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Last active July 20, 2024 07:50
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Install and configure SiLK on a generic Ubuntu (flavor) environment
# These version are in lock-step together. If you update one, be sure to go to the SiLK site and
# get the required versions for the others.
# The SNIF_CIDR subnet is the where you want to monitor traffic.
# The NAT_CIDR is for general internet related work, or to SSH into it.
# These don't likely need to be changed.
# Get the required modules to install, Libfixbuf, Yaf, and SiLK
# Need to make sure some of the build tools are available, because this script
# can be run on a clean linux (ubunty flavor) and some of the dependencies may not
# be installed out of the box.
sudo apt-get install -y g++ libgtk2.0-dev libglib2.0-dev build-essential pkg-config libfixbuf3 libfixbuf3-dev libpcap0.8-dev python-dev
# Release hounds.
tar -xf silk-${SILK_VER}.tar.gz
tar -xf yaf-${YAF_VER}.tar.gz
tar -xf libfixbuf-${LIBFXBUF_VER}.tar.gz
tar -xf afterglow-${AFTERGLOW_VER}.tar.gz
# Install the prereq package for both yaf and silk.
cd ~/libfixbuf-${LIBFXBUF_VER}
./configure && make && sudo make install
# Install YAF, making sure to set the libfixbuf correctly
cd ~/yaf-${YAF_VER}
./configure --with-libfixbuf=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/ && make && sudo make install
# Install SILK, also to set the libfixbuf and enable python
cd ~/silk-${SILK_VER}
./configure --with-libfixbuf=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/ --enable-ipv6 --with-python && make && sudo make install
#### We'll remain in the ~/silk-${SILK_VER} directory for the remainder of this flight.
# This will be where everything is stored.
sudo mkdir /data
# So we don't have to set this every time..
cat <<EOF >>silk.conf
sudo mv silk.conf /etc/
# Enable the silk.conf
sudo ldconfig
# Start setting up our sensor
sudo cp site/twoway/silk.conf /data
# Configure our sensor, be sure to adjust the IP blocks as needed.
cat <<EOF >>sensors.conf
probe S0 ipfix
listen-on-port ${LISTEN_PORT} # you may need to allow this port through the firewall so that yaf can talk to it
protocol tcp
listen-as-host ${LISTEN_AS_HOST}
end probe
group my-network
ipblocks ${SNIFF_CIDR} # Sniffing
ipblocks ${NAT_CIDR} # address of the NAT adapter
end group
sensor S0
ipfix-probes S0
internal-ipblocks @my-network
external-ipblocks remainder
end sensor
# Move over the sendor config
sudo cp sensors.conf /data
# Create a new rwflowpack configuration from the stock provided by silk.
# NOTE: The filter data types (inweb, outweb, etc.) need to be in the same
# NOTE: directory as the silk.conf file, otherwise rwfilter can't reference
# NOTE: the sensor by name (i.e., --sensor=S0).
cat /usr/local/share/silk/etc/rwflowpack.conf | \
sed 's/ENABLED=/ENABLED=yes/#;' | \
sed 's#statedirectory=.*#statedirectory=/data/#;' | \
sed 's#SENSOR_CONFIG=#SENSOR_CONFIG=/data/sensors.conf#;' | \
sed 's#DATA_ROOTDIR=.*#DATA_ROOTDIR=/data/#;' | \
sed 's#SITE_CONFIG=#SITE_CONFIG=/data/silk.conf#;' | \
sed 's#LOG_TYPE=syslog#LOG_TYPE=legacy#;' | \
sed 's#LOG_DIR=.*#LOG_DIR=/var/log/#;' \
>> rwflowpack.conf
# Copy over the rwflowpack configuration
sudo cp rwflowpack.conf /usr/local/etc/rwflowpack.conf
# Backup the config file
sudo mv rwflowpack.conf rwflowpack.conf.bk
# Setup the daemon
sudo cp /usr/local/share/silk/etc/init.d/rwflowpack /etc/init.d
# This is a strange find/replace...but if you don't do it rwflowpack
# wont' stay running.
sudo sed -i 's#DEFAULT_SCRIPT_CONFIG_LOCATION=#DEFAULT_SCRIPT_CONFIG_LOCATION=/data/#;' /etc/init.d/rwflowpack
# Configure the daemon startup settings
sudo sudo update-rc.d rwflowpack start 20 3 4 5 .
# Startup the sensor
sudo service rwflowpack start
# Cleanup any setup files
rm -rf ~/*
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