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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Docker v0.8.0 Fomula for HomeBrew
require 'formula'
class Docker < Formula
homepage ''
url ''
sha1 '1e9362dab2ac2ecb4a1f193a7e72d060000438c3'
depends_on 'go' => :build
depends_on 'mercurial' => :build
def install
ENV['GOPATH'] = buildpath/'vendor'
ENV['DOCKER_GITCOMMIT'] = 'cc3a8c8d8ec57e15b7b7316797132d770408ab1a'
ENV['DOCKER_CROSSPLATFORMS'] = 'darwin/amd64 darwin/386'
system './hack/'
system './hack/'
system 'cp', 'builds/Darwin/x86_64/docker-0.8.0', 'builds/Darwin/x86_64/docker'
bin.install 'builds/Darwin/x86_64/docker'
test do
system bin'/docker', '-v'
(testpath/'Test.file').write <<-EOS.undent
Docker version 0.8.0, build cc3a8c8
assert_equal 'OK', ` test.file`.strip
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