openapi: 3.0.0 |
info: |
version: 1.0.0 |
title: Bulk viscosity module |
contact: |
email: [email protected] |
license: |
name: Apache-2.0 |
url: 'https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt' |
description: "Test of the OpenAPI validator" |
servers: |
- url: "/" |
description: "Dummy API server" |
paths: |
/input/eos.yaml: |
put: |
summary: Input equation of state for neutral npe matter |
description: > |
A particular equation of state generated by a compatible MUSES module. |
operationId: putEoS |
security: [] |
requestBody: |
description: Equation of state and module configuration |
required: true |
content: |
application/json: |
schema: |
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Equation_Of_State_with_Leptons' |
responses: |
'200': |
description: Successful operation |
'400': |
description: Bad request. Invalid input provided. |
'500': |
description: Unexpected error. Run time error in calculation. |
/output/Urca_rate.yaml: |
get: |
summary: Rate of proton to neutron conversion |
description: > |
The Urca rate per unit volume of proton to neutron conversion |
operationId: getUrca |
responses: |
'200': |
description: calculated Urca rate |
content: |
application/json: |
schema: |
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Tabulated_Rate_of_n_to_p' |
'404': |
description: Data not found. |
'500': |
description: Unexpected error. |
components: |
schemas: |
Equation_Of_State_with_Leptons: |
title: Equation of State including leptons |
description: Equation of state for neutral npe matter tabulated on a grid of nB,T,YQ |
type: array |
items: |
type: object |
properties: |
n_B: |
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Baryon_Density' |
T: |
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Temperature' |
Y_Q: |
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Charge_Fraction' |
e_B: |
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Baryon_Energy_Density' |
p_B: |
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Baryon_Pressure' |
s_B: |
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Baryon_Entropy_Density' |
n_n: |
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Neutron_Density' |
n_p: |
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Proton_Density' |
mu_n: |
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Neutron_Chemical_Potential' |
mu_p: |
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Proton_Chemical_Potential' |
M_n: |
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Neutron_Effective_Mass' |
M_p: |
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Proton_Effective_Mass' |
U_n: |
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Neutron_Energy_Shift' |
U_p: |
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Proton_Energy_Shift' |
mu_NQ: |
$ref: '#/components/schemas/NegCharge_Chemical_Potential' |
Tabulated_Rate_of_n_to_p: |
title: table of n to p conversion rate |
description: table of n to p conversion rate as a function of nB,T,YQ |
type: array |
items: |
type: object |
properties: |
n_B: |
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Baryon_Density' |
T: |
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Temperature' |
Y_Q: |
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Charge_Fraction' |
rate_n_to_p: |
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Rate_n_to_p' |
Baryon_Density: |
title: Baryon Density |
description: "density of baryons in MeV^3" |
type: number |
format: float |
default: 1200000.0 |
example: 1.0e6 |
minimum: 0 |
Temperature: |
title: Temperature |
description: "temperature in MeV" |
type: number |
format: float |
default: 0 |
example: 1.0 |
minimum: 0 |
Charge_Fraction: |
title: Charge Fraction |
description: "ratio of electric charge density carried by baryons to baryon density" |
type: number |
format: float |
default: 0 |
example: 0.2 |
minimum: -1 |
maximum: 1 |
Baryon_Energy_Density: |
title: Baryon Energy Density |
description: "density of energy carried by baryons in MeV^4" |
type: number |
format: float |
default: 0 |
example: 1.0e8 |
minimum: 0 |
Baryon_Pressure: |
title: Baryon Pressure |
description: "pressure due to baryons in MeV^4" |
type: number |
format: float |
default: 0 |
example: 1.0e8 |
minimum: 0 |
Rate_n_to_p: |
title: Rate of n to p conversion |
description: "Rate of n to p conversion in MeV^4" |
type: number |
format: float |
default: 0 |
example: 1.0e-8 |
Baryon_Entropy_Density: |
title: Baryon Entropy Density |
description: "entropy density of baryons in MeV^3" |
type: number |
format: float |
default: 100000.0 |
example: 1.0e6 |
minimum: 0 |
Proton_Density: |
title: Proton Density |
description: "density of protons in MeV^3" |
type: number |
format: float |
default: 120000.0 |
example: 1.0e5 |
minimum: 0 |
Neutron_Density: |
title: Neutron Density |
description: "density of neutrons in MeV^3" |
type: number |
format: float |
default: 1200000.0 |
example: 1.0e6 |
minimum: 0 |
Neutron_Chemical_Potential: |
title: Neutron Chemical Potential |
description: "relativistic chemical potential for neutrons in MeV" |
type: number |
format: float |
default: 1000.0 |
example: 1000.0 |
Proton_Chemical_Potential: |
title: Proton Chemical Potential |
description: "relativistic chemical potential for protons in MeV" |
type: number |
format: float |
default: 1000.0 |
example: 1000.0 |
NegCharge_Chemical_Potential: |
title: Chemical Potential for Negative Electric Charge |
description: "chemical potential for negative electric charge in MeV" |
type: number |
format: float |
default: 1000.0 |
example: 1000.0 |
Neutron_Effective_Mass: |
title: Neutron Effective Mass |
description: "effective Dirac mass of neutrons in MeV" |
type: number |
format: float |
default: 939.0 |
example: 939.0 |
minimum: 0 |
Proton_Effective_Mass: |
title: Proton Effective Mass |
description: "effective Dirac mass of protons in MeV" |
type: number |
format: float |
default: 938.0 |
example: 938.0 |
minimum: 0 |
Neutron_Energy_Shift: |
title: Neutron Energy Shift |
description: "energy shift (averaged interaction potential) of neutrons in MeV" |
type: number |
format: float |
default: 939.0 |
example: 939.0 |
Proton_Energy_Shift: |
title: Proton Energy Shift |
description: "energy shift (averaged interaction potential) of protons in MeV" |
type: number |
format: float |
default: 938.0 |
example: 938.0 |