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Last active July 10, 2019 19:59
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  • Save majormoses/54b631d3308dd65bc086462ee9c0e332 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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A script to mitigate concerns with zoom RCE and video through the installed webserver, see for more details
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
# detect os
echo "detected: ${OSTYPE}"
# delete the `.zoomus` if its a folder
if [[ -d ~/.zoomus ]]; then
rm -rf ~/.zoomus
# touch the file and update its properties if it does not exist as a file (not a directory)
if [[ ! -f ~/.zoomus ]]; then
touch ~/.zoomus
# make file immutable / chattr linux equivalent
sudo chflags schg ~/.zoomus
chflags uchg ~/.zoomus
exit 0
echo "detected: ${OSTYPE}"
echo "this only supports OSX as the vulnerability is specific to its client implementation"
exit 1
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