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Created November 18, 2016 15:43
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// Copies woocommerce orders and users over from source to target.
// I use this on my local machine - loading both db's up there side by side
// could easily adjust the connect strings to connect elsewhere if needed.
// will change order ids
// My use case for this is when I've got a staging/test version of a site with new posts/products/pages etc, that needs
// to go live without the loss of any orders placed on the site site since we copied it to the staging site.
// names of source and target dbs
define('NEW_DB', 'target');
define('OLD_DB', 'source');
// if you wanted to connect somewhere else, do it here
$new_conn = mysqli_connect('', 'root', '');
$old_conn = mysqli_connect('', 'root', '');
mysqli_select_db($new_conn, NEW_DB);
mysqli_select_db($old_conn, OLD_DB);
// completely replace user and usermeta (orders are related to usermeta - this simplifies things)
$cmd = 'mysqldump -h -u root %s %s | mysql -h -u root %s';
exec(sprintf($cmd, OLD_DB, 'wp_users', NEW_DB));
exec(sprintf($cmd, OLD_DB, 'wp_usermeta', NEW_DB));
// template for inserting the shop_order posts
$post_sql_template = "INSERT INTO `wp_posts` (
%s, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %s, '%s', %s, '%s', '%s', %s);";
// template for inserting the order_items
$item_sql_template = "INSERT INTO `wp_woocommerce_order_items` (`order_item_name`, `order_item_type`, `order_id`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')";
// If you want to remove all orders in the target db, and replace with those from source, uncomment this block.
// I don't usually do this as leaving it commented, orders common to both systems will be skipped and so
// retain their original ids
// $sql = "DELETE FROM wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta";
// mysqli_query($new_conn, $sql);
// $sql = "DELETE FROM wp_woocommerce_order_items";
// mysqli_query($new_conn, $sql);
// $sql = "DELETE FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = 'shop_order'";
// mysqli_query($new_conn, $sql);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = 'shop_order' ";
$order_res = mysqli_query($old_conn, $sql);
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($order_res)) {
$old_id = $row['ID'];
// check to see if a shop_order post with this id exists - if so, skip
// (see note on deleting above - this won't happen if that block is uncommented)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = 'shop_order' AND ID = " . $old_id;
$count_res = mysqli_query($new_conn, $sql);
if (mysqli_num_rows($count_res)) {
echo "Skipping " . $old_id . "..." . PHP_EOL;
echo "Processing " . $old_id . "..." . PHP_EOL;
// add the post
$post_sql = sprintf($post_sql_template,
$insert_post_res = mysqli_query($new_conn, $post_sql);
$new_id = mysqli_insert_id($new_conn);
// and the postmeta
$get = "SELECT meta_key, meta_value FROM " . OLD_DB . ".wp_postmeta old WHERE old.post_id = " . $old_id;
$get_old_data = mysqli_query($old_conn, $get);
while ($get_old_data_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_old_data)) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO " . NEW_DB . ".wp_postmeta (post_id, meta_key, meta_value) VALUES ('$new_id', '" . $get_old_data_row['meta_key'] . "', '" . $get_old_data_row['meta_value'] . "' )";
mysqli_query($new_conn, $sql);
// and term relationships (stores order status)
$get = "SELECT " . $new_id . ", term_taxonomy_id, term_order FROM " . OLD_DB . ".wp_term_relationships old WHERE old.object_id = " . $old_id;
$get_old_data = mysqli_query($old_conn, $get);
while ($get_old_data_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_old_data)) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO " . NEW_DB . ".wp_term_relationships (object_id, term_taxonomy_id, term_order) VALUES ('$new_id', '" . $get_old_data_row['term_taxonomy_id'] . "', '" . $get_old_data_row['term_order'] . "' )";
mysqli_query($new_conn, $sql);
// and the comments - which store order nots
$get = "SELECT $new_id, `comment_author`, `comment_author_email`, `comment_author_url`, `comment_author_IP`, `comment_date`, `comment_date_gmt`, `comment_content`, `comment_karma`, `comment_approved`, `comment_agent`, `comment_type`, `comment_parent`, `user_id` FROM " . OLD_DB . ".wp_comments old WHERE old.comment_post_ID = " . $old_id;
$get_old_data = mysqli_query($old_conn, $get);
while ($get_old_data_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_old_data)) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO " . NEW_DB . ".wp_comments (`comment_post_ID`, `comment_author`, `comment_author_email`, `comment_author_url`, `comment_author_IP`, `comment_date`, `comment_date_gmt`, `comment_content`, `comment_karma`, `comment_approved`, `comment_agent`, `comment_type`, `comment_parent`, `user_id`) VALUES ('$new_id', '" . $get_old_data_row['comment_author'] . "', '" . $get_old_data_row['comment_author_email'] . "', '" . $get_old_data_row['comment_author_url'] . "', '" . $get_old_data_row['comment_author_IP'] . "', '" . $get_old_data_row['comment_date'] . "', '" . $get_old_data_row['comment_date_gmt'] . "', '" . $get_old_data_row['comment_content'] . "', '" . $get_old_data_row['comment_karma'] . "', '" . $get_old_data_row['comment_approved'] . "', '" . $get_old_data_row['comment_agent'] . "', '" . $get_old_data_row['comment_type'] . "', '" . $get_old_data_row['comment_parent'] . "', '" . $get_old_data_row['user_id'] . "' )";
mysqli_query($new_conn, $sql);
// and then order items and order item meta
$sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM wp_woocommerce_order_items WHERE order_id = %s", $old_id);
$item_res = mysqli_query($old_conn, $sql);
while ($item_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($item_res)) {
$old_item_id = $item_row['order_item_id'];
$item_sql = sprintf($item_sql_template,
mysqli_query($new_conn, $item_sql);
$new_item_id = mysqli_insert_id($new_conn);
$get = "SELECT meta_key, meta_value FROM " . OLD_DB . ".wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta old WHERE old.order_item_id = " . $old_item_id;
$get_old_data = mysqli_query($old_conn, $get);
while ($get_old_data_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_old_data)) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO " . NEW_DB . ".wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta (order_item_id, meta_key, meta_value) VALUES ('$new_id', '" . $get_old_data_row['meta_key'] . "', '" . $get_old_data_row['meta_value'] . "')";
mysqli_query($new_conn, $sql);
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