      • isAnyInputWindowActive()
      • isTimeActive()
      • itemWindowRect()
      • logWindowRect()
      • needsInputWindowChange()
      • needsSlowFadeOut()
      • onActorCancel()
      • onActorOk()
      • onEnemyCancel()
      • onEnemyOk()
      • onItemCancel()
      • onItemOk()
      • onSelectAction()
      • onSkillCancel()
      • onSkillOk()
      • partyCommandWindowRect()
      • selectNextCommand()
      • selectPreviousCommand()
      • shouldAutosave()
      • shouldOpenStatusWindow()
      • skillWindowRect()
      • start()
      • startActorCommandSelection()
      • startActorSelection()
      • startEnemySelection()
      • startPartyCommandSelection()
      • statusWindowRect()
      • statusWindowX()
      • stop()
      • terminate()
      • update()
      • updateBattleProcess()
      • updateCancelButton()
      • updateInputWindowVisibility()
      • updateLogWindowVisibility()
      • updateStatusWindowPosition()
      • updateStatusWindowVisibility()
      • updateVisibility()
      • windowAreaHeight()
    • Private instance functions
  • Scene_Boot

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • adjustBoxSize()
      • adjustWindow()
      • checkPlayerLocation()
      • create()
      • initialize()
      • isPlayerDataLoaded()
      • isReady()
      • loadGameFonts()
      • loadPlayerData()
      • loadSystemImages()
      • onDatabaseLoaded()
      • resizeScreen()
      • setEncryptionInfo()
      • start()
      • startNormalGame()
      • updateDocumentTitle()
    • Private instance functions
  • Scene_Debug

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • create()
      • createDebugHelpWindow()
      • createEditWindow()
      • createRangeWindow()
      • debugHelpWindowRect()
      • editWindowRect()
      • helpText()
      • initialize()
      • needsCancelButton()
      • onEditCancel()
      • onRangeOk()
      • rangeWindowRect()
      • refreshHelpWindow()
    • Private instance functions
  • Scene_Equip

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • arePageButtonsEnabled()
      • commandClear()
      • commandEquip()
      • commandOptimize()
      • commandWindowRect()
      • create()
      • createCommandWindow()
      • createItemWindow()
      • createSlotWindow()
      • createStatusWindow()
      • executeEquipChange()
      • hideItemWindow()
      • initialize()
      • itemWindowRect()
      • needsPageButtons()
      • onActorChange()
      • onItemCancel()
      • onItemOk()
      • onSlotCancel()
      • onSlotOk()
      • refreshActor()
      • slotWindowRect()
      • statusWidth()
      • statusWindowRect()
    • Private instance functions
  • Scene_File

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • activateListWindow()
      • create()
      • createHelpWindow()
      • createListWindow()
      • firstSavefileId()
      • helpAreaHeight()
      • helpWindowRect()
      • helpWindowText()
      • initialize()
      • isSavefileEnabled(savefileId)
      • listWindowRect()
      • mode()
      • needsAutosave()
      • onSavefileOk()
      • savefileId()
      • start()
    • Private instance functions
  • Scene_GameEnd

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • commandToTitle()
      • commandWindowRect()
      • create()
      • createBackground()
      • createCommandWindow()
      • initialize()
      • stop()
    • Private instance functions
  • Scene_Gameover

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • adjustBackground()
      • create()
      • createBackground()
      • gotoTitle()
      • initialize()
      • isTriggered()
      • playGameoverMusic()
      • start()
      • stop()
      • terminate()
      • update()
    • Private instance functions
  • Scene_Item

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • categoryWindowRect()
      • create()
      • createCategoryWindow()
      • createItemWindow()
      • initialize()
      • itemWindowRect()
      • onCategoryOk()
      • onItemCancel()
      • onItemOk()
      • playSeForItem()
      • useItem()
      • user()
    • Private instance functions
  • Scene_ItemBase

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • activateItemWindow()
      • actorWindowRect()
      • applyItem()
      • canUse()
      • checkCommonEvent()
      • create()
      • createActorWindow()
      • determineItem()
      • hideActorWindow()
      • initialize()
      • isActorWindowActive()
      • isCursorLeft()
      • isItemEffectsValid()
      • item()
      • itemTargetActors()
      • onActorCancel()
      • onActorOk()
      • showActorWindow()
      • useItem()
      • user()
    • Private instance functions
  • Scene_Load

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • executeLoad(savefileId)
      • firstSavefileId()
      • helpWindowText()
      • initialize()
      • mode()
      • onLoadFailure()
      • onLoadSuccess()
      • onSavefileOk()
      • reloadMapIfUpdated()
      • terminate()
    • Private instance functions
  • Scene_Map

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • callMenu()
      • create()
      • createAllWindows()
      • createButtons()
      • createDisplayObjects()
      • createMapNameWindow()
      • createMenuButton()
      • createSpriteset()
      • encounterEffectSpeed()
      • fadeInForTransfer()
      • fadeOutForTransfer()
      • hideMenuButton()
      • initialize()
      • isAnyButtonPressed()
      • isBusy()
      • isDebugCalled()
      • isFastForward()
      • isMapTouchOk()
      • isMenuCalled()
      • isMenuEnabled()
      • isPlayerActive()
      • isReady()
      • isSceneChangeOk()
      • launchBattle()
      • mapNameWindowRect()
      • needsFadeIn()
      • needsSlowFadeOut()
      • onMapLoaded()
      • onMapTouch()
      • onTransfer()
      • onTransferEnd()
      • processMapTouch()
      • shouldAutosave()
      • snapForBattleBackground()
      • start()
      • startEncounterEffect()
      • startFlashForEncounter(duration)
      • stop()
      • stopAudioOnBattleStart()
      • terminate()
      • update()
      • updateCallDebug()
      • updateCallMenu()
      • updateDestination()
      • updateEncounter()
      • updateEncounterEffect()
      • updateMain()
      • updateMainMultiply()
      • updateMapNameWindow()
      • updateMenuButton()
      • updateScene()
      • updateTransferPlayer()
      • updateWaitCount()
    • Private instance functions
  • Scene_Menu

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • commandFormation()
      • commandGameEnd()
      • commandItem()
      • commandOptions()
      • commandPersonal()
      • commandSave()
      • commandWindowRect()
      • create()
      • createCommandWindow()
      • createGoldWindow()
      • createStatusWindow()
      • goldWindowRect()
      • helpAreaHeight()
      • initialize()
      • onFormationCancel()
      • onFormationOk()
      • onPersonalCancel()
      • onPersonalOk()
      • start()
      • statusWindowRect()
    • Private instance functions
  • Scene_MenuBase

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • actor()
      • arePageButtonsEnabled()
      • create()
      • createBackground()
      • createButtons()
      • createCancelButton()
      • createHelpWindow()
      • createPageButtons()
      • helpAreaBottom()
      • helpAreaHeight()
      • helpAreaTop()
      • helpWindowRect()
      • initialize()
      • mainAreaBottom()
      • mainAreaHeight()
      • mainAreaTop()
      • needsCancelButton()
      • needsPageButtons()
      • nextActor()
      • onActorChange()
      • previousActor()
      • setBackgroundOpacity(opacity)
      • update()
      • updateActor()
      • updatePageButtons()
    • Private instance functions
  • Scene_Message

