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Created June 9, 2011 15:20
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bamTabulateGaps : For a bam file containing gapped alignments tabulate the (unstranded) coverage of all gaps therein.
library(IRanges) # for: coverage, psetdiff, etc
library(GenomicRanges) # for: readGappedAlignments,
library(Rsamtools) # for: reading bam files scanBam, countBam etc
library(rtracklayer) # for: track file IO (bed, wig, etc)
library(sqldf) # for: querying dataframes using SQL\
bamTabulateGaps <- function(bamPath,
trackLine=sprintf("track name=%s graphType=junctions",trackName),
... ){
### Tabulate the (unstranded) coverage of all gaps present in the
### gapped alignments in <bamPath>, such as may be produced by a
### splice-aware aligner (e.g. GSNAP).
### Optionally, write a bed formatted trackfile at <bedPath> (unless
### <bedPath> is provided as '').
### Include in the bed file an initial <trackLine> declaring the
### <trackName> as well as 'graphType=junctions'.
### <bedPath> defaults to the bamPath with any trailing .bam removed,
### suffixed with 'junctions.bed'.
### <trackName> defaults to the basename of <bamPath> without any
### .extensions.
### 'graphType=junctions' is a convention established (AFAIK) by
### TopHat and respected by IGV (at least) causing it to display the
### regions using arc-shaped glyphs with a weight proportional to the
### score (up to 50).
### Additional options in <...> are passed to bed.export.
### Values: a list of the tabulatedGaps, as a data.frame and the
### bedPath
### AUTHOR: [email protected]
### 1) using this code from gist (requires the R devtools library installed)
### RScript --default-packages=devtools,utils,methods,stats -e "suppressPackageStartupMessages(source_gist(1016957))" -e "invisible(,as.list(commandArgs(TRUE))))" foo.bam
GA <- readGappedAlignments(bamPath)
GA.gapped <-
## which ones have gaps?
GA[ngap(GA) != 0]
GA.gapped.grg <-
## a GRanges, with one component per alignment (which looses
## spliced internals).
GA.gapped.grglist <-
## a GRangesList of GRanges, one per alignment
J2J.grglist <-
## the gapped regions (presumably intronic), as GRangesList,
## indexed by read.
J2J.GRanges <-
## the gapped regions, as genome wide GRanges
## Offset to include the last base of upstream exon and first base
## of downstream exon:
start(J2J.GRanges) <- start(J2J.GRanges) - 1
end(J2J.GRanges) <- end(J2J.GRanges) + 1
J2JDF <-
## coerce to data.frame so we can query using sqldf.
tabulatedGaps <-
## Count the number of reads grouped by chromosome,start,end,strand
sqldf(paste("SELECT seqnames AS space,start,end, count(*) AS score",
"GROUP BY seqnames,start,end"))
if ('' != bedPath) {
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