##Set up mosh (mobile shell) on Uberspace and Mac
First of all you have to email the Uberspace team ([email protected]) and ask for opening an UDP port for mosh (don't forget to mention your username and uberspace server [you can get it with the command hostname
####On the Uberspace server:
Issue following command to execute the script from below:
curl -L http://goo.gl/PBo45c | bash
If there's an CODESET
error when making mosh, this will solve your problem: mobile-shell/mosh#503
####On Max OS X client:
If you have mosh already installed execute:
brew uninstall mobile-shell
To install the latest version of mosh run:
brew install --HEAD mobile-shell
Connect to the server with:
mosh --server="export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/.toast/armed/lib && ~/.toast/armed/bin/mosh-server" -p <THE_UDP_PORT_FROM_UBERSPACE_TEAM> <YOUR_UBERSPACE_USERNAME>@<YOUR_UBERSPACE_SERVER>.uberspace.de
######That's it!