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • associateWindows()
      • createAllWindows()
      • createChoiceListWindow()
      • createEventItemWindow()
      • createGoldWindow()
      • createMessageWindow()
      • createNameBoxWindow()
      • createNumberInputWindow()
      • createScrollTextWindow()
      • eventItemWindowRect()
      • goldWindowRect()
      • initialize()
      • isMessageWindowClosing()
      • messageWindowRect()
      • scrollTextWindowRect()
    • Private instance functions
  • Scene_Name

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • create()
      • createEditWindow()
      • createInputWindow()
      • editWindowRect()
      • initialize()
      • inputWindowRect()
      • onInputOk()
      • prepare(actorId, maxLength)
      • start()
    • Private instance functions
  • Scene_Options

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • create()
      • createOptionsWindow()
      • initialize()
      • maxCommands()
      • maxVisibleCommands()
      • optionsWindowRect()
      • terminate()
    • Private instance functions
  • Scene_Save

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • executeSave(savefileId)
      • firstSavefileId()
      • helpWindowText()
      • initialize()
      • mode()
      • onSaveFailure()
      • onSaveSuccess()
      • onSavefileOk()
    • Private instance functions
  • Scene_Shop

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • activateBuyWindow()
      • activateSellWindow()
      • buyWindowRect()
      • buyingPrice()
      • categoryWindowRect()
      • commandBuy()
      • commandSell()
      • commandWindowRect()
      • create()
      • createBuyWindow()
      • createCategoryWindow()
      • createCommandWindow()
      • createDummyWindow()
      • createGoldWindow()
      • createNumberWindow()
      • createSellWindow()
      • createStatusWindow()
      • currencyUnit()
      • doBuy(number)
      • doSell(number)
      • dummyWindowRect()
      • endNumberInput()
      • goldWindowRect()
      • initialize()
      • maxBuy()
      • maxSell()
      • money()
      • numberWindowRect()
      • onBuyCancel()
      • onBuyOk()
      • onCategoryCancel()
      • onCategoryOk()
      • onNumberCancel()
      • onNumberOk()
      • onSellCancel()
      • onSellOk()
      • prepare(goods, purchaseOnly)
      • sellWindowRect()
      • sellingPrice()
      • statusWidth()
      • statusWindowRect()
    • Private instance functions
  • Scene_Skill

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • arePageButtonsEnabled()
      • commandSkill()
      • create()
      • createItemWindow()
      • createSkillTypeWindow()
      • createStatusWindow()
      • initialize()
      • itemWindowRect()
      • needsPageButtons()
      • onActorChange()
      • onItemCancel()
      • onItemOk()
      • playSeForItem()
      • refreshActor()
      • skillTypeWindowRect()
      • start()
      • statusWindowRect()
      • useItem()
      • user()
    • Private instance functions
  • Scene_Status

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • create()
      • createProfileWindow()
      • createStatusEquipWindow()
      • createStatusParamsWindow()
      • createStatusWindow()
      • helpAreaHeight()
      • initialize()
      • needsPageButtons()
      • onActorChange()
      • profileHeight()
      • profileWindowRect()
      • refreshActor()
      • start()
      • statusEquipWindowRect()
      • statusParamsHeight()
      • statusParamsWidth()
      • statusParamsWindowRect()
      • statusWindowRect()
    • Private instance functions
  • Scene_Title

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • adjustBackground()
      • commandContinue()
      • commandNewGame()
      • commandOptions()
      • commandWindowRect()
      • create()
      • createBackground()
      • createCommandWindow()
      • createForeground()
      • drawGameTitle()
      • initialize()
      • isBusy()
      • playTitleMusic()
      • start()
      • terminate()
      • update()
    • Private instance functions
  • ScreenSprite

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • destroy()
      • initialize()
      • setBlack()
      • setColor(r, g, b)
      • setWhite()
    • Private instance functions
  • SoundManager

    • Static functions
      • loadSystemSound(n)
      • playActorCollapse()
      • playActorDamage()
      • playBattleStart()
      • playBossCollapse1()
      • playBossCollapse2()
      • playBuzzer()
      • playCancel()
      • playCursor()
      • playEnemyAttack()
      • playEnemyCollapse()
      • playEnemyDamage()
      • playEquip()
      • playEscape()
      • playEvasion()
      • playLoad()
      • playMagicEvasion()
      • playMiss()
      • playOk()
      • playRecovery()
      • playReflection()
      • playSave()
      • playShop()
      • playSystemSound(n)
      • playUseItem()
      • playUseSkill()
      • preloadImportantSounds()
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
    • Private instance functions
  • Sprite

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • destroy()
      • getBlendColor()
      • getColorTone()
      • hide()
      • initialize(bitmap)
      • move(x, y)
      • setBlendColor(color)
      • setColorTone(tone)
      • setFrame(x, y, width, height)
      • setHue(hue)
      • show()
      • update()
      • updateVisibility()
    • Private instance functions
      • _createColorFilter()
      • _onBitmapChange()
      • _onBitmapLoad(bitmapLoaded)
      • _refresh()
      • _updateColorFilter()
  • Sprite_Actor

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • createMainSprite()
      • createShadowSprite()
      • createStateSprite()
      • createWeaponSprite()
      • damageOffsetX()
      • damageOffsetY()
      • initMembers()
      • initialize(battler)
      • mainSprite()
      • motionSpeed()
      • moveToStartPosition()
      • onMoveEnd()
      • refreshMotion()
      • retreat()
      • setActorHome(index)
      • setBattler(battler)
      • setupMotion()
      • setupWeaponAnimation()
      • shouldStepForward()
      • startEntryMotion()
      • startMotion(motionType)
      • stepBack()
      • stepForward()
      • update()
      • updateBitmap()
      • updateFrame()
      • updateMain()
      • updateMotion()
      • updateMotionCount()
      • updateMove()
      • updateShadow()
      • updateTargetPosition()
    • Private instance functions
  • Sprite_Animation

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • canStart()
      • checkEnd()
      • destroy(options)
      • initMembers()
      • initialize()
      • isPlaying()
      • onAfterRender(renderer)
      • onBeforeRender(renderer)
      • processFlashTimings()
      • processSoundTimings()
      • resetViewport(renderer)
      • saveViewport(renderer)
      • setCameraMatrix()
      • setProjectionMatrix(renderer)
      • setRotation(x, y, z)
      • setViewport(renderer)
      • shouldWaitForPrevious()
      • targetPosition(renderer)
      • targetSpritePosition(sprite)
      • update()
      • updateEffectGeometry()
      • updateFlash()
      • updateMain()
    • Private instance functions
      • _render(renderer)
  • Sprite_AnimationMV

