- Order new joiner's preference of laptop (MBP of XPS)
- Obtain licence for PHP Storm
- Provision Email account (request in #it-help-desk)
- Invite to appropriate recurring meetings (standups, tech planning etc)
- Access to Github and assign required role(s)
- Access to Jira and Confluence (request in #it-help-desk)
- Access to datadog (invite new user from within DD)
- Development AWS account (create Jira ticket on "devops" Jira board and share on #dev-help-desk)
- level prestaging database (jira ticket asking for a user to be created for http://level-aurora-prestg.cluster-cajoadjqflvj.eu-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com)
- Welcome call/meeting with the team on the first day
- Session to cover Level big picture and current OKRs
- Datadog tour
- RabbitMq overview
- Jira tour & Team Jira conventions
- Vault tour
- Recommended Slack channels
- Team Github conventions (tickets in PRs)
- Deployment to production
- Deployment of specific branch to pre-staging
- PHP Storm
- Secondaey IDE (i.e. VSCode)
- DB client of choice (recommend DBeaver)
- Generate an SSH and PGP key
- Docker and docker-compose
- Install tooling (make, curl, jq, nmap, dig, yq etc)
- Configure aws-cli
- OpenVPN setup for machine and mobile device
- Early access Level app on mobile device
- email account owner to get permissions ([email protected])
- install https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.levelcard.prestg&hl=en_GB&gl=US
- Kubernetes tooling (k9s, Lens)