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Created September 19, 2022 19:42
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admin@malantin-009c14c14d9d1b660-ghe-test-org:~$ ghe-console -y < ghas.rb
Loading production environment
Loading config/console.rb
Switch to inspect mode.
<ctiveRecord::Base.connected_to(role: :reading) do
GitHub[production] (main):002:1* puts "Version 1.2.2"
GitHub[production] (main):003:1> emails =
< start_time = 90.days.ago.beginning_of_day
<tory.where(active: true).find_in_batches do |batch|
< Configurable.try(:preload_configuration, batch)
GitHub[production] (main):007:2> batch.each do |repo|
GitHub[production] (main):008:3* Push
GitHub[production] (main):009:3> .where(repository: repo)
< .where("created_at >= ?", start_time)
< .find_in_batches do |push_batch|
< push_batch.each do |push|
GitHub[production] (main):013:5* begin
< push.commits_pushed.each do |commit|
< commit.author_emails.each do |email|
< << email unless UserEmail.belongs_to_a_bot?(email)
GitHub[production] (main):017:8> end
GitHub[production] (main):018:7> end
<es, GitRPC::SymlinkDisallowed, GitRPC::Timeout => e
< commit: '#{push.after}'. #{e.class}: #{e.message}"
GitHub[production] (main):021:6> end
GitHub[production] (main):022:5> end
GitHub[production] (main):023:4> end
GitHub[production] (main):024:3> end
GitHub[production] (main):025:2> end
GitHub[production] (main):026:1> users =
GitHub[production] (main):027:1> emails.each_slice(1000) do |batch|
< emails_to_users_hash = User.find_by_emails(batch)
<sers = do |user|
< !(user.disabled? || user.suspended?)
GitHub[production] (main):031:3> end
GitHub[production] (main):032:2> users.merge(active_users)
GitHub[production] (main):033:2> end
<uts "All committers in the past 90d: #{users.size}"
< users.each { |n| puts "username: #{n.login}"}
GitHub[production] (main):036:1> end
Version 1.2.2
All committers in the past 90d: 1
username: ghe-admin
{#<User id: 4, login: "ghe-admin", created_at: [FILTERED], updated_at: [FILTERED], remember_token: nil, remember_token_expires_at: nil, wants_email: [FILTERED], disabled: [FILTERED], plan: nil, billed_on: nil, upgrade_ignore: nil, upgrade_accept: nil, gh_role: [FILTERED], billing_attempts: [FILTERED], spammy: [FILTERED], last_ip: [FILTERED], plan_duration: nil, billing_extra: nil, gift: nil, type: "User", last_read_broadcast_id: nil, raw_data: [FILTERED], referral_code: nil, billing_type: [FILTERED], suspended_at: nil, organization_billing_email: nil, gravatar_email: [FILTERED], time_zone_name: [FILTERED], restrict_oauth_applications: nil, spammy_reason: nil, seats: [FILTERED], split_diff_preferred: [FILTERED], require_email_verification: [FILTERED], warn_private_email: [FILTERED], primary_language_name_id: nil, analytics_tracking_id: nil, report_third_party_analytics: [FILTERED], source_login: nil, migration_id: nil, ofac_flagged: [FILTERED], weak_password_check_result: nil, color_mode: [FILTERED], light_theme: [FILTERED], dark_theme: [FILTERED], pinned_api_version: nil, private_profile: [FILTERED], business_id: [FILTERED]>}>
GitHub[production] (main):037:0>
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