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • absoluteX()
      • absoluteY()
      • createCellSprites()
      • createScreenFlashSprite()
      • currentFrameIndex()
      • initMembers()
      • initialize()
      • isPlaying()
      • isReady()
      • loadBitmaps()
      • onEnd()
      • processTimingData(timing)
      • setupDuration()
      • setupRate()
      • startFlash(color, duration)
      • startHiding(duration)
      • startScreenFlash(color, duration)
      • update()
      • updateAllCellSprites(frame)
      • updateCellSprite(sprite, cell)
      • updateFlash()
      • updateFrame()
      • updateHiding()
      • updateMain()
      • updatePosition()
      • updateScreenFlash()
    • Private instance functions
  • Sprite_Balloon

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • frameIndex()
      • initMembers()
      • initialize()
      • isPlaying()
      • loadBitmap()
      • setup(targetSprite, balloonId)
      • speed()
      • update()
      • updateFrame()
      • updatePosition()
      • waitTime()
    • Private instance functions
  • Sprite_Battleback

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • adjustPosition()
      • autotileType(z)
      • battleback1Bitmap()
      • battleback1Name()
      • battleback2Bitmap()
      • battleback2Name()
      • defaultBattleback1Name()
      • defaultBattleback2Name()
      • initialize(type)
      • normalBattleback1Name()
      • normalBattleback2Name()
      • overworldBattleback1Name()
      • overworldBattleback2Name()
      • shipBattleback1Name()
      • shipBattleback2Name()
      • terrainBattleback1Name(type)
      • terrainBattleback2Name(type)
    • Private instance functions
  • Sprite_Battler

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • checkBattler(battler)
      • createDamageSprite()
      • damageOffsetX()
      • damageOffsetY()
      • destroyDamageSprite(sprite)
      • inHomePosition()
      • initMembers()
      • initialize(battler)
      • isEffecting()
      • isMoving()
      • mainSprite()
      • onClick()
      • onMouseEnter()
      • onMoveEnd()
      • onPress()
      • setBattler(battler)
      • setHome(x, y)
      • setupDamagePopup()
      • startMove(x, y, duration)
      • update()
      • updateBitmap()
      • updateDamagePopup()
      • updateFrame()
      • updateMain()
      • updateMove()
      • updatePosition()
      • updateSelectionEffect()
      • updateVisibility()
    • Private instance functions
  • Sprite_Button

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • blockHeight()
      • blockWidth()
      • buttonData()
      • checkBitmap()
      • initialize(buttonType)
      • loadButtonImage()
      • onClick()
      • setClickHandler(method)
      • setColdFrame(x, y, width, height)
      • setHotFrame(x, y, width, height)
      • setupFrames()
      • update()
      • updateFrame()
      • updateOpacity()
    • Private instance functions
  • Sprite_Character

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • characterBlockX()
      • characterBlockY()
      • characterPatternX()
      • characterPatternY()
      • checkCharacter(character)
      • createHalfBodySprites()
      • initMembers()
      • initialize(character)
      • isEmptyCharacter()
      • isImageChanged()
      • isObjectCharacter()
      • isTile()
      • patternHeight()
      • patternWidth()
      • setCharacter(character)
      • setCharacterBitmap()
      • setTileBitmap()
      • tilesetBitmap(tileId)
      • update()
      • updateBitmap()
      • updateCharacterFrame()
      • updateFrame()
      • updateHalfBodySprites()
      • updateOther()
      • updatePosition()
      • updateTileFrame()
      • updateVisibility()
    • Private instance functions
  • Sprite_Clickable

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • hitTest(x, y)
      • initialize()
      • isBeingTouched()
      • isClickEnabled()
      • isPressed()
      • onClick()
      • onMouseEnter()
      • onMouseExit()
      • onPress()
      • processTouch()
      • update()
    • Private instance functions
  • Sprite_Damage

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • createBitmap(width, height)
      • createChildSprite(width, height)
      • createDigits(value)
      • createMiss()
      • damageColor()
      • destroy(options)
      • fontFace()
      • fontSize()
      • initialize()
      • isPlaying()
      • outlineColor()
      • outlineWidth()
      • setup(target)
      • setupCriticalEffect()
      • update()
      • updateChild(sprite)
      • updateFlash()
      • updateOpacity()
    • Private instance functions
  • Sprite_Destination

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • createBitmap()
      • destroy(options)
      • initialize()
      • update()
      • updateAnimation()
      • updatePosition()
    • Private instance functions
  • Sprite_Enemy

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • createStateIconSprite()
      • damageOffsetX()
      • damageOffsetY()
      • initMembers()
      • initVisibility()
      • initialize(battler)
      • isEffecting()
      • loadBitmap(name)
      • revertToNormal()
      • setBattler(battler)
      • setHue(hue)
      • setupEffect()
      • startAppear()
      • startBlink()
      • startBossCollapse()
      • startCollapse()
      • startDisappear()
      • startEffect(effectType)
      • startInstantCollapse()
      • startWhiten()
      • update()
      • updateAppear()
      • updateBitmap()
      • updateBlink()
      • updateBossCollapse()
      • updateCollapse()
      • updateDisappear()
      • updateEffect()
      • updateFrame()
      • updateInstantCollapse()
      • updatePosition()
      • updateStateSprite()
      • updateWhiten()
    • Private instance functions
  • Sprite_Gauge

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • bitmapHeight()
      • bitmapWidth()
      • createBitmap()
      • currentMaxValue()
      • currentValue()
      • destroy(options)
      • drawGauge()
      • drawGaugeRect(x, y, width, height)
      • drawLabel()
      • drawValue()
      • flashingColor1()
      • flashingColor2()
      • gaugeBackColor()
      • gaugeColor1()
      • gaugeColor2()
      • gaugeHeight()
      • gaugeRate()
      • gaugeX()
      • initMembers()
      • initialize()
      • isValid()
      • label()
      • labelColor()
      • labelFontFace()
      • labelFontSize()
      • labelOpacity()
      • labelOutlineColor()
      • labelOutlineWidth()
      • labelY()
      • measureLabelWidth()
      • redraw()
      • setup(battler, statusType)
      • setupLabelFont()
      • setupValueFont()
      • smoothness()
      • update()
      • updateBitmap()
      • updateFlashing()
      • updateGaugeAnimation()
      • updateTargetValue(value, maxValue)
      • valueColor()
      • valueFontFace()
      • valueFontSize()
      • valueOutlineColor()
      • valueOutlineWidth()
    • Private instance functions
  • Sprite_Name

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • bitmapHeight()
      • bitmapWidth()
      • createBitmap()
      • destroy(options)
      • fontFace()
      • fontSize()
      • initMembers()
      • initialize()
      • name()
      • outlineColor()
      • outlineWidth()
      • redraw()
      • setup(battler)
      • setupFont()
      • textColor()
      • update()
      • updateBitmap()
    • Private instance functions
  • Sprite_Picture

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • initialize(pictureId)
      • loadBitmap()
      • picture()
      • update()
      • updateBitmap()
      • updateOrigin()
      • updateOther()
      • updatePosition()
      • updateScale()
      • updateTone()
    • Private instance functions
  • Sprite_StateIcon

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • animationWait()
      • initMembers()
      • initialize()
      • loadBitmap()
      • setup(battler)
      • shouldDisplay()
      • update()
      • updateFrame()
      • updateIcon()
    • Private instance functions
  • Sprite_StateOverlay

