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Last active August 9, 2024 19:31
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Cheat Engine's Creepy Laughter on Windows Mahmoud Abdelkader (aka mahmoudimus)
@echo off
REM Place this file into the cheat engine directory and run it.
REM If you've downloaded Cheat Engine and installed it from a non-standard installer,
REM you might periodically hear a creepy man's laugh lasting three seconds or so. It
REM seems like it might be a virus, malware or something untoward but it is not. It
REM turns out, for non-Patreon users, cheat engine software has a two-stage installer.
REM The first stage is basically adware. The second stage downloads the actual
REM installer, which can malfunction if not launched by the ad-filled installer.
REM These issues can range from missing 64-bit components and random laughter sounds
REM from scripts.
REM Define the paths to the files relative to the script's location
REM by Mahmoud Abdelkader (aka mahmoudimus)
set "file1=%~dp0autorun\soundextension.lua"
set "file2=%~dp0autorun\dlls\dnd.dat"
set "file3=%~dp0autorun\eatme.lua"
REM Check and delete file1
if exist "%file1%" (
echo Deleting %file1%...
del "%file1%"
) else (
echo %file1% does not exist.
REM Check and delete file2
if exist "%file2%" (
echo Deleting %file2%...
del "%file2%"
) else (
echo %file2% does not exist.
REM Check and delete file3
if exist "%file3%" (
echo Deleting %file3%...
del "%file3%"
) else (
echo %file3% does not exist.
echo Operation completed.
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