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Forked from HarshadRanganathan/Jenkinsfile
Created March 3, 2020 11:59
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Jenkins Declarative Pipeline Example -
def getProjectName() {
return 'JenkinsPipeline'
def getJDKVersion() {
return 'jdk1.8.0_101'
def getMavenConfig() {
return 'maven-config'
def getMavenLocation() {
return 'M2_HOME'
def getEnvironment() {
return 'QA\n' +
'STG\n' +
def getEmailRecipients() {
return ''
def getReportZipFile() {
return "Reports_Build_${BUILD_NUMBER}.zip"
def getS3ReportPath() {
return "$projectName"
def publishHTMLReports(reportName) {
// Publish HTML reports (HTML Publisher plugin)
publishHTML([allowMissing : true,
alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true,
keepAll : true,
reportDir : 'target\\view',
reportFiles : 'index.html',
reportName : reportName])
// To be determined dynamically later
/* Declarative pipeline must be enclosed within a pipeline block */
pipeline {
// agent section specifies where the entire Pipeline will execute in the Jenkins environment
agent {
* node allows for additional options to be specified
* you can also specify label '' without the node option
* if you want to execute the pipeline on any available agent use the option 'agent any'
node {
label '' // Execute the Pipeline on an agent available in the Jenkins environment with the provided label
* tools to auto-install and put on the PATH
* some of the supported tools - maven, jdk, gradle
tools {
jdk 'jdk1.7'
maven 'mvn3.5.0'
* parameters directive provides a list of parameters which a user should provide when triggering the Pipeline
* some of the valid parameter types are booleanParam, choice, file, text, password, run, or string
parameters {
choice(choices: "$environment", description: '', name: 'ENVIRONMENT')
string(defaultValue: "$emailRecipients",
description: 'List of email recipients',
* stages contain one or more stage directives
stages {
* the stage directive should contain a steps section, an optional agent section, or other stage-specific directives
* all of the real work done by a Pipeline will be wrapped in one or more stage directives
stage('Prepare') {
steps {
// GIT submodule recursive checkout
checkout scm: [
$class: 'GitSCM',
branches: scm.branches,
doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
extensions: [[$class: 'SubmoduleOption',
disableSubmodules: false,
parentCredentials: false,
recursiveSubmodules: true,
reference: '',
trackingSubmodules: false]],
submoduleCfg: [],
userRemoteConfigs: scm.userRemoteConfigs
// copy managed files to workspace
script {
if(params.USE_INPUT_DUNS) {
configFileProvider([configFile(fileId: '609999e4-446c-4705-a024-061ed7ca2a11',
targetLocation: 'input/')]) {
echo 'Managed file copied to workspace'
stage('User Input') {
// when directive allows the Pipeline to determine whether the stage should be executed depending on the given condition
// built-in conditions - branch, expression, allOf, anyOf, not etc.
when {
// Execute the stage when the specified Groovy expression evaluates to true
expression {
return params.ENVIRONMENT ==~ /(?i)(STG|PRD)/
* steps section defines a series of one or more steps to be executed in a given stage directive
steps {
// script step takes a block of Scripted Pipeline and executes that in the Declarative Pipeline
script {
// This step pauses Pipeline execution and allows the user to interact and control the flow of the build.