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • animationWait()
      • initMembers()
      • initialize()
      • loadBitmap()
      • setup(battler)
      • update()
      • updateFrame()
      • updatePattern()
    • Private instance functions
  • Sprite_Timer

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • createBitmap()
      • destroy(options)
      • fontFace()
      • fontSize()
      • initialize()
      • redraw()
      • timerText()
      • update()
      • updateBitmap()
      • updatePosition()
      • updateVisibility()
    • Private instance functions
  • Sprite_Weapon

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • animationWait()
      • initMembers()
      • initialize()
      • isPlaying()
      • loadBitmap()
      • setup(weaponImageId)
      • update()
      • updateFrame()
      • updatePattern()
    • Private instance functions
  • Spriteset_Base

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • animationBaseDelay()
      • animationNextDelay()
      • animationShouldMirror(target)
      • createAnimation(request)
      • createBaseFilters()
      • createBaseSprite()
      • createLowerLayer()
      • createOverallFilters()
      • createPictures()
      • createTimer()
      • createUpperLayer()
      • destroy(options)
      • findTargetSprite()
      • initialize()
      • isAnimationForEach(animation)
      • isAnimationPlaying()
      • isMVAnimation(animation)
      • lastAnimationSprite()
      • loadSystemImages()
      • makeTargetSprites(targets)
      • pictureContainerRect()
      • processAnimationRequests()
      • removeAllAnimations()
      • removeAnimation(sprite)
      • update()
      • updateAnimations()
      • updateBaseFilters()
      • updateOverallFilters()
      • updatePosition()
    • Private instance functions
  • Spriteset_Battle

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • battleFieldOffsetY()
      • battlerSprites()
      • compareEnemySprite(a, b)
      • createActors()
      • createBackground()
      • createBattleField()
      • createBattleback()
      • createEnemies()
      • createLowerLayer()
      • findTargetSprite(target)
      • initialize()
      • isAnyoneMoving()
      • isBusy()
      • isEffecting()
      • loadSystemImages()
      • update()
      • updateActors()
      • updateBattleback()
    • Private instance functions
  • Spriteset_Map

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • animationBaseDelay()
      • createBalloon(request)
      • createCharacters()
      • createDestination()
      • createLowerLayer()
      • createParallax()
      • createShadow()
      • createTilemap()
      • createWeather()
      • destroy(options)
      • findTargetSprite(target)
      • hideCharacters()
      • initialize()
      • loadSystemImages()
      • loadTileset()
      • processBalloonRequests()
      • removeAllBalloons()
      • removeBalloon(sprite)
      • update()
      • updateBalloons()
      • updateParallax()
      • updateShadow()
      • updateTilemap()
      • updateTileset()
      • updateWeather()
    • Private instance functions
  • Stage

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • destroy()
      • initialize()
    • Private instance functions
  • StorageManager

    • Static functions
      • exists(saveName)
      • fileDirectoryPath()
      • filePath(saveName)
      • forageExists(saveName)
      • forageKey(saveName)
      • forageKeysUpdated()
      • forageTestKey()
      • fsMkdir(path)
      • fsReadFile(path)
      • fsRename(oldPath, newPath)
      • fsUnlink(path)
      • fsWriteFile(path, data)
      • isLocalMode()
      • jsonToObject(json)
      • jsonToZip(json)
      • loadFromForage(saveName)
      • loadFromLocalFile(saveName)
      • loadObject(saveName)
      • loadZip(saveName)
      • localFileExists(saveName)
      • objectToJson(object)
      • remove(saveName)
      • removeForage(saveName)
      • removeLocalFile(saveName)
      • saveObject(saveName, object)
      • saveToForage(saveName, zip)
      • saveToLocalFile(saveName, zip)
      • saveZip(saveName, zip)
      • updateForageKeys()
      • zipToJson(zip)
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
    • Private instance functions
  • String

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • contains(string)
      • format()
      • padZero(length)
    • Private instance functions
  • TextManager

    • Static functions
      • basic(basicId)
      • command(commandId)
      • getter(method, param)
      • message(messageId)
      • param(paramId)
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
    • Private instance functions
  • Tilemap

    • Static functions
      • Layer()
      • Renderer()
      • getAutotileKind(tileId)
      • getAutotileShape(tileId)
      • isAutotile(tileId)
      • isFloorTypeAutotile(tileId)
      • isGroundTile(tileId)
      • isRoofTile(tileId)
      • isSameKindTile(tileID1, tileID2)
      • isShadowingTile(tileId)
      • isTileA1(tileId)
      • isTileA2(tileId)
      • isTileA3(tileId)
      • isTileA4(tileId)
      • isTileA5(tileId)
      • isVisibleTile(tileId)
      • isWallSideTile(tileId)
      • isWallTile(tileId)
      • isWallTopTile(tileId)
      • isWallTypeAutotile(tileId)
      • isWaterTile(tileId)
      • isWaterfallTile(tileId)
      • isWaterfallTypeAutotile(tileId)
      • makeAutotileId(kind, shape)
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • destroy()
      • initialize()
      • isReady()
      • refresh()
      • setBitmaps(bitmaps)
      • setData(width, height, data)
      • update()
      • updateTransform()
    • Private instance functions
      • _addAllSpots(startX, startY)
      • _addAutotile(layer, tileId, dx, dy)
      • _addNormalTile(layer, tileId, dx, dy)
      • _addShadow(layer, shadowBits, dx, dy)
      • _addSpot(startX, startY, x, y)
      • _addSpotTile(tileId, dx, dy)
      • _addTableEdge(layer, tileId, dx, dy)
      • _addTile(layer, tileId, dx, dy)
      • _compareChildOrder(a, b)
      • _createLayers()
      • _isHigherTile(tileId)
      • _isOverpassPosition(my*/)
      • _isTableTile(tileId)
      • _readMapData(x, y, z)
      • _sortChildren()
      • _updateBitmaps()
  • TilingSprite

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • destroy()
      • initialize(bitmap)
      • move(x, y, width, height)
      • setFrame(x, y, width, height)
      • update()
      • updateTransform()
    • Private instance functions
      • _onBitmapChange()
      • _onBitmapLoad()
      • _refresh()
  • TouchInput

    • Static functions
      • clear()
      • initialize()
      • isCancelled()
      • isClicked()
      • isHovered()
      • isLongPressed()
      • isMoved()
      • isPressed()
      • isReleased()
      • isRepeated()
      • isTriggered()
      • update()
    • Private static functions
      • _createNewState()
      • _onCancel(x, y)
      • _onHover(x, y)
      • _onLeftButtonDown(event)
      • _onLostFocus()
      • _onMiddleButtonDown()
      • _onMouseDown(event)
      • _onMouseMove(event)
      • _onMouseUp(event)
      • _onMove(x, y)
      • _onRelease(x, y)
      • _onRightButtonDown(event)
      • _onTouchCancel()
      • _onTouchEnd(event)
      • _onTouchMove(event)
      • _onTouchStart(event)
      • _onTrigger(x, y)
      • _onWheel(event)
      • _setupEventHandlers()
    • Instance functions
    • Private instance functions
  • Utils

