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Created January 28, 2014 13:12
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A Pen by Maiah Macariola.
[Introduction to JQuery]
// selecting element by tag-name
// <span>Hello, Web!</span>
// selecting element by id
// selecting element by class
// selecting descendant element(s)
<ul class="greeting">
<li class="vacation america">
<li class="vacation japan">
$('.greeting .america'):
// selecting 'direct' descendant element(s)
$('.greeting > .america');
// multiple selection
$('.asia, .sale');
// selecting first descendant using 'pseudocode' selector
$('#tours :first');
// or
$('#tours li:first');
// selecting even descendant using 'pseudocode' selector
$('#tours > li:even');
// getting text value of element
// setting text value of element
$('span').text('the new value');
// putting code inside the ready mode of the DOM
$(function () {
// customs code goes here...
[Traversing the DOM]
// selecting descendant using traversal methods
// selecting first descendant using traversal method
$('#vacations li').first();
// or just
// selecting last descendant using traversal method
$('#vacations li').last();
// or just
// selecting previous descendant using traversal method
$('#vacations li').last().prev(); // with prev() method
// selecting the parent element
// selecting 'direct' descendant using traversal methods
[Working with the DOM]
// creating DOM node
var message = $('<span></span>');
// adding node before the selected element
// adding node as a child element of the selected element
// removing node from DOM
// adding 'click' event listener
$('button').on('click', function (event) {});
// referencing current element in the event listener using 'this'
$('button').on('click', function (event) {
// appending element right after the selected element
// finding specific closest parent element
<div class="container">
<ul class="tasks">
<li class="item">
// getting 'data' attribute on element
<li class="item" data-price="50.7"></li>
// setting 'data' attribute on element
$('.item').data('price', '70.5');
// specifying specific el on event listener (e.g. only buttons under `tours class` element
$('.tours').on('click', 'button', function (event) {});
// filtering elements
// add css class
// remove css class
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