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Last active April 18, 2023 19:31
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Save magicoli/283785bdf21ebafd2202 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Copy data from a Time Machine volume mounted on a Linux box.
# Copy data from a Time Machine volume mounted on a Linux box.
# Usage: <source> <target>
# source: the source directory inside a time machine backup
# target: the target directory in which to copy the reconstructed
# directory trees. Created if it does not exists.
# Details:
# Time machine implements directory hard links by creating an
# empty file in place of the directory and storing in its
# "number of hard links" metadata attribute a pointer to a
# real directory in "/.HFS Private directory data^M" named
# "dir_$number".
# This script reconstructs a plain directory tree from this
# really ugly apple hack. Tested on a 650GB backup from OSX
# 10.6 mounted on a Linux 3.2.0-38 Ubuntu box. YMMV.
# MIT License.
# - [email protected]
unset LANG
set -e
if [ -z "$source" -o -z "$target" ]; then
echo "Usage: $self <source> <target>"
exit -1
if [ ! -d "$target" ]; then
mkdir -p "$target"
if [ -z "$hfsd" ]; then
# Look for HFS Private directory data
sysname="$(echo -ne '.HFS+ Private Directory Data\r')"
while [ "$hfsd" != "/" -a ! -d "$hfsd/$sysname" ]; do
hfsd=`dirname "$hfsd"`;
if [ "$hfsd" = '/' ]; then
echo "HFS Private Directory Data not found in $source, is it an HFS filesystem?"
exit -2
echo "HFS Private Directory Data found in '$hfsd'"
read hlnum type <<<$(stat -c '%h %F' "$source")
if [ "$type" = 'regular empty file' -a -d "$hfsd/dir_$hlnum" ]; then
echo "using source from HFS Private Directory Data"
find "$source" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -and -not -name . -and -not -name .. | while read entry; do
dest="$target/`basename "$entry"`"
read hlnum type <<<$(stat -c '%h %F' "$entry")
case $type in
'regular file'|'symbolic link')
cp -van "$entry" "$dest"
# Recurse
$self "$entry" "$dest" "$hfsd"
'regular empty file')
if [ -d "$hfsd/dir_$hlnum" ]; then
# Recurse
$self "$hfsd/dir_$hlnum" "$dest" "$hfsd"
echo "Skipping empty file $entry"
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magicoli commented Aug 9, 2015

Fixed language bug by unsetting language (script stops without doing anything when foreign language locale is set)

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magicoli commented Aug 9, 2015

New fix to allow selecting a Time Machine hard linked folder as source.

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I just want to say that this really saved my data. Thank you very much.

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I tried this on Ubuntu 14.10 with the following command:

sudo sh /media/marenato/Seagate\ Expansion\ Drive/ ~/Desktop/ /media/marenato/Seagate\ Expansion\ Drive/.HFS+\ Private\ Directory\ Data^M/

And this is what I got: 64: Syntax error: redirection unexpected

any ideas on what might be happening? Thanks again for the script!

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Thanks again for this well-modified script! The sudo ./script /media/source/subdirectory /my/local/target subdirectory targeting works briliantly and allows one to restore a particular directory, directories or set of files without having to slam your local storage with all of the 'extra' Mac TimeMachine data that you won't need post-migration of data. Great work, @magicoli

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Jann5s commented Nov 23, 2015

I searched but I don't have the "HFS+ Private Directory Data" anywhere on my time-machine disk. Namely, sudo find /Volume/timemach -iname 'HFS+*' returns nothing. I'm not on Linux, but I'm on OSX (10.11.1), maybe that changes the game.

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It works! Thanks a lot!
This is how I made it work

$ chmod +x
$ sudo ./ <target path> <source path>

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It works!

just do what the commenter above said.

For example, to take out only the latest of the home folder, assuming things are mounted under media:

$ sudo ./ /media/<current-username>/<time-machine-drive-name>/Backups.backupdb/<old-mac-system-name>/Latest/<old-mac-internal-hd-name>/Users/<old-mac-user-name> <target...>

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rushedmanpete commented May 28, 2016

Managed to get a good deal of files off the device, thank you for the script!

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Thank you very much!!!!

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amk1969 commented Sep 16, 2017

Does not need to limit itself to Time machine, can be used to copy out from any HFS+ drive.
Some changes are needed to process also directories with leading or trailing space:

***	2017-09-16 23:21:54.456987359 +0200
---	2017-09-16 23:33:01.449132594 +0200
*** 60,67 ****
--- 60,69 ----
+ IFS=''
  find "$source" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -and -not -name . -and -not -name .. | while read entry; do
    dest="$target/`basename "$entry"`"
+   IFS=' '
    read hlnum type <<<$(stat -c '%h %F' "$entry")
    case $type in
*** 84,87 ****
--- 86,90 ----
+   IFS=''

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Wow, thank you! This just saved my life ahah. As my Ubuntu is in French, the original script didn't work properly

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