    • Static functions
      • canPlayOgg()
      • canPlayWebm()
      • canUseCssFontLoading()
      • canUseIndexedDB()
      • canUseWebAudioAPI()
      • canUseWebGL()
      • checkRMVersion(version)
      • containsArabic(str)
      • decryptArrayBuffer(source)
      • encodeURI(str)
      • escapeHtml(str)
      • hasEncryptedAudio()
      • hasEncryptedImages()
      • isAndroidChrome()
      • isLocal()
      • isMobileDevice()
      • isMobileSafari()
      • isNwjs()
      • isOptionValid(name)
      • setEncryptionInfo(hasImages, hasAudio, key)
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
    • Private instance functions
  • Video

    • Static functions
      • initialize(width, height)
      • isPlaying()
      • play(src)
      • resize(width, height)
      • setVolume(volume)
    • Private static functions
      • _createElement()
      • _isVisible()
      • _onEnd()
      • _onError()
      • _onLoad()
      • _onUserGesture()
      • _setupEventHandlers()
      • _updateVisibility(videoVisible)
    • Instance functions
    • Private instance functions
  • Weather

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • destroy()
      • initialize()
      • update()
    • Private instance functions
      • _addSprite()
      • _createBitmaps()
      • _createDimmer()
      • _rebornSprite(sprite)
      • _removeSprite()
      • _updateAllSprites()
      • _updateDimmer()
      • _updateRainSprite(sprite)
      • _updateSnowSprite(sprite)
      • _updateSprite(sprite)
      • _updateStormSprite(sprite)
  • WebAudio

    • Static functions
      • initialize()
      • setMasterVolume(value)
    • Private static functions
      • _createContext()
      • _createMasterGainNode()
      • _currentTime()
      • _fadeIn(duration)
      • _fadeOut(duration)
      • _onHide()
      • _onShow()
      • _onUserGesture()
      • _onVisibilityChange()
      • _resetVolume()
      • _setupEventHandlers()
      • _shouldMuteOnHide()
    • Instance functions
      • addLoadListener(listner)
      • addStopListener(listner)
      • clear()
      • destroy()
      • fadeIn(duration)
      • fadeOut(duration)
      • initialize(url)
      • isError()
      • isPlaying()
      • isReady()
      • play(loop, offset)
      • retry()
      • seek()
      • stop()
    • Private instance functions
      • _concatenateFetchedData()
      • _createAllSourceNodes()
      • _createDecoder()
      • _createEndTimer()
      • _createGainNode()
      • _createPannerNode()
      • _createSourceNode(index)
      • _decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer)
      • _destroyDecoder()
      • _onDecode(buffer)
      • _onError()
      • _onFetch(response)
      • _onFetchProcess(value)
      • _onLoad()
      • _onXhrLoad(xhr)
      • _readFourCharacters(view, index)
      • _readLoopComments(arrayBuffer)
      • _readMetaData(view, index, size)
      • _readableBuffer()
      • _realUrl()
      • _refreshSourceNode()
      • _removeEndTimer()
      • _removeNodes()
      • _shouldUseDecoder()
      • _startAllSourceNodes()
      • _startFetching(url)
      • _startLoading()
      • _startPlaying(offset)
      • _startSourceNode(index)
      • _startXhrLoading(url)
      • _stopSourceNode()
      • _updateBuffer()
      • _updateBufferOnFetch()
      • _updatePanner()
  • Window

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • addChildToBack(child)
      • addInnerChild(child)
      • destroy()
      • drawShape(graphics)
      • initialize()
      • isClosed()
      • isOpen()
      • move(x, y, width, height)
      • moveCursorBy(x, y)
      • moveInnerChildrenBy(x, y)
      • setCursorRect(x, y, width, height)
      • setTone(r, g, b)
      • update()
      • updateTransform()
    • Private instance functions
      • _createAllParts()
      • _createArrowSprites()
      • _createBackSprite()
      • _createClientArea()
      • _createContainer()
      • _createContentsBackSprite()
      • _createContentsSprite()
      • _createCursorSprite()
      • _createFrameSprite()
      • _createPauseSignSprites()
      • _makeCursorAlpha()
      • _onWindowskinLoad()
      • _refreshAllParts()
      • _refreshArrows()
      • _refreshBack()
      • _refreshCursor()
      • _refreshFrame()
      • _refreshPauseSign()
      • _setRectPartsGeometry(sprite, srect, drect, m)
      • _updateArrows()
      • _updateClientArea()
      • _updateContents()
      • _updateContentsBack()
      • _updateCursor()
      • _updateFilterArea()
      • _updateFrame()
      • _updatePauseSign()
  • WindowLayer

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • initialize()
      • update()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_ActorCommand

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • actor()
      • addAttackCommand()
      • addGuardCommand()
      • addItemCommand()
      • addSkillCommands()
      • initialize(rect)
      • makeCommandList()
      • processOk()
      • selectLast()
      • setup(actor)
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_Base

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • activate()
      • actorName(n)
      • baseTextRect()
      • calcTextHeight(textState)
      • changeOutlineColor(color)
      • changePaintOpacity(enabled)
      • changeTextColor(color)
      • checkRectObject(rect)
      • close()
      • contentsHeight()
      • contentsWidth()
      • convertEscapeCharacters(text)
      • createContents()
      • createDimmerSprite()
      • createTextBuffer(rtl)
      • createTextState(text, x, y, width)
      • deactivate()
      • destroy(options)
      • destroyContents()
      • drawCurrencyValue(value, unit, x, y, width)
      • drawIcon(iconIndex, x, y)
      • drawItemName(item, x, y, width)
      • drawRect(x, y, width, height)
      • drawText(text, x, y, maxWidth, align)
      • drawTextEx(text, x, y, width)
      • fittingHeight(numLines)
      • flushTextState(textState)
      • hide()
      • hideBackgroundDimmer()
      • initialize(rect)
      • isClosing()
      • isOpening()
      • itemHeight()
      • itemPadding()
      • itemWidth()
      • lineHeight()
      • loadWindowskin()
      • makeFontBigger()
      • makeFontSmaller()
      • maxFontSizeInLine(line)
      • obtainEscapeCode(textState)
      • obtainEscapeParam(textState)
      • open()
      • partyMemberName(n)
      • playBuzzerSound()
      • playCursorSound()
      • playOkSound()
      • processAllText(textState)
      • processCharacter(textState)
      • processColorChange(colorIndex)
      • processControlCharacter(textState, c)
      • processDrawIcon(iconIndex, textState)
      • processEscapeCharacter(code, textState)
      • processNewLine(textState)
      • refreshDimmerBitmap()
      • resetFontSettings()
      • resetTextColor()
      • setBackgroundType(type)
      • show()
      • showBackgroundDimmer()
      • systemColor()
      • textSizeEx(text)
      • textWidth(text)
      • translucentOpacity()
      • update()
      • updateBackOpacity()
      • updateBackgroundDimmer()
      • updateClose()
      • updateOpen()
      • updatePadding()
      • updateTone()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_BattleActor

