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Created July 27, 2016 20:52
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React-Intl with Enzyme
import React from 'react';
import messages from './messages.js';
import { Link } from 'react-router';
import {FormattedMessage, injectIntl, intlShape} from 'react-intl';
class Home extends React.Component {
render() {
const t = this.props.intl.formatMessage;
return (
<FormattedMessage {...messages.header}
link: <Link to="/">
Home.propTypes = {
intl: intlShape.isRequired
export default injectIntl(Home);
import React from 'react';
import { shallowWithIntl } from '../helpers/intl-enzyme-test-helper.js';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import Home from '__main_dir/components/views/Home/Home';
const wrapper = shallowWithIntl(<Home/>);
describe('The home page',function () {
it('should return the home page text', function () {
const headerText = wrapper.render().text();
expect(headerText).to.contain('The home page');
* Components using the react-intl module require access to the intl context.
* This is not available when mounting single components in Enzyme.
* These helper functions aim to address that and wrap a valid,
* English-locale intl context around them.
import React from 'react';
import { IntlProvider, intlShape } from 'react-intl';
import { mount, shallow } from 'enzyme';
import messages from '../../public/i18n/en.json';
// Create the IntlProvider to retrieve context for wrapping around.
const intlProvider = new IntlProvider({ locale: 'en', messages }, {});
const { intl } = intlProvider.getChildContext();
* When using React-Intl `injectIntl` on components, props.intl is required.
function nodeWithIntlProp(node) {
return React.cloneElement(node, { intl });
export function shallowWithIntl(node) {
return shallow(nodeWithIntlProp(node), { context: { intl } });
export function mountWithIntl(node) {
return mount(nodeWithIntlProp(node), {
context: { intl },
childContextTypes: { intl: intlShape }
import {defineMessages} from 'react-intl';
const messages = defineMessages({
header :{
id: 'home.header',
defaultMessage: 'The {link} page',
description: 'header text displayed at the top of the page'
home_link: {
id: 'home.home_link',
defaultMessage: 'home',
description: 'link text located in the home.header message'
export default messages;
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I found a way to avoid the warning in the unit testing environment. There is another way to get a translation string. See my gist

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