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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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helloworld using the sine and cosine function
from math import *
def f(x):
return int(round(96.75 + -21.98*cos(x*1.118) + 13.29*sin(x*1.118) + -8.387*cos(2*x*1.118)\
+ 17.94*sin(2*x*1.118) + 1.265*cos(3*x*1.118) + 16.58*sin(3*x*1.118)\
+ 3.988*cos(4*x*1.118) + 8.463*sin(4*x*1.118) + 0.3583*cos(5*x*1.118)\
+ 5.878*sin(5*x*1.118)))
print "".join([chr(f(x)) for x in range(12)])
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