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • hide()
      • initialize(rect)
      • processTouch()
      • select(index)
      • show()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_BattleEnemy

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • drawItem(index)
      • enemy()
      • enemyIndex()
      • hide()
      • initialize(rect)
      • maxCols()
      • maxItems()
      • processTouch()
      • refresh()
      • select(index)
      • show()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_BattleItem

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • hide()
      • includes(item)
      • initialize(rect)
      • show()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_BattleLog

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • addText(text)
      • backColor()
      • backPaintOpacity()
      • backRect()
      • callNextMethod()
      • clear()
      • displayAction(subject, item)
      • displayActionResults(subject, target)
      • displayAddedStates(target)
      • displayAffectedStatus(target)
      • displayAutoAffectedStatus(target)
      • displayBuffs(target, buffs, fmt)
      • displayChangedBuffs(target)
      • displayChangedStates(target)
      • displayCounter(target)
      • displayCritical(target)
      • displayCurrentState(subject)
      • displayDamage(target)
      • displayEvasion(target)
      • displayFailure(target)
      • displayHpDamage(target)
      • displayItemMessage(fmt, subject, item)
      • displayMiss(target)
      • displayMpDamage(target)
      • displayReflection(target)
      • displayRegeneration(subject)
      • displayRemovedStates(target)
      • displaySubstitute(substitute, target)
      • displayTpDamage(target)
      • drawBackground()
      • drawLineText(index)
      • endAction(subject)
      • initialize(rect)
      • isBusy()
      • isFastForward()
      • lineRect(index)
      • makeHpDamageText(target)
      • makeMpDamageText(target)
      • makeTpDamageText(target)
      • maxLines()
      • messageSpeed()
      • numLines()
      • performAction(subject, action)
      • performActionEnd(subject)
      • performActionStart(subject, action)
      • performCollapse(target)
      • performCounter(target)
      • performDamage(target)
      • performEvasion(target)
      • performMagicEvasion(target)
      • performMiss(target)
      • performRecovery(target)
      • performReflection(target)
      • performSubstitute(substitute, target)
      • popBaseLine()
      • popupDamage(target)
      • push(methodName)
      • pushBaseLine()
      • refresh()
      • setSpriteset(spriteset)
      • setWaitMode(waitMode)
      • showAttackAnimation(subject, targets)
      • startAction(subject, action, targets)
      • startTurn()
      • update()
      • updateWait()
      • updateWaitCount()
      • updateWaitMode()
      • wait()
      • waitForEffect()
      • waitForMovement()
      • waitForNewLine()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_BattleSkill

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • hide()
      • initialize(rect)
      • show()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_BattleStatus

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • actor(index)
      • basicGaugesX(rect)
      • basicGaugesY(rect)
      • drawItem(index)
      • drawItemImage(index)
      • drawItemStatus(index)
      • extraHeight()
      • faceRect(index)
      • initialize(rect)
      • itemHeight()
      • maxCols()
      • maxItems()
      • nameX(rect)
      • nameY(rect)
      • performPartyRefresh()
      • preparePartyRefresh()
      • rowSpacing()
      • selectActor(actor)
      • stateIconX(rect)
      • stateIconY(rect)
      • update()
      • updatePadding()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_ChoiceList

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • callCancelHandler()
      • callOkHandler()
      • createCancelButton()
      • drawItem(index)
      • initialize()
      • isCancelEnabled()
      • makeCommandList()
      • maxChoiceWidth()
      • maxLines()
      • needsCancelButton()
      • numVisibleRows()
      • placeCancelButton()
      • selectDefault()
      • setMessageWindow(messageWindow)
      • start()
      • update()
      • updateBackground()
      • updateCancelButton()
      • updatePlacement()
      • windowHeight()
      • windowWidth()
      • windowX()
      • windowY()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_Command

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • callOkHandler()
      • clearCommandList()
      • commandName(index)
      • commandSymbol(index)
      • currentData()
      • currentExt()
      • currentSymbol()
      • drawItem(index)
      • findExt(ext)
      • findSymbol(symbol)
      • initialize(rect)
      • isCommandEnabled(index)
      • isCurrentItemEnabled()
      • isOkEnabled()
      • itemTextAlign()
      • makeCommandList()
      • maxItems()
      • refresh()
      • selectExt(ext)
      • selectSymbol(symbol)
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_DebugEdit

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • currentId()
      • deltaForVariable()
      • drawItem(index)
      • initialize(rect)
      • itemName(dataId)
      • itemStatus(dataId)
      • maxItems()
      • setMode(mode)
      • setTopId(id)
      • update()
      • updateSwitch()
      • updateVariable()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_DebugRange

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • drawItem(index)
      • initialize(rect)
      • isCancelTriggered()
      • isSwitchMode(index)
      • maxItems()
      • mode(index)
      • processCancel()
      • setEditWindow(editWindow)
      • topId(index)
      • update()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_EquipCommand

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • initialize(rect)
      • makeCommandList()
      • maxCols()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_EquipItem

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • colSpacing()
      • etypeId()
      • includes(item)
      • initialize(rect)
      • isEnabled()
      • maxCols()
      • playOkSound()
      • selectLast()
      • setActor(actor)
      • setSlotId(slotId)
      • setStatusWindow(statusWindow)
      • updateHelp()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_EquipSlot

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • drawItem(index)
      • initialize(rect)
      • isCurrentItemEnabled()
      • isEnabled(index)
      • item()
      • itemAt(index)
      • maxItems()
      • setActor(actor)
      • setItemWindow(itemWindow)
      • setStatusWindow(statusWindow)
      • slotNameWidth()
      • update()
      • updateHelp()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_EquipStatus

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • colSpacing()
      • drawAllParams()
      • drawCurrentParam(x, y, paramId)
      • drawItem(x, y, paramId)
      • drawNewParam(x, y, paramId)
      • drawParamName(x, y, paramId)
      • drawRightArrow(x, y)
      • initialize(rect)
      • paramWidth()
      • paramX()
      • paramY(index)
      • refresh()
      • rightArrowWidth()
      • setActor(actor)
      • setTempActor(tempActor)
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_EventItem

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • createCancelButton()
      • includes(item)
      • initialize(rect)
      • isEnabled()
      • needsNumber()
      • onCancel()
      • onOk()
      • placeCancelButton()
      • setMessageWindow(messageWindow)
      • start()
      • update()
      • updateCancelButton()
      • updatePlacement()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_GameEnd

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • initialize(rect)
      • makeCommandList()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_Gold

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • colSpacing()
      • currencyUnit()
      • initialize(rect)
      • open()
      • refresh()
      • value()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_Help

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • clear()
      • initialize(rect)
      • refresh()
      • setItem(item)
      • setText(text)
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_HorzCommand

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • initialize(rect)
      • itemTextAlign()
      • maxCols()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_ItemCategory

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • initialize(rect)
      • makeCommandList()
      • maxCols()
      • needsCommand(name)
      • needsSelection()
      • setItemWindow(itemWindow)
      • update()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_ItemList

