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Created August 2, 2021 07:11
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A script for Node: changes a Rescript project's bsconfig.json's "package-specs".
const fs = require('fs');
const rawData = fs.readFileSync('bsconfig.json')
var bsconfig = JSON.parse(rawData)
var choice = process.argv[1]
// There's a chance this code is run like this: 'node <this script>'
if (process.argv[0] !== __filename){
choice = process.argv[2]
if (['es6', 'es6-global', 'commonjs'].includes(choice)){
bsconfig['package-specs']['module'] = choice
bsconfig_str = JSON.stringify(bsconfig, null, 2)
fs.writeFileSync ('bsconfig.json', bsconfig_str)
console.log('USAGE: node change_bsconfig [type]')
console.log('The \'type\'s: es6, es6-global, commonjs')
console.log('What you chose was ' + choice)
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