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Last active February 1, 2017 07:43
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Groups all the students in the same section in a given academic term
* TABLE: students
* id
* user_id
* degree_id
* ...
* TABLE: degrees
* id
* code varchar
* name varchar
* major varchar
* TABLE: term_attendance
* id
* student_id (the one who attended)
* school_calendar_id (the semester/term attended)
* year_level int (by the time of attendance)
* section varchar (by the time of attendance)
* TABLE: school_calendar
* (the table of semesters/terms that have passed or is passing)
* id
* part_number int (show the term be a semester, 1 means first semester)
* date_start datetime
* date_end datetime
* [NOTE: No need to make another column to specify what
* type of term (e.g. "semestral", "trimestral", "quarterly")
* to determine the type, just calculate the difference
* of date_start and date_end. Should it result to approximately
* 6 months, it is a semester]
@exampleDegree = 'BSIT' --stands for BS in Info Tech
FROM students
INNER JOIN term_attendance
ON term_attendance.student_id =
WHERE student.degree_id = (SELECT id FROM degrees WHERE code = 'BSIT')
GROUP BY year_level, section, school_calendar_id
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