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • colSpacing()
      • drawItem(index)
      • drawItemNumber(item, x, y, width)
      • includes(item)
      • initialize(rect)
      • isCurrentItemEnabled()
      • isEnabled(item)
      • item()
      • itemAt(index)
      • makeItemList()
      • maxCols()
      • maxItems()
      • needsNumber()
      • numberWidth()
      • refresh()
      • selectLast()
      • setCategory(category)
      • updateHelp()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_MapName

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • close()
      • drawBackground(x, y, width, height)
      • initialize(rect)
      • open()
      • refresh()
      • update()
      • updateFadeIn()
      • updateFadeOut()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_MenuActor

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • initialize(rect)
      • processOk()
      • selectForItem(item)
      • selectLast()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_MenuCommand

    • Static functions
      • initCommandPosition()
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • addFormationCommand()
      • addGameEndCommand()
      • addMainCommands()
      • addOptionsCommand()
      • addOriginalCommands()
      • addSaveCommand()
      • areMainCommandsEnabled()
      • initialize(rect)
      • isFormationEnabled()
      • isGameEndEnabled()
      • isOptionsEnabled()
      • isSaveEnabled()
      • makeCommandList()
      • needsCommand(name)
      • processOk()
      • selectLast()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_MenuStatus

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • actor(index)
      • drawItem(index)
      • drawItemImage(index)
      • drawItemStatus(index)
      • drawPendingItemBackground(index)
      • formationMode()
      • initialize(rect)
      • isCurrentItemEnabled()
      • itemHeight()
      • maxItems()
      • numVisibleRows()
      • pendingIndex()
      • processOk()
      • selectLast()
      • setFormationMode(formationMode)
      • setPendingIndex(index)
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_Message

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • areSettingsChanged()
      • canBreakHere(textState)
      • canStart()
      • checkToNotClose()
      • clearFlags()
      • doesContinue()
      • drawMessageFace()
      • initMembers()
      • initialize(rect)
      • isAnySubWindowActive()
      • isEndOfText(textState)
      • isTriggered()
      • isWaiting()
      • loadMessageFace()
      • needsNewPage(textState)
      • newLineX(textState)
      • newPage(textState)
      • onEndOfText()
      • processControlCharacter(textState, c)
      • processEscapeCharacter(code, textState)
      • processNewLine(textState)
      • processNewPage(textState)
      • setChoiceListWindow(choiceListWindow)
      • setEventItemWindow(eventItemWindow)
      • setGoldWindow(goldWindow)
      • setNameBoxWindow(nameBoxWindow)
      • setNumberInputWindow(numberInputWindow)
      • shouldBreakHere(textState)
      • startInput()
      • startMessage()
      • startPause()
      • startWait(count)
      • synchronizeNameBox()
      • terminateMessage()
      • update()
      • updateBackground()
      • updateInput()
      • updateLoading()
      • updateMessage()
      • updatePlacement()
      • updateShowFast()
      • updateSpeakerName()
      • updateWait()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_NameBox

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • clear()
      • initialize()
      • refresh()
      • setMessageWindow(messageWindow)
      • setName(name)
      • start()
      • updateBackground()
      • updatePlacement()
      • windowHeight()
      • windowWidth()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_NameEdit

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • add(ch)
      • back()
      • charWidth()
      • drawChar(index)
      • drawUnderline(index)
      • faceWidth()
      • initialize(rect)
      • itemRect(index)
      • left()
      • name()
      • refresh()
      • restoreDefault()
      • setup(actor, maxLength)
      • underlineColor()
      • underlineRect(index)
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_NameInput

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • character()
      • cursorDown(wrap)
      • cursorLeft(wrap)
      • cursorPagedown()
      • cursorPageup()
      • cursorRight(wrap)
      • cursorUp(wrap)
      • drawItem(index)
      • groupSpacing()
      • initialize(rect)
      • isCancelEnabled()
      • isCursorMovable()
      • isOk()
      • isPageChange()
      • itemRect(index)
      • itemWidth()
      • maxCols()
      • maxItems()
      • onNameAdd()
      • onNameOk()
      • processBack()
      • processCancel()
      • processCursorMove()
      • processHandling()
      • processJump()
      • processOk()
      • setEditWindow(editWindow)
      • table()
      • updateCursor()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_NumberInput

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • buttonSpacing()
      • buttonY()
      • changeDigit(up)
      • createButtons()
      • drawItem(index)
      • initialize()
      • isCancelEnabled()
      • isHoverEnabled()
      • isOkEnabled()
      • isScrollEnabled()
      • isTouchOkEnabled()
      • itemRect(index)
      • itemWidth()
      • maxCols()
      • maxItems()
      • onButtonDown()
      • onButtonOk()
      • onButtonUp()
      • placeButtons()
      • processDigitChange()
      • processOk()
      • setMessageWindow(messageWindow)
      • start()
      • totalButtonWidth()
      • update()
      • updatePlacement()
      • windowHeight()
      • windowWidth()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_Options

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • addGeneralOptions()
      • addVolumeOptions()
      • booleanStatusText(value)
      • changeValue(symbol, value)
      • changeVolume(symbol, forward, wrap)
      • cursorLeft()
      • cursorRight()
      • drawItem(index)
      • getConfigValue(symbol)
      • initialize(rect)
      • isVolumeSymbol(symbol)
      • makeCommandList()
      • processOk()
      • setConfigValue(symbol, volume)
      • statusText(index)
      • statusWidth()
      • volumeOffset()
      • volumeStatusText(value)
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_PartyCommand

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • initialize(rect)
      • makeCommandList()
      • setup()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_SavefileList

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • drawContents(info, rect)
      • drawItem(index)
      • drawPartyCharacters(info, x, y)
      • drawPlaytime(info, x, y, width)
      • drawTitle(savefileId, x, y)
      • indexToSavefileId(index)
      • initialize(rect)
      • isEnabled(savefileId)
      • itemHeight()
      • maxItems()
      • numVisibleRows()
      • playOkSound()
      • savefileId()
      • savefileIdToIndex(savefileId)
      • selectSavefile(savefileId)
      • setMode(mode, autosave)
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_ScrollText

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • contentsHeight()
      • fastForwardRate()
      • initialize(rect)
      • isFastForward()
      • refresh()
      • scrollSpeed()
      • startMessage()
      • terminateMessage()
      • update()
      • updateMessage()
      • updatePlacement()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_Scrollable

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • clearScrollStatus()
      • initialize(rect)
      • isScrollEnabled()
      • isTouchScrollEnabled()
      • isTouchedInsideFrame()
      • isWheelScrollEnabled()
      • maxScrollX()
      • maxScrollY()
      • onTouchScroll()
      • onTouchScrollEnd()
      • onTouchScrollStart()
      • overallHeight()
      • overallWidth()
      • paint()
      • processTouchScroll()
      • processWheelScroll()
      • scrollBaseX()
      • scrollBaseY()
      • scrollBlockHeight()
      • scrollBlockWidth()
      • scrollBy(x, y)
      • scrollTo(x, y)
      • scrollX()
      • scrollY()
      • setScrollAccel(x, y)
      • smoothScrollBy(x, y)
      • smoothScrollDown(n)
      • smoothScrollTo(x, y)
      • smoothScrollUp(n)
      • update()
      • updateArrows()
      • updateOrigin()
      • updateScrollAccel()
      • updateScrollBase(baseX, baseY)
      • updateSmoothScroll()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_Selectable

