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Created October 16, 2013 17:42
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Save makestuff/7011837 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Copyright (C) 2013 Chris McClelland
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Compile like this:
* gcc -O2 -o raw2fst4 raw2fst4.c libfstapi.a -lz
* This uses the FST API library from GTKWave; I built it like this:
* wget
* tar zxf gtkwave-3.3.34.tar.gz
* cd gtkwave-3.3.34
* ./configure --with-tcl=/usr/lib/tcl8.4 --with-tk=/usr/lib/tk8.4
* cd src/helpers
* make fstapi.o fastlz.o
* ar cr ../../../libfstapi.a fstapi.o fastlz.o
* cp fst/fstapi.h ../../../fstapi.h
* cd ../../..
* rm -rf gtkwave-3.3.34
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "fstapi.h"
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
struct fstContext *ctx;
fstHandle vara, varb, varc, vard;
const char * const ZERO = "0";
const char * const ONE = "1";
const char *const rawFile = argv[1];
const char *const fstFile = argv[2];
FILE *raw;
unsigned char byte;
unsigned char block[1024*1024];
const unsigned char *ptr;
const char *olda = NULL, *oldb = NULL, *oldc = NULL, *oldd = NULL;
const char *newa, *newb, *newc, *newd;
uint64_t time = 0;
size_t bytesRead;
if ( argc != 3 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Synopsis: %s <input.raw> <output.fst>\n", argv[0]);
raw = fopen(rawFile, "rb");
if ( !raw ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open %s\n", rawFile);
ctx = fstWriterCreate(fstFile, 1);
fstWriterSetPackType(ctx, 0);
fstWriterSetRepackOnClose(ctx, 0);
fstWriterSetVersion(ctx, "MSLAv0.1");
fstWriterSetTimescale(ctx, -10);
vara = fstWriterCreateVar(ctx, FST_VT_VCD_REG, FST_VD_IMPLICIT, 1, "serClk", 0);
varb = fstWriterCreateVar(ctx, FST_VT_VCD_REG, FST_VD_IMPLICIT, 1, "serData", 0);
varc = fstWriterCreateVar(ctx, FST_VT_VCD_REG, FST_VD_IMPLICIT, 1, "serReady", 0);
vard = fstWriterCreateVar(ctx, FST_VT_VCD_REG, FST_VD_IMPLICIT, 1, "x", 0);
bytesRead = fread(block, 1, 1024*1024, raw);
while ( bytesRead ) {
ptr = block;
while ( bytesRead-- ) {
byte = *ptr++;
//printf("%02X\n", byte);
newa = (byte & 0x10) ? ONE : ZERO;
newb = (byte & 0x20) ? ONE : ZERO;
newc = (byte & 0x40) ? ONE : ZERO;
newd = (byte & 0x80) ? ONE : ZERO;
if ( newa != olda ) {
fstWriterEmitTimeChange(ctx, time);
fstWriterEmitValueChange(ctx, vara, newa);
olda = newa;
if ( newb != oldb ) {
fstWriterEmitTimeChange(ctx, time);
fstWriterEmitValueChange(ctx, varb, newb);
oldb = newb;
if ( newc != oldc ) {
fstWriterEmitTimeChange(ctx, time);
fstWriterEmitValueChange(ctx, varc, newc);
oldc = newc;
if ( newd != oldd ) {
fstWriterEmitTimeChange(ctx, time);
fstWriterEmitValueChange(ctx, vard, newd);
oldd = newd;
time += 208;
newa = (byte & 0x01) ? ONE : ZERO;
newb = (byte & 0x02) ? ONE : ZERO;
newc = (byte & 0x04) ? ONE : ZERO;
newd = (byte & 0x08) ? ONE : ZERO;
if ( newa != olda ) {
fstWriterEmitTimeChange(ctx, time);
fstWriterEmitValueChange(ctx, vara, newa);
olda = newa;
if ( newb != oldb ) {
fstWriterEmitTimeChange(ctx, time);
fstWriterEmitValueChange(ctx, varb, newb);
oldb = newb;
if ( newc != oldc ) {
fstWriterEmitTimeChange(ctx, time);
fstWriterEmitValueChange(ctx, varc, newc);
oldc = newc;
if ( newd != oldd ) {
fstWriterEmitTimeChange(ctx, time);
fstWriterEmitValueChange(ctx, vard, newd);
oldd = newd;
time += 208;
bytesRead = fread(block, 1, 1024*1024, raw);
fstWriterEmitTimeChange(ctx, time);
return 0;
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