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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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(defmacro iter (&body body)
(with-gensyms (iter-block accumulate start)
`(block ,iter-block
(let ((,accumulate nil))
(macrolet ((while (condition)
`(unless ,condition
(return-from ,',iter-block
(nreverse ,',accumulate))))
(collect (thing &key into)
(if into
(signal 'accumulate-target :name into)
`(push ,thing ,',accumulate))))
(go ,start))))))
;; handler
(accumulate-target (c)
(setf accumulate (name c))
`(block ,iter-block
(let ((,accumulate nil))
(macrolet ((while (condition)
`(unless ,condition
(return-from ,',iter-block
(nreverse ,',accumulate))))
(collect (thing &key into)
`(push ,thing ,',accumulate)))
(go ,start))))))))))
CL-USER> (let ((i 0))
(iter (while (< i 5))
(incf i)
(print acc)
(collect (+ 3 (* 4 i)) :into acc)))
(11 7)
(15 11 7)
(19 15 11 7)
(7 11 15 19 23) ; This is the return value, everything above was printed.
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