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Created February 15, 2025 23:35
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show tabular data with icons from ida pro
summary: show tabular data with icons
import ida_kernwin
from ida_kernwin import Choose
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class chooser_handler_t(ida_kernwin.action_handler_t):
def __init__(self, thing):
self.thing = thing
def activate(self, ctx):
sel = []
for idx in ctx.chooser_selection:
print("command %s selected @ %s" % (self.thing, ", ".join(sel)))
def update(self, ctx):
return (
if ida_kernwin.is_chooser_widget(ctx.widget_type)
else ida_kernwin.AST_DISABLE_FOR_WIDGET
def compose_action_name(v):
return "choose:act%s" % v
# create actions
actions_variants = ["A", "B"]
for av in actions_variants:
actname = chooser_handler_t.compose_action_name(av)
if ida_kernwin.unregister_action(actname):
print('Unregistered previously-registered action "%s"' % actname)
desc = ida_kernwin.action_desc_t(actname, "command %s" % av, chooser_handler_t(av))
if ida_kernwin.register_action(desc):
print('Registered action "%s"' % actname)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class MyChoose(Choose):
def __init__(
self, title, nb=5, flags=0, modal=False, embedded=False, width=None, height=None
[["Address", 10], ["Name", 30]],
| (
# | Choose.CH_CAN_INS
# | Choose.CH_CAN_DEL
# | Choose.CH_CAN_EDIT
self.n = 0
self.icon = 1
self.items = [self.make_item() for x in range(nb)]
self.selcount = 0
self.modal = modal
self.popup_names = ["Inzert", "Del leet", "Ehdeet", "Ree frech"]
print("created %s" % str(self))
def OnInit(self):
print("inited", str(self))
return True
def OnGetSize(self):
n = len(self.items)
print("getsize -> %d" % n)
return n
def OnGetLine(self, n):
print("getline %d" % n)
return self.items[n]
def OnGetIcon(self, n):
r = self.items[n]
t = int(r[0])
print("geticon for item:", n, "is this icon number:", t)
return t
def OnGetLineAttr(self, n):
print("getlineattr %d" % n)
if n == 1:
return [0xFF0000, 0]
def OnInsertLine(self, n):
# we ignore current selection
n = self.n # position at the just added item
print("insert line")
return (Choose.ALL_CHANGED, n)
def OnDeleteLine(self, n):
print("del %d " % n)
del self.items[n]
return [Choose.ALL_CHANGED] + self.adjust_last_item(n)
def OnEditLine(self, n):
self.items[n][1] = self.items[n][1] + "*"
print("editing %d" % n)
return (Choose.ALL_CHANGED, n)
def OnRefresh(self, n):
print("refresh %d" % n)
return None # call standard refresh
def OnSelectLine(self, n):
self.selcount += 1
ida_kernwin.warning("[%02d] selectline '%d'" % (self.selcount, n))
return (Choose.NOTHING_CHANGED,)
def OnClose(self):
print("closed", str(self))
def show(self):
ok = self.Show(self.modal) >= 0
if ok:
# permanently attach actions to this chooser's popup menu
for av in actions_variants:
actname = chooser_handler_t.compose_action_name(av)
ida_kernwin.attach_action_to_popup(self.GetWidget(), None, actname)
return ok
def make_item(self):
r = [str(self.n + self.icon), "func_%04d" % self.n]
self.n += 1
return r
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_choose(modal=False, nb=10):
global c
c = MyChoose("Choose - sample 1", nb=nb, modal=modal)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_choose_embedded():
global c
c = MyChoose("Choose - embedded", nb=12, embedded=True, width=123, height=222)
r = c.Embedded()
if r == 0:
if test_embedded:
o, sel = _idaapi.choose_get_embedded(c)
print("o=%s, type(o)=%s" % (str(o), type(o)))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":
# test_choose_embedded()
test_choose(True, nb=2000)
# you can also use `x = int(ida_kernwin.get_action_icon("MakeFunction")[1])`
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