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Created January 30, 2022 19:28
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GFlowNet trajectory balance: grid environment example
import torch as T
import numpy as np
import tqdm
import pickle
device = T.device('cpu')
horizon = 8
ndim = 2
n_hid = 256
n_layers = 2
bs = 16
detailed_balance = False # else, traj balance
uniform_pb = False
print('loss is', 'DB' if detailed_balance else 'TB')
def make_mlp(l, act=T.nn.LeakyReLU(), tail=[]):
return T.nn.Sequential(*(sum(
[[T.nn.Linear(i, o)] + ([act] if n < len(l)-2 else [])
for n, (i, o) in enumerate(zip(l, l[1:]))], []) + tail))
def log_reward(x):
ax = abs(x / (horizon-1) * 2 - 1)
return ((ax > 0.5).prod(-1) * 0.5 + ((ax < 0.8) * (ax > 0.6)).prod(-1) * 2 + 1e-3).log()
j = T.zeros((horizon,)*ndim+(ndim,))
for i in range(ndim):
jj = T.linspace(0,horizon-1,horizon)
for _ in range(i): jj = jj.unsqueeze(1)
j[...,i] = jj
truelr = log_reward(j)
print('total reward', truelr.view(-1).logsumexp(0))
true_dist = truelr.flatten().softmax(0).cpu().numpy()
def toin(z):
return T.nn.functional.one_hot(z,horizon).view(z.shape[0],-1).float()
Z = T.zeros((1,)).to(device)
if detailed_balance:
model = make_mlp([ndim*horizon] + [n_hid] * n_layers + [2*ndim+2]).to(device)
opt = T.optim.Adam([ {'params':model.parameters(), 'lr':0.001} ])
model = make_mlp([ndim*horizon] + [n_hid] * n_layers + [2*ndim+1]).to(device)
opt = T.optim.Adam([ {'params':model.parameters(), 'lr':0.001}, {'params':[Z], 'lr':0.1} ])
losses = []
zs = []
all_visited = []
first_visit = -1 * np.ones_like(true_dist)
l1log = []
for it in tqdm.trange(62501):
z = T.zeros((bs,ndim), dtype=T.long).to(device)
done = T.full((bs,), False, dtype=T.bool).to(device)
action = None
if detailed_balance:
ll_diff = T.zeros((ndim*horizon, bs)).to(device)
ll_diff = T.zeros((bs,)).to(device)
ll_diff += Z
i = 0
while T.any(~done):
pred = model(toin(z[~done]))
edge_mask =[ (z[~done]==horizon-1).float(), T.zeros(((~done).sum(),1), device=device) ], 1)
logits = (pred[...,:ndim+1] - 1000000000*edge_mask).log_softmax(1)
init_edge_mask = (z[~done]== 0).float()
back_logits = ( (0 if uniform_pb else 1)*pred[...,ndim+1:2*ndim+1] - 1000000000*init_edge_mask).log_softmax(1)
if detailed_balance:
log_flow = pred[...,2*ndim+1]
ll_diff[i,~done] += log_flow
if i>0: ll_diff[i-1,~done] -= log_flow
else: Z[:] = log_flow[0].item()
if action is not None:
if detailed_balance:
ll_diff[i-1,~done] -= back_logits.gather(1, action[action!=ndim].unsqueeze(1)).squeeze(1)
ll_diff[~done] -= back_logits.gather(1, action[action!=ndim].unsqueeze(1)).squeeze(1)
exp_weight= 0.
temp = 1
sample_ins_probs = (1-exp_weight)*(logits/temp).softmax(1) + exp_weight*(1-edge_mask) / (1-edge_mask+0.0000001).sum(1).unsqueeze(1)
action = sample_ins_probs.multinomial(1)
if detailed_balance:
ll_diff[i,~done] += logits.gather(1, action).squeeze(1)
ll_diff[~done] += logits.gather(1, action).squeeze(1)
terminate = (action==ndim).squeeze(1)
for x in z[~done][terminate]:
state = (x.cpu()*(horizon**T.arange(ndim))).sum().item()
if first_visit[state]<0: first_visit[state] = it
if detailed_balance:
termination_mask = ~done
termination_mask[~done] &= terminate
ll_diff[i,termination_mask] -= log_reward(z[~done][terminate].float())
done[~done] |= terminate
with T.no_grad():
z[~done] = z[~done].scatter_add(1, action[~terminate], T.ones(action[~terminate].shape, dtype=T.long, device=device))
i += 1
lens = z.sum(1)+1
if not detailed_balance:
lr = log_reward(z.float())
ll_diff -= lr
loss = (ll_diff**2).sum()/(lens.sum() if detailed_balance else bs)
if it%100==0:
print('loss =', np.array(losses[-100:]).mean(), 'Z =', Z.item())
emp_dist = np.bincount(all_visited[-200000:], minlength=len(true_dist)).astype(float)
emp_dist /= emp_dist.sum()
l1 = np.abs(true_dist-emp_dist).mean()
print('L1 =', l1)
l1log.append((len(all_visited), l1))
pickle.dump([losses,zs,all_visited,first_visit,l1log], open(f'out.pkl','wb'))
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