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Created March 31, 2016 12:47
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Getting started aws ses and demo using aws_sdk gem version 2
Getting started aws ses
1. Verify email address
In the sandbox you can send email only from emails yiu have verified.
Go to email AWS SES then on the left clcik on 'verified senders'
to start the verification process:
a. click 'verify a ne sender'
in the dialogue box add your email and click submit. you will receive
an verification email. to verify the email, click the link in the email.
b. Go back to aws ses in the aws dashboard and click 'verified senders'.
you will see the new verified email. beside it click on 'send test email'.
2. Send an email
as a new user you will be placed on aws sandbox and will not have unlimited send.
in the sandbox, email can be sent only to and from verified email.
you can send a maximum of 200 messagesper day. you can send a maximu of one message per second.
3. Request production access
To request production access, click on request production access.
aws-sdk-core gem or version 2 of aws-ruby gem
at 32 miunte shows how to write a plugin to acts as a middleware to insert in the gem
the gem pulls any env variables means for aws like ENV[AWS_REGION']
it ships with aws.rb binary which you can see by typing.
it uses pry as an interactive console and fals back to irb
aws.rb -h
from there you have access to all amazon services
#to list all the aws services and their classes
aws> Aws.service_classes
#there are helper methods for creating aws service client
aws> Aws.s3
or just type for similar result as above
aws> s3
#each service constructor accepts a hash of configuaration parameters
aws> s3.config.
#it retries failed attempt 3 times by defaut
aws> s3.config.retry_limit
#you can configure the retry limit with
aws> s3(retry_limit: 10).config.retry_limit
#make a round trip request to aws dynamo service to see the tables
aws> resp = dynamodb.list_tables(limit: 1)
#there are some interesting properties on the response object above
aws> resp.context
#list s3 buckets and map their names
aws> resp = s3.list_buckets
aws > resp.buckets.first.creation_date
aws > resp.buckets.first[:creation_date]
aws > resp.to_hash
#u can carryout paramter validation, which means if you pass in the wrong paramsters
it will fail with the right errors. so the parametsrs for dynamodb believe
is missing some values.
aws > dynamodb.create_table(table: 'my-table', provisioned_throughput: {read_capacity_units: 9000})
#entering debug mode
the command below will return even the wire response that the gem parses
#calling aws.rb -v allows wire tracing to see the request made over the wire and the response
aws > aws.rb -v
aws > s3.list_buckets;nil
aws > Aws.s3(http_wire_trace: false)
aws > Aws.config[:http_wire_transfer] = false
#to exit the aws.rb interactive shell call 'quit'
aws > quit
#you can scope configuration option to just a service while other service still use the default.
aws > Aws.config[:s3] = {retry_limit: 10}
aws> Aws.config[:s3][:force_paths] = true
aws > Aws.config.delete(:force_paths)
#CHECKING AWS api versions
#u can check which version service client api you are using but by default
you will get the latest api.
#let's say you want t work against the 2011 version of an service client api
#first check the available api versions with
aws > AWS::DynamoDB.api_versions
aws > '2011-12-05')
#set the api version globally for all service
aws > Aws.config[:api_version] = '2012-01-01'
AWS re:Invent 2014 | (DEV303) Touring Version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby
installing version sdk
gem install aws-sdk --pre
gem install aws-sdl-resources --pre
gem install aws-sdk-core
bundleing sdk in your gem file
gem 'aws-sdk', '~>2'
managing aws credentials
-never put aws credentials in source code
-credential provider chain
-environmental variables, -shared credential file, -EC2 instances profile credential.
shared credential file
-by default looks in '#{HOME}/.aws/credentials'
- INI format
- AWS CLI and other SDKs use same credentials
- "AWS_PROFILE" specifies credential profile.
