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Program for using IDA's .dif files to patch binaries
# from
# ported to python3 and IDA 8.0+ by Mahmoud Abdelkader
import idaapi
import ida_bytes
import ida_kernwin
def apply_dif_file(dif_file_name):
print("Applying " + dif_file_name + " to database.")
with open(dif_file_name, "r") as f:
for line in f:
if ":" not in line:
splitted = line.split()
off_in_file = splitted[0].replace(":", "")
initial_byte = splitted[1]
new_byte = splitted[2]
# Converting offset to integer and then to the effective address
offset = int(off_in_file, 16)
ea = idaapi.get_fileregion_ea(offset)
# Converting new byte from hex to integer
new_byte_num = int(new_byte, 16)
log = ("Patching 0x" + initial_byte + " to 0x" + new_byte +
" at 0x%X (ea 0x%X)..." % (offset, ea))
current_byte = ida_bytes.get_db_byte(ea)
if current_byte == new_byte_num:
print(log + " Already patched")
elif current_byte != int(initial_byte, 16):
print(log + " Wrong byte 0x%X detected, aborting!!!" % current_byte)
ida_bytes.patch_byte(ea, new_byte_num)
print("Done patching")
def apply_dif():
dif_path = ida_kernwin.ask_file(0, "*.dif", "Select .dif file")
if dif_path is None:
print("No file selected")
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