Assume that we want to create a bucket called, and you have already
1. Create the bucket.
- go to AWS console, s3, select the s3 region that you want.
- name the bucket
- save and then select -> click actions-> properties
-> in properties click permissions -> add permissions add VIEW for EVERYBODY (s3 files are unguessable urls)
2. Create the CNAME
- go to dnsmadeeasy (or whoever is your dns provider)
- click on (recently updated domains list)
- create a cname from foo to (the ending . is important)
- go to a browser and go to
- should auto redirect to the same place as
- should produces access denied (no public list access)
3. Create the User
- go to the AWS console -> IAM
- click users -> create user, pick name = foo, click show credentials copy and store access key and secret somewhere
- click users -> click foo -> click Permissions tab -> click add policy -> click custom policy ,
- paste the policy below - -named foo
}- click users -> click red mine -> click Permissions tab -> click add policy -> click custom policy - named remindlistall (this is needed because the access request is preceded by list all…)
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:ListAllMyBuckets",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::*"
4. Test
- go to the S3 console
- upload a file,
- right click on it -> properties,
- get its link
- open incognito brower and try to go there
- (do not recall if you need to set the file's permissions to view everyone too...)