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Last active January 29, 2024 23:38
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Datadog list all installed integrations.

Datadog list all installed integrations

From what I can see, there is no simple way to extract a list of installed Datadog integrations for documentation/etc. purposes.

Here is a lo-fi method of pulling it from the web UI DOM:

  • Visit the Integrations page for your Datadog account.
  • Open browser web developer tools.
  • Execute the following from the JavaScript console:
     (() => { const homeEl = $$('div + h2 + div > div')[0]; let output = ''; for (const item of $$('div > div > a span span span',homeEl)) { output += item.innerText + '\n'; }; console.log(output); })();
  • Results are listed in the console.
  • Fin.
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