// Only a basic "process" or "abort" option is provided in the stage view
input message: '', ok: 'Proceed',
parameters: [
string(name: '', description: ''),
stage('Maven version') {
steps {
echo "Hello, Maven"
sh "mvn --version" // Runs a Bourne shell script, typically on a Unix node
stage('Maven Install') {
steps {
script {
* Override maven in this stage
* you can also use 'tools {maven: "$mavenLocation"}'
* globalMavenSettingsConfig: Select a global maven settings element from File Config Provider
* jdk: Select a JDK installation
* maven: Select a Maven installation
withMaven(globalMavenSettingsConfig: "$mavenConfig", jdk: "$JDKVersion", maven: "$mavenLocation") {
* To proceed to the next stage even if the current stage failed,
* enclose this stage in a try-catch block
try {
sh "mvn clean install"
} catch (Exception err) {
echo 'Maven clean install failed'
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
} finally {
stage('Quality Analysis') {
steps {
* makes use of one single agent, and spins off 2 runs of the steps inside each parallel branch
"Integration Test": {
echo 'Run integration tests'
"Sonar Scan": {
sh "mvn sonar:sonar"
stage('Transfer Script') {
steps {
// provide SSH credentials to builds via a ssh-agent in Jenkins
sshagent(['test-key']) {
sh "scp ${identity}:${path}"
stage('Execute Script') {
steps {
script {
// provide SSH credentials to builds via a ssh-agent in Jenkins
sshagent(['test-key']) {
// AWS credentials binding - each binding will define an environment variable active within the scope of the step
withCredentials([[$class: 'AmazonWebServicesCredentialsBinding',
accessKeyVariable: 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY',
credentialsId: 'test',
secretKeyVariable: 'AWS_SECRET_KEY']]) {
sh """
ssh ${identity} "chmod 755 && ./ --aws-access-key ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY} " \
"--aws-secret-key ${AWS_SECRET_KEY}"
stage('Determine Agent') {
steps {
script {
if(params.ENVIRONMENT == 'PRD') {
} else {
* Saves a set of files for use later in the same build, generally on another node/workspace.
* Stashed files are not otherwise available and are generally discarded at the end of the build.
* Note that the stash and unstash steps are designed for use with small files.
* For large data transfers, use the External Workspace Manager plugin.
stash 'workspace'
stage('Deploy') {
steps {
* Execute the steps in the dynamically determined node
* We don't use 'agent' here as it won't have access to the script context
* i.e.
* agent {
* }
* will result in error as EXECUTOR_AGENT will be 'null'
// Restores a set of files previously stashed into the current workspace in a different node
script {
withAWS(profile: 'Deploy-User') {
sh "python"
stage('Collect Reports') {
steps {
echo "Reports directory: ${workspace}/target/view"
zip dir: "${workspace}/target", zipFile: "$reportZipFile" // Create a zip file of content in the workspace
stage('Archive reports in S3') {
steps {
// withAWS step provides authorization for the nested steps
withAWS(region: 'us-east-1', profile: '') {
// Upload a file/folder from the workspace to an S3 bucket
s3Upload(file: "$reportZipFile",
bucket: '',
path: "$s3ReportPath")
* post section defines actions which will be run at the end of the Pipeline run or stage
* post section condition blocks: always, changed, failure, success, unstable, and aborted
post {
// Run regardless of the completion status of the Pipeline run
always {
// send email
// email template to be loaded from managed files
emailext body: '${SCRIPT,template="managed:EmailTemplate"}',
attachLog: true,
compressLog: true,
attachmentsPattern: "$reportZipFile",
mimeType: 'text/html',
subject: "Pipeline Build ${BUILD_NUMBER}",
to: "${params.EMAIL_RECIPIENTS}"
// clean up workspace
// Only run the steps if the current Pipeline’s or stage’s run has a "success" status
success {
script {
def payload = """
"@type": "MessageCard",
"@context": "",
"themeColor": "0076D7",
"summary": "Test Message",
"sections": [{
"activityTitle": "Test Message",
"activitySubtitle": "",
"activityImage": "",
"facts": [{
"name": "ENVIRONMENT",
"value": "${params.ENVIRONMENT}"
"markdown": true
"potentialAction": [{
"@type": "OpenUri",
"name": "View Build",
"targets": [
{ "os": "default", "uri": "${BUILD_URL}" }
// publish message to webhook
httpRequest httpMode: 'POST',
contentType: 'APPLICATION_JSON',
url: "${webhookUrl}",
requestBody: payload
// configure Pipeline-specific options
options {
// keep only last 10 builds
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '10'))
// timeout job after 60 minutes
timeout(time: 60,
unit: 'MINUTES')
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