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Created April 14, 2015 05:55
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tinymce.PluginManager.add('smartquotes', function(editor) {
function convert(e) {
rootNodes ="body > *");
for (var i = 0; i < rootNodes.length; i++) {
var el = rootNodes[i];
var contentEditable = editor.dom.getAttrib(el, "contenteditable");
if (contentEditable !== "false") {
// Converts the quotes in the given element to smart quotes.
function convertBlock(el) {
// If there are less than 2 characters, we don't have enough to go on.
if (el.innerText < 2) return;
var previous, current, next, data, html = '', getNextChar,
regularSingle = "'",
regularDouble = '"',
smartSingleLeft = String.fromCharCode(8216), // aka - open curly single quote
smartSingleRight = String.fromCharCode(8217), // aka - close curly single quote
smartDoubleLeft = String.fromCharCode(8220), // aka - open curly double quote
smartDoubleRight = String.fromCharCode(8221), // aka - close curly double quote
isDigit = function(c) { return /\d/.test(c); },
isChar = function(c) { return /\w/.test(c); },
isSpace = function(c) { return c === String.fromCharCode(160) || c === String.fromCharCode(32); },
isStartChar = function(c) { return isSpace(c) || c === '('; },
isEndChar = function(c) { return isSpace(c) || c === null || c === ';' || c === ')' || c == '.' || c === '!' || c === ',' || c === '?' || c === ':'; },
isNonSpace = function(c) { return !isSpace(c); },
isDouble = function(c) { return c === regularDouble || c === smartDoubleLeft || c === smartDoubleRight; },
isSingle = function(c) { return c === regularSingle || c === smartSingleLeft || c === smartSingleRight; },
bookmark = tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getBookmark();
// Split the html into array allocations with the following criteria:
// html tags: starts with "<" and ends with ">"
// html entities: starts with "&" and ends with ";"
// characters: any character outside of an html tag or entity
// So the following html:
// n&ce <b id="bold">test</b>
// Would split into the following array:
// ['n', '&amp;', 'c', 'e', ' ', '<b id="bold">', 't', 'e', 's', 't', '</b>'];
data = el.innerHTML.match(/(<("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^'">])*>|&.*;|.)/g);
// Searches through the `data` array from the given index a given number of
// characters forward or backward and returns the found character.
getNextChar = function(data, fromIndex, nCharacters) {
var dLength = data.length,
addWith = nCharacters < 0 ? -1 : 1;
return (function getChar(data, fromIndex, nCharacters) {
// Base case - did we move outside of the bounds of the data array?
if (fromIndex < 0 || fromIndex >= dLength) return null;
var next = data[fromIndex + addWith];
// If we find a character and we have moved through the
// nCharacters, then the recursion is done.
if (next && next.length == 1) {
nCharacters += (addWith * -1);
if (!nCharacters) return next;
return getChar(data, fromIndex + addWith, nCharacters);
})(data, fromIndex, nCharacters);
for (var pos = 0; pos < data.length; pos++) {
val = data[pos];
// Convert space entities so that they can be processed as normal characters.
if (val == '&nbsp;') val = data[pos] = ' ';
// If the val is a character, then examine the surroundings
// and convert smart quotes, if necessary.
if (val.length == 1) {
// Keep convenience pointers to the previous, current and next characters.
previous = getNextChar(data, pos, -1);
current = val;
next = getNextChar(data, pos, 1);
switch (current) {
* Conversion Rules:
* ----------------
* START: assign smart left/open
* END: assign smart right/close
* PLURAL_CONTRACTION: assign smart right/close
* Matt's
* can't
* O'Reilly
* YEAR_ABBREVIATION: assign smart right/close
* NESTED_START: assign smart left/open
* NESTED_END: assign smart left/open
* Notes:
* - The following will not be converted correctly - ...word 'Til Death - it should
* get a right/close smart quote, but will get a left/open.
* - Distinguishing between year abbreviation, '99, and when to use an open single quote
* could fail if a single quoted region starts with a double digit number - '99 problems'
* - Since they are a rare case and there are many permutations, measurements are not being
* handled (6'8", 6' 8", 6', 8").
// Convert smart single quotes to non-smart quote and fall through to single quote
// handling, in case the context has changed and we need to update the smart quote.
case smartSingleLeft:
case smartSingleRight:
current = regularSingle;
case regularSingle:
// YEAR_ABBREVIATION - look 2 ahead to see if there are two digits in a row - not fool proof
if ((previous === null || isSpace(previous)) && isDigit(next) && isDigit(getNextChar(data, pos, 2)) && isEndChar(getNextChar(data, pos, 3)))
current = smartSingleRight;
else if (previous === null || (isStartChar(previous) && isNonSpace(next)))
current = smartSingleLeft;
// END
else if (next === null || (isNonSpace(previous) && isEndChar(next)))
current = smartSingleRight;
else if (isChar(previous) && isChar(next))
current = smartSingleRight;
// Convert smart double quotes to non-smart quote and fall through to double quote
// handling, in case the context has changed and we need to update the smart quote.
case smartDoubleLeft:
case smartDoubleRight:
current = regularDouble;
case regularDouble:
if (isEndChar(next) && isSpace(previous) && isSingle(getNextChar(data, pos, -2)))
current = smartDoubleRight;
else if (previous === null || (isStartChar(previous) && isNonSpace(next)))
current = smartDoubleLeft;
// END
else if (next === null || (isNonSpace(previous) && isEndChar(next)))
current = smartDoubleRight;
else if ((previous === null || isSpace(previous)) && (isSpace(next) && isSingle(getNextChar(data, pos, 1))))
current = smartDoubleLeft;
if (current !== null) data[pos] = current;
editor.dom.setHTML(el, data.join(''));
// Add appropriate listeners for resizing content area
editor.on("change setcontent paste keyup", convert);
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