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Last active April 20, 2024 04:18
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npm wrapper script to ensure `npm publish` from a clean Git repository.

npm wrapper to ensure npm publish from clean Git repository


By default npm publish will publish all files within a working directory - excluding .gitignore / .npmignore / package-lock.json.

This is typically fine, but often I find myself leaving un-staged files (e.g. TODO.txt files) in a repository root and these of course get accidently taken along for the publish ride.

Helper script will catch calls to npm publish and:

  • Ensure I'm at the root of a repository (.git directory) found.
  • Local git clone the current repository to a temp directory - removing any unstaged files.
  • npm publish the cloned repository into the registry.

I have this set as an alias in my ~/.bash_profile:

alias npm='/path/to/'
#!/bin/bash -e
function exitError {
echo "Error: $1" >&2
exit 1
function main {
if [[ $1 == "publish" ]]; then
# always ensure `npm publish` from a clean Git repository
if [[ ! -d .git ]]; then
exitError "expected .git/ directory not found"
local cloneDir=$(mktemp -d)
git clone . "$cloneDir"
# ensure `package-lock.json` version matches that set in `package.json` - if not will abort
# can use `npm install --package-lock-only` to rebuild `package-lock.json`
cd "$cloneDir"
$NPM_BIN install --package-lock-only
cd -
set +e
git --work-tree="$cloneDir" diff --exit-code
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
exitError "package-lock.json requires update"
set -e
# ready to publish
$NPM_BIN publish "$@" "$cloneDir"
# not publishing - pass all arguments directly to npm
$NPM_BIN "$@"
main "$@"
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