watchjs - Watch Javascript/CoffeeScript files for changes, concatenate and uglify
Just a very simple Python script (that depends on Node executables :p) to concatenate JS/Coffeescript files and compress them. I run a Procfile with Foreman that runs this python script on the js/ directory in small projects + stylus on the .styl files. It's similar to some functionality of but where Brunch is not suited I needed a small wrapper to do this for me.
chmod +x
./ <directory> <output filename>
Few notes: it concatenates files by filename, so it's best to prefix files with order numbers. Files that have the extension ".min.js" are not run through Uglify. You can uncomment lines in the code for Mac OS X, and the computer will announce verbally when there are errors in compilation.
Node's NPM: uglifyjs and coffee need to be in path
Python's PIP: envoy, clint