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Created June 22, 2016 22:16
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locky sample downloader
import sys
import hashlib
import struct
import requests
def decode(data,seed,step):
r = []
k = seed
for c in map(ord,data):
r.append(chr(c ^ k))
k = (k + step) % 256
return ''.join(r)
d = requests.get(sys.argv[1]).content
if not d:
print '[-] nope, no locky here'
cksum = struct.unpack('I',d[-4:])[0]
d = d[:-4][::-1]
seed = ord(d[0]) ^ ord('M')
step = (ord(d[1]) ^ ord('Z')) - seed
exe = decode(d,seed,step)
pe_off = struct.unpack('H',exe[0x3c:0x3c+2])[0]
if len(exe) > pe_off and exe[pe_off] == 'P' and exe[pe_off+1] == 'E':
fname = hashlib.sha256(exe).hexdigest()
print '[+] decoded with seed: %d and step: %d' % (seed,step)
print '[+] saving as %s.exe' % fname
with open(fname+'.exe','w') as f:
print '[-] nope, sorry world changed'
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