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Created July 2, 2020 12:54
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Common.TH
( includeFileInSource,
import Control.Monad.Extra (findM)
import Language.Haskell.TH
import RIO
import RIO.ByteString (pack, readFile, unpack)
import RIO.Directory (doesFileExist)
includeFileInSource ::
-- | Path to file
FilePath ->
-- | Haskell value name
String ->
Q [Dec]
includeFileInSource fp n = do
byteString <- runIO $ readFile fp
tWord8 <- [t|Word8|]
tByteString <- [t|ByteString|]
fnPack <- [|pack|]
[ SigD (mkName n) tByteString,
(mkName n)
[ Clause
( NormalB
$ AppE (SigE fnPack $ ArrowT `AppT` (ListT `AppT` tWord8) `AppT` tByteString)
$ ListE
$ fmap (LitE . IntegerL . fromIntegral) (unpack byteString)
chooseAndIncludeFileInSource ::
-- | Paths to files
[FilePath] ->
-- | Haskell value name
String ->
Q [Dec]
chooseAndIncludeFileInSource haystack name = do
mbNeedle <- runIO $ findM doesFileExist haystack
case mbNeedle of
Just needle -> includeFileInSource needle name
Nothing -> error "None of the file choices exist."
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