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Created October 21, 2016 06:14
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The use of alternative ID system.
* This is a simple search function by ID. An alternate ID(AID) key is a candidate key that
* is UNIQUE and is a natural key. This is used when surrogate keys are applied but a
* user want to search by a unique identifying name. Whilst primary keys(PK) called 'id'
* are UNSIGNED INT, the AID keys are usually VARCHAR. Such an example is a User entity.
* A user entity has 'id' as PK and 'username' as its AID. When someone wants to search
* by 'username'.
* This snippet requires Eloquent and Repofuck installed. To use this, the entity class
* must be a descendant of Model class and has $alternateIdKey property.
* Searches using the given id value.
* @param string $entityName
* @param string|int $idvalue
* @return Model|null $entity
public function find($entityName, $idValue){
$repo = $this->repo;
//Finds the entity and chooses it from the repo.
return null;
if (is_numeric($idValue)){
$idValue = (int)$idValue;
$entity = $repo->find($idValue);
} else {
$alternateIdKey = $repo->entities->current()->getAlternateIdKey();
$entity = $repo->first($alternateIdKey,$idValue);
return $entity;
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