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Created September 28, 2016 20:24
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Refactoring stuff, saving this for later
trait NArray[I, A] { self =>
def dims: List[Idx[I]]
def coords: data.Vector[A]
def resetCoords(v: data.Vector[A]): NArray[I, A] =
if (coords.dim == v.dim) {
new NArray[I, A] {
val dims = self.dims
val coords = v
} else throw NArrayError("Coordinate replacement is of the incorrect size.")
def mapDims(f: List[Idx[I]] => List[Idx[I]]): NArray[I, A] =
new NArray[I, A] {
val dims = f(self.dims)
val coords = self.coords
def mapTypes[J](f: I => J): NArray[J, A] =
new NArray[J, A] {
val dims = self.dims map { idx => f(idx.idxType) }
val coords = self.coords
def mapNames(f: String => String): NArray[I, A] =
new NArray[I, A] {
val dims = self.dims map { idx => f( }
val coords = self.coords
def renameWith(mapping: Map[String, String]): NArray[I, A] =
new NArray[I, A] {
val dims = mapNames { idxn =>
mapping find { kv => kv._1 == idxn } match {
case Some(kv) => kv._2
case None => idxn
val coords = self.coords
def namesR: List[String] =
def names: List[String] = namesR.sorted
def size(idxname: String): Int = dims.filter( == idxname).head.dim
def sizesR: List[Int] =
def typeOf(idxname: String): I = dims.filter( == idxname).head.idxType
def order: Int = dims.length
def mapArray[B](f: data.Vector[A] => data.Vector[B]): NArray[I, B] =
NArray.mkNArray(dims, f(coords))
object NArray {
def mkNArray[I, A](dms: List[Idx[I]], vec: data.Vector[A]): NArray[I, A] = dms match {
case Nil => throw NArrayError("Cannot create an narray with empty dimensions, use scalar instead.")
case _ =>
val ds =
val n = ds.product
val v = {
if (vec.dim == n && ds.min > 0)
else throw NArrayError(s"Cannot create narray with ${ds.toString} dimensions and ${vec.dim} coordinates.")
new NArray[I, A] {
val dims = dms
val coords = v
def scalar[A](a: A): NArray[A, A] =
new NArray[A, A] {
val dims = List.empty[Idx[A]]
val coords = data.Vector.fromList(List(a))
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