eg of what credential filelooks like
aws_access_key_id = AKEX
aws_secret_access_key = fakefoo/bar
aws_access_key_id = AKEX
aws_secret_access_key = fakefoo/bar
demo in the console
aws > s3 =
#each resource comes with a client
aws > s3.client
#we can create an s3 bucket resource object and we haven't made a sytem call yet
aws > b = s3.bucket('wizebee-bucket')
aws > b.objects
aws >
#the aws gem provides all of the features of ruby enumerable and as with
ec2 instances, we can pass in different filters and other parameters
you will male into list objects
aws > videos = b.objects(prefix: "videos/")
#we can also use the enumerable method call reject
if we want to get everything but the mp4 file
aws > videos.reject { |o|/\.mp4$/ .match(o.key) }
#delete all the videos
aws > videos.delete
amazon s3: iterating objects
#involves automatic pagination
client =
resp = client.list_objects(bucket: name)
resp.each do |page|
or use resources to achieve the above
s3 = =
s3.bucket(name).objects.each do |obj|
puts obj.key
with the aws-sdk gem version 2
--all rsponses automatically paginated, including client responses
- include helper methods
- replace many V1 higher level abstractions
##waiters in aws-sdk 2 (at 22 minutes)
amazon ec2: waiting on an instance to become available
client.wait_until(instance_running, instance_ids: [instance_ids])
amazon s3: waiting on an object to exist
client.wait_until(:object_exists, bucket: bucket_name, key: object_key)
or using resources
#you can check the waiters name on the client
aws > s3.client.waiter_names
#lets take a look at an object, wait until it exists and then read the body
#this code returns 404
aws > puts b.objects('hello-reivent')
# so lets make it exists
aws > s3.bucket('reinvent-ruby-demo').object('hello-reinvent').put(body: 'hello')
the waiters aws-sdk version 2
-poll client requests for success/failure states
-can be used with base client and resources
ruby on rails example with aws-sdk v2
todo sample app
-exceedingly simple task manager
feature added during demo(task update notifications feature)
-requirement: notify users when tasks states changes
-multiple delivery methids eg email and sms
-needs to scale, this is going to be big
solution: amazon sns integration (at 28 minutes)
from page 51
-supports email
-supports sms
-handles saling for you
-resources api supports sns
in the gemfile
gem 'aws-sdk-resources'
#we add two form tags, one to populate sms and email subscriber each
<div id='subscription-forms'>
<h3>subscribe to task updates</h3>
<div id='sms-form>
<p> subscribe via sms</p>
<%= form_tag("/subscriptions/sms", method: 'post') do %>
<%= telephone_field(:subscription, :endpoint) %>
<%= submit_tag('subscribe')%>
<% end %>
<div id='email-form>
<p> subscribe via email</p>
<%= form_tag("/subscriptions/email", method: 'post') do %>
<%= email_field(:subscription, :endpoint) %>
<%= submit_tag('subscribe')%>
<% end %>
post 'subscriptions/sms' => 'subscriptions#create_sms'
post 'subscriptions/email' => 'subscriptions#create_email'
#create a controller for our subscriptions
class SubscriptionsController < ApplicationCcontroller
def create_sms
subscription.subscribe('sms', params['subscription'['endpoint'])
redirect_to task_paths
#email pseudo class and we specify the endpoint and redirect back to our page
def create_email
subscription.subscribe('email', params['subscription'['endpoint'])
redirect_to task_paths
#the subscription pseudo model
#remember when you create a resource call it will not make
#a client call until it has to, so we have used that to simplify the code
#below by making 3 calls
class Subscription
def self.topic
#first call related to aws_sdk which creates a topic
def self.subscribe(protocol, endpoint)
#second call related to aws_sdk, which creates a subscription
topic.subscribe(protocol: protocol, endpoint: endpoint) if topic
def self.publish(message, subject = nil)
opts = {message: message}
opts[:subject] = subject if subject
#third call related to aws_sdk, which publishes a message
#in the task controller, for each task actions, we want to
add a publishing notification with one line subscription.publish
class TasksController < ApplicationController
def create
@task =
#publish a notification
subscription.publish("created new task: #{}", "new task created")
redirect_to tasks_path
flash[:error] = "task creation failed! #{print_erros(@task)}"
redirect_to tasks_path
what we did with code implementing the notification feature
- every time a tasks is created, updated, or deleted,
a status message is published to amazon
- amazon sns handles delivery and scaling
-eliminatied duplication with resouces apis
Miniature Rails app that provides an example of handling SES bounce notifications with a README that describes SES bounce config
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