Table of Contents
- Ruby On Rails: API Training Plan
- Setup git
- Prepare project environments (dev, staging, production)
- Prepare database.yml and credentials for all environments among with example file (e.g. database.yml.example)
- Cleanup gemfile and add basic gems
- Versioning our controllers and create v1 folder
- Cleanup routes and make it ready for versioning
- Prepare application_controller
- Add Ping Controller to test api endpoint
- Hotels
- Employees
- Rooms
- Postman
- acts_as_api gem please reade the documenation
- Setup localization for Arabic and English
- Add required gems
- Add user model
- Add routes for user resource
- Add users controller (create only)
- Add sessions controller
- Add routes for sessions controller
- Modify related changes needed in application controller
- Complete users controller actions(show, update, destroy)
- Change password
- Reset password
- Letter opener gem
- Send reset password email
- Apply Searching and Filtering with Ransack Gem
- Apply Sorting
- Apply Pagination with kaminari Gem
- Upload files (Active Storage)
- Setup CORS
- Deploy to heroku
- Background Jobs
- Export pdf
- Export excel
- Bulk import