Here is a fast explanation on this study for Freek to improve compile-time:
In Freek, Higher-Kinded Coproduct was based on Shapeless HList/Coproduct representation like:
sealed trait CoproductK[A] extends Product with Serializable
sealed trait CNilK[A] extends CoproductK[A]
sealed trait ConsK[H[_], L[_] <: CoproductK[_], A] extends CoproductK[A]
final case class Inlk[H[_], T[_] <: CoproductK[_], A](head : H[A]) extends ConsK[H, T, A]
final case class Inrk[H[_], T[_] <: CoproductK[_], A](tail : T[A]) extends ConsK[H, T, A]
So when you build a CoproductK
, it looks like:
ConsK[Foo1, ConsK[Foo2, ConsK[Foo3, CNilK]]]
Graphically, it looks like a tree in depth:
/ \
Foo1 ConsK
/ \
Foo2 ConsK
/ \
Foo3 CNilK
If you look at Shapeless, all operations are encoded using typeclass with some implicits.
In general when you define one operation, you have a few implicit cases: often, at least, one terminal case based on CNilK
and one recursive case based on ConsK
trait MyOp[C[_] <: CoproductK[_] {
// do something
object MyOp {
implicit def terminal: MyOp[CNilK] = ...
implicit def rec[C[_] <: CoproductK[_]](implicit next: MyOp[C]): MyOp[ConsK[H, C] = ...
So when scalac tries to resolve an implicit MyOp
for a n-level ConsK[Foo1, ConsK[Foo2, ConsK[Foo3, ...]]]
, it's going to do 2 x n
operations. So the number of implicits grows linearly with the length of the coproduct.
If you test in Scalac, you'll see that compile-time explodes as soon as you have coproduct of more than 5-6 elements.
So how can we try to improve that compile-time? By optimizing the structure for compile-time without losing it's capabilities
The idea is simple: Try to make
a less high & larger tree and reduce the number of implicit resolutions.
Naturally, in this purpose, we immediately think about kind of B-Tree (of order 3 in our case).
By applying this idea, here is the new representation of CoproductK
sealed trait CoproductK[A] extends Product with Serializable
sealed trait CNilK[A] extends CoproductK[A]
final case class In1[H[_], A](head: H[A]) extends CoproductK[A]
sealed trait In2[H1[_], H2[_], A] extends CoproductK[A]
final case class In2l[H1[_], H2[_], A](left: H1[A]) extends In2[H1, H2, A]
final case class In2r[H1[_], H2[_], A](right: H2[A]) extends In2[H1, H2, A]
sealed trait In3[H1[_], H2[_], H3[_], A] extends CoproductK[A]
final case class In3l[H1[_], H2[_], H3[_], A](left: H1[A]) extends In3[H1, H2, H3, A]
final case class In3m[H1[_], H2[_], H3[_], A](middle: H2[A]) extends In3[H1, H2, H3, A]
final case class In3r[H1[_], H2[_], H3[_], A](right: H3[A]) extends In3[H1, H2, H3, A]
sealed trait AppendK[L[_] <: CoproductK[_], R[_] <: CoproductK[_], A] extends CoproductK[A]
final case class Aplk[L[_] <: CoproductK[_], R[_] <: CoproductK[_], A](left: L[A]) extends AppendK[L, R, A]
final case class Aprk[L[_] <: CoproductK[_], R[_] <: CoproductK[_], A](right: R[A]) extends AppendK[L, R, A]
So, a 5-elements Coproduct would look like:
/ \
In2 In3
/ \ / | \
Foo1 Foo2 Foo3 Foo4 Foo5
If you need to describe implicits for MyOp
, you would write something like:
trait MyOp[C[_] <: CoproductK[_] {
// do something
object MyOp {
implicit def terminal: MyOp[CNilK] = ...
implicit def in1: MyOp[In1[...]] = ...
implicit def in2: MyOp[In2[...]] = ...
implicit def in3: MyOp[In3[...]] = ...
implicit def append: MyOp[AppendK[...]] = ...
So you have 5 implicits in this case.
For this kind of Tree containing n
elements, the height in best case can be :
height = log2(n+1)
For In1/In2/In3
, implicit resolutions is immediate.
For AppendK
, implicit resolution need to resolve left and right subtree.
The max number of AppendK
in a tree is: 2^(height - 1) - 1
The max number of In1/In2/In3
in a tree is: 2 x height
So by simplifying a lot, the max number of resolutions is something like log2(n+1)
which is far better than n
There are other improvements possibles in Scalac like the order of implicits and their priorities. But the structure itself already improves naturally compile-time and this idea is really cool IMHO ;)
To show the result of this in reality, here are compile-time before & after:
10 elements -> 5s
12 elements -> 10s
14 elements -> 29s
20 elements -> never ends
10 elements -> 2s
12 elements -> 3s
14 elements -> 4s
20 elements -> 8s
Have fun...