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Created August 7, 2016 17:47
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permissionProducer : Producer Permission
permissionProducer =
let permission i = case i of
1 -> VOTE
2 -> FORCE
_ -> NONE
in permission <| rangeInt 0 2
userProducer : Producer User
userProducer = (uncurry3 Actor.create) (Check.Producer.tuple3 ( string, bool, list permissionProducer ))
workflowProducer : Producer (Workflow String)
workflowProducer = (\users -> List.foldl Workflow.approve (Workflow.init [1]) users) (list userProducer)
myClaims : Claim
myClaims =
Check.suite "Workflow"
"Workflow should remain in its bounds"
`true` (\w -> w.currentStep <= 1)
`for` workflowProducer
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