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • activate()
      • callCancelHandler()
      • callHandler(symbol)
      • callOkHandler()
      • callUpdateHelp()
      • clearItem(index)
      • colSpacing()
      • contentsHeight()
      • cursorAll()
      • cursorDown(wrap)
      • cursorFixed()
      • cursorLeft(wrap)
      • cursorPagedown()
      • cursorPageup()
      • cursorRight(wrap)
      • cursorUp(wrap)
      • deactivate()
      • deselect()
      • drawAllItems()
      • drawBackgroundRect(rect)
      • drawItem()
      • drawItemBackground(index)
      • ensureCursorVisible(smooth)
      • forceSelect(index)
      • hideHelpWindow()
      • hitIndex()
      • hitTest(x, y)
      • index()
      • initialize(rect)
      • isCancelEnabled()
      • isCancelTriggered()
      • isCurrentItemEnabled()
      • isCursorMovable()
      • isHandled(symbol)
      • isHorizontal()
      • isHoverEnabled()
      • isOkEnabled()
      • isOkTriggered()
      • isOpenAndActive()
      • isScrollEnabled()
      • isTouchOkEnabled()
      • itemHeight()
      • itemLineRect(index)
      • itemRect(index)
      • itemRectWithPadding(index)
      • itemWidth()
      • maxCols()
      • maxItems()
      • maxPageItems()
      • maxPageRows()
      • maxRows()
      • maxTopRow()
      • maxVisibleItems()
      • onTouchCancel()
      • onTouchOk()
      • onTouchSelect(trigger)
      • overallHeight()
      • paint()
      • processCancel()
      • processCursorMove()
      • processHandling()
      • processOk()
      • processPagedown()
      • processPageup()
      • processTouch()
      • redrawCurrentItem()
      • redrawItem(index)
      • refresh()
      • refreshCursor()
      • refreshCursorForAll()
      • reselect()
      • row()
      • rowSpacing()
      • select(index)
      • setCursorAll(cursorAll)
      • setCursorFixed(cursorFixed)
      • setHandler(symbol, method)
      • setHelpWindow(helpWindow)
      • setHelpWindowItem(item)
      • setTopRow(row)
      • showHelpWindow()
      • smoothSelect(index)
      • topIndex()
      • topRow()
      • update()
      • updateHelp()
      • updateInputData()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_ShopBuy

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • drawItem(index)
      • goodsToItem(goods)
      • initialize(rect)
      • isCurrentItemEnabled()
      • isEnabled(item)
      • item()
      • itemAt(index)
      • makeItemList()
      • maxItems()
      • price(item)
      • priceWidth()
      • refresh()
      • setMoney(money)
      • setStatusWindow(statusWindow)
      • setupGoods(shopGoods)
      • updateHelp()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_ShopCommand

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • initialize(rect)
      • makeCommandList()
      • maxCols()
      • setPurchaseOnly(purchaseOnly)
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_ShopNumber

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • buttonSpacing()
      • buttonY()
      • changeNumber(amount)
      • createButtons()
      • cursorWidth()
      • cursorX()
      • drawCurrentItemName()
      • drawHorzLine()
      • drawMultiplicationSign()
      • drawNumber()
      • drawTotalPrice()
      • initialize(rect)
      • isScrollEnabled()
      • isTouchOkEnabled()
      • itemNameY()
      • itemRect()
      • maxDigits()
      • multiplicationSign()
      • multiplicationSignX()
      • number()
      • onButtonDown()
      • onButtonDown2()
      • onButtonOk()
      • onButtonUp()
      • onButtonUp2()
      • placeButtons()
      • playOkSound()
      • processNumberChange()
      • refresh()
      • setCurrencyUnit(currencyUnit)
      • setup(item, max, price)
      • totalButtonWidth()
      • totalPriceY()
      • update()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_ShopSell

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • initialize(rect)
      • isEnabled(item)
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_ShopStatus

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • changePage()
      • currentEquippedItem(actor, etypeId)
      • drawActorEquipInfo(x, y, actor)
      • drawEquipInfo(x, y)
      • drawPossession(x, y)
      • initialize(rect)
      • isEquipItem()
      • isPageChangeEnabled()
      • isPageChangeRequested()
      • maxPages()
      • pageSize()
      • paramId()
      • refresh()
      • setItem(item)
      • statusMembers()
      • update()
      • updatePage()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_SkillList

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • colSpacing()
      • costWidth()
      • drawItem(index)
      • drawSkillCost(skill, x, y, width)
      • includes(item)
      • initialize(rect)
      • isCurrentItemEnabled()
      • isEnabled(item)
      • item()
      • itemAt(index)
      • makeItemList()
      • maxCols()
      • maxItems()
      • refresh()
      • selectLast()
      • setActor(actor)
      • setStypeId(stypeId)
      • updateHelp()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_SkillStatus

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • initialize(rect)
      • refresh()
      • setActor(actor)
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_SkillType

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • initialize(rect)
      • makeCommandList()
      • selectLast()
      • setActor(actor)
      • setSkillWindow(skillWindow)
      • update()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_Status

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • block1Y()
      • block2Y()
      • drawBasicInfo(x, y)
      • drawBlock1()
      • drawBlock2()
      • drawExpInfo(x, y)
      • expNextValue()
      • expTotalValue()
      • initialize(rect)
      • refresh()
      • setActor(actor)
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_StatusBase

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • actorSlotName(actor, index)
      • createInnerSprite(key, spriteClass)
      • drawActorCharacter(actor, x, y)
      • drawActorClass(actor, x, y, width)
      • drawActorIcons(actor, x, y, width)
      • drawActorLevel(actor, x, y)
      • drawActorName(actor, x, y, width)
      • drawActorNickname(actor, x, y, width)
      • drawActorSimpleStatus(actor, x, y)
      • gaugeLineHeight()
      • hideAdditionalSprites()
      • initialize(rect)
      • loadFaceImages()
      • placeActorName(actor, x, y)
      • placeBasicGauges(actor, x, y)
      • placeGauge(actor, type, x, y)
      • placeStateIcon(actor, x, y)
      • placeTimeGauge(actor, x, y)
      • refresh()
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_StatusEquip

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • drawItem(index)
      • drawItemBackground()
      • initialize(rect)
      • itemHeight()
      • maxItems()
      • setActor(actor)
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_StatusParams

    • Static functions
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • drawItem(index)
      • drawItemBackground()
      • initialize(rect)
      • itemHeight()
      • maxItems()
      • setActor(actor)
    • Private instance functions
  • Window_TitleCommand

    • Static functions
      • initCommandPosition()
    • Private static functions
    • Instance functions
      • initialize(rect)
      • isContinueEnabled()
      • makeCommandList()
      • processOk()
      • selectLast()
    • Private instance functions
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