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Created June 10, 2017 16:35
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Install xmlrpc on ruby versions >= 2.4
# This file needs to be named mkrf_conf.rb
# so that rubygems will recognize it as a ruby extension
# file and not think it is a C extension file
require 'rubygems/dependency_installer.rb'
# Load up the rubygem's dependency installer to
# installer the gems we want based on the version
# of Ruby the user has installed
installer =
if RUBY_VERSION >= "2.4"
installer.install "xmlrpc", "~> 0.3"
# Exit with a non-zero value to let rubygems something went wrong
# If this was C, rubygems would attempt to run make
# Since this is Ruby, rubygems will attempt to run rake
# If it doesn't find and successfully run a rakefile, it errors out
f =, "Rakefile"), "w")
f.write("